What is that word?!?

Hey Veeky Forums

I am trying to remember a specific word. It starts with pre-. It means "this argument came first, therefor it can exist without this other argument." Like "A predates B." But it's not predates, preempts, presumes, nor presupposes. It's definitely a verb.

This isn't for school or anything, it's just annoying me that I can't remember


Maybe, but it doesn't feel right. Precedes is mostly just chronological

A is a prerequisite for B?

how about just good ol' precede



>this argument came first, therefor it can exist without this other argument.

Can you explain more what you mean by that? I don't understand what this means.


As I remember it, the word is kinda specific for logic. Like, A is true whether or not B is true.

A does not presuppose B?


presupposition, presupposes

I'm getting less sure that this word actually exists, but this is a reasonable definition for what I'm thinking of

It might not start with a P. I feel like there's a word for what you're talking about in propositional logic but it's been so long since I did any of that that I don't remember.

A antecedes B

>It might not start with a P
You might be right. I have had this problem before with other words, but had the wrong prefix.

predecessor ?

"a priori"?

Maybe I got the prefix wrong, but it's definitely an active, present-tense verb. A ___s B.



