I won't do it lads

I won't do it lads.
Right now, I'm stuck with Human Action.
How is the challenge going on?

Do you have to pick from their list of books? I already have mine picked out for the rest of the year.

Interested in challenging myself with it in 2017

You just set how many books you want to read for a year.
How many do you think you can read next year?

I'll try 50 again.

1 book away from 200%. No I didn't set the challenge to 1 book.

>inb4 why are you losers reading for arbitrary numbers / why are you losers showing off / do you losers really need to set goals and force yourselves to meet them in order to read
It's really just a helpful forecast of the coming year, and you can keep track of how well along you are. I don't think anyone takes it this seriously.

I'm going well, my first goodreads reading challenge. Target was 50, I'm currently on 72 which is by far the most I've ever read.

You can just speed it up by being one of those assholes who count a short story as a book.

My Goodreads 2016 goal is 100, but I read lots of comic books. The actual novel count is going to end up somewhere around 25.

I'm 7 behind schedule but I've been playing vidya instead of reading.

I don't even like video games.

I joined the site and started recording half way through the year. I maybe read 5 books in those first 6 months.

I set 15 as my goal. At 16 as of now so it went well. I might start a doorstopper next to round out 2016.

As for next year I will aim for 52, simply because I am enjoying the pace of a book a week that I have had these last couple of months.

Yeah, setting goals is useful.

I've planned a few short books, but it's to compensate for the longer ones that I am reading.

The fuck is wrong with you?

Yeah, same. That's why I set 50 books.


Seb how do you do it?

Are you an audiobooker?

>Seb how do you do it?

The doctor wrote me a sick note for 2016

Human Action is purposeful behavior.

read some plays, this is very doable in a weekend even

I'm doing alright.

I'll only read 100 books in my lifetime. So, my selection to read is careful and not careful unlike yours. Death is what I want to occur in me. To die, sooner, would be welcomed to me more than anything, but. The books will be read til I'm dead.

I was thirty-five books ahead of schedule over the summer but work's been demanding. It looks like I'll have the week off, though. I may make it.

God dammit, Sebastian.

5 page short stories don't count you fucking faggot.


I have squandered a lot of reading time this year. Due to the odd university calendar this year, I've spent 6 months in vacation, but I've only read about 3 books.
I started reading seriously in September, and am close to 50 books now. Even if 50 is a nice number, I could have probably read 100-150 books by now.