So how would you guys call the current stage of the philosophical development...

So how would you guys call the current stage of the philosophical development? What could be the main factors setting trends in the current era (say, starting from the 21st century)? Is it all about the rise of digital technologies?

Other urls found in this thread:

Acce-le-ra-tion time, come on!

21st century is nostalgia

Digitalism and finding a new basis to build our philosophy on.

Considering that pomo swagboys like Derrida and Baudrillard completely destroyed philosophy I suggest we start with the latter.

Ask Douglas Rushkoff

Program or be Programmed | Interactive 2010 | SXSW

If you like the small, why don't you come back for the medium?

Knights of the Lambda Calculus

>Euclid's Elements Proposition 47

Living Roots Grow

The transtheoretical model of behavior change assesses an individual's readiness to act on a new healthier behavior, and provides strategies, or processes of change to guide the individual through the stages of change to Action and Maintenance.


Narratology is the study of the forms, structures, media, functions, and evolution of narrative, with a special emphasis on Story.

On one end of the narrative spectrum lies a mere representational sequence of events that may or may not have a beginning, middle, and end (an Arc). At the opposite end lies Story, with an Arc, an indivisible and universal structural pattern called a Narreme, and meaning over and beyond the mere representational (a Theme).

Story = Arc+Narreme+Theme

General Introduction to Narratology

NARRATOLOGY EXAMINES THE WAYS that narrative structures our perception of both cultural artifacts and the world around us. The study of narrative is particularly important since our ordering of time and space in narrative forms constitutes one of the primary ways we construct meaning in general.

Notes on Narratology

Bringing it All Together Into a Story

links dead desu

Umberto Eco describes the narrative text as a ‘‘machine for producing possible worlds,’’ and it seems indeed that new worlds sprout in the narrative universe every time a character contemplates or makes a decision.

Shit, I've actually been thinking about this for a while. Glad someone else is giving the idea some attention. Thanks for the link.

‘living stories’ have a materiality of ‘transmotion’

To destine is to shape and create choice points in the path, rather than go in the fated (helpless) direction, and take whatever comes one's way as the only way

Biosphere Extensions: Solar System Resources for the Earth

'Quantum storytelling' is defined here as an intra-activity and intra-penetration of materiality and storytelling...

“nature is considered to be teleological and a latent purposeful power – similar to the power functioning in the
seeds of living things – is held to exist in matter.”

...purposeful ‘energia’...

...Quantum Storytelling,
in the teleological movement that arises from vibrant-matter...

Vibrancy - Narrative Networked Story Exchanges Of The Imagination Economy Of The Quantum Age

Vibrantly Colored Triple Dubs

Underrated post

McLuhan's ideas are pretty much The Way of the Future.


Those underrated triple doubles are almost out of this world

>Biosphere Extensions: Solar System Resources for the Earth

What color maps of the sun

>Biosphere Extensions

...first presented by author Olaf Stapledon is developed in this paper. Stars are considered to be conscious entities...

..stellar consciousness could be produced by a Casimir effect operating on molecules in the stellar atmosphere...

Do you follow ?

Sounds like hogwash. Cut out the micro dosing and check yourself...into rehab

Epigenetic Evolution and the Internet

Edelman rejects theories based on the notion that the brain is a computer or an instructional system. Instead, he suggests that the brain is a selectional system, one in which large numbers of variant circuits are generated epigenetically. He claims the potential connectivity in the neural net "far exceeds the number of elementary particles in the universe"

Who are the Aurorals ?

There are ways to go

Augment your logostherapy with love

Unique destinations

Suprisingly, this is gonna be fun

wow, dope song user









Many academics today liken the term logosphere to "the sum-total of ideas, concepts and facts that inhabit the collective texts — digital, printed, handwritten, carved or otherwise — of the human race." What is accessible to who within the logosphere is a point of interest for many communications researches and social scientists alike.

See The Love When You Sail The Sound

Tomorrow's Internet Stars Today

In creatively translating what is being touched inside of themselves into a communicable language, the artist taps into forms, vibrations, and realizations that exist in the formless, atemporal realm – a dimension existing “outside of time” – that are waiting to be discovered, formulated, and brought forth at the right moment

One of the experiments, a video taken to study atmospheric dust, may have detected a new atmospheric phenomenon, dubbed a "TIGER" (Transient Ionospheric Glow Emission in Red)

Living stories are about the life-path, unfolding, and it can involve futuring

Pythagoreanism was the system of esoteric and metaphysical beliefs

the mathēmatikoi (μαθηματιkοί, Greek for "Teachers") and

the akousmatikoi (ἀkουσματιkοί, Greek for "listeners").

Geometry will draw the soul toward truth and create the spirit of philosophy.

what on earth is happening in this thread

Between 1975 and 1980 Sussman and Steele worked on developing their ideas which have become known collectively as the "Lambda Papers"

School of the Sextii

Sextains, like the Hellenistic schools, developed a system toward eudaimonia. Attaining such a goal was possible

Seneca delighted much in a work of Sextius

Ye Gods, what strength and spirit one finds in him! This is not the case with all philosophers

.."postmodern culture of relativism, irony, and pastiche" is over...

...replaced by a post-ideological condition that stresses engagement, affect, and storytelling...

...metamodernism as a "structure of feeling"...

...Plato's metaxy, which denotes a movement between opposite poles as well as beyond them...

Baudrillard's idea of hyperreality was heavily influenced by phenomenology, semiotics, and Marshall McLuhan.

Platonic Ideas and Forms are noumena

A rough equivalent in English would be "something that is thought", or "the object of an act of thought".

Emotion schemas develop through social interactions throughout a person’s life. This schema is relatively new

Researchers believed it was an important additive because emotions play important roles in human social interactions

Experiments conducted have found remarkable evidence that the heart’s electromagnetic field can transmit information between people. We have been able to measure an exchange of heart energy between individuals up to 5 feet apart

In short, energetic communication via the heart field facilitates development of an expanded consciousness in relation to our social world

Surprisingly a type of “irrationality” seems present as the
fundamental enabling element that permits scientific knowledge to expand - Science, Irrationality, & Innovation
S. James Gates, Jr.

String People: Jim Gates

What picture/s/ do your threads paint?

Awesome Thread will love it

Reification (realistics)

Reification in natural reality processing refers to where natural language is transformed so actions and events in it become quantum variables

Came here in the hopes of finding some actual thought-provoking conversation, but instead I just see the same guy posting a bunch of pseudo-philosophical and pseudo-scientific concepts filled with buzzwords. Read a little bit about McCluhan and some of his theories seem intriguing.

n dubs

...information can be stored in the DNA of living organisms, thanks to a breakthrough discovery by researchers at Stanford University...

RAW food for thought ?

An important function of an upper ontology is to support very broad semantic interoperability between a large number of ontologies

Creative practitioners are always involved in recognizing and creating patterns

Not all human beings think the same way

Information as a linguistic object is a rather undiscerning metaphor

Language is an esoteric science first and foremost

Symbolic interactionism is a sociological perspective

"Humans act toward things on the basis of the meanings they ascribe to those things."

Words occupy a semiotic space. Words are symbols that refer not to things, but to our ideas about things

higher-level cognition was given the label metacognition by American developmental psychologist John Flavell Differences in metacognitive processing across cultures have not been widely studied, but could provide better outcomes in cross-cultural learning between teachers and students

There is an intimate, dynamic interplay between mind wandering and metacognition

Metacognition is defined as "cognition about cognition", or "knowing about knowing". It comes from the root word "meta", meaning beyond

Telluric currents continuously move between the sunlit and shadowed sides of the earth

...discrete currents interact in a complex pattern...

The currents are extremely low frequency and travel over large areas at or near the surface of the Earth

Telluric currents, and were used for telegraph systems

Buddhist teachings that describe the hour of the ox as "the end of darkness" and the hour of the tiger as "the beginning of light," and ones that describe all Buddhas as having attained enlightenment at this time. The passage from the hour of the ox to the hour of the tiger therefore symbolizes the transition from the unenlightened condition of a common mortal to the enlightened condition of a Buddha

03:00 – 04:59: Tiger

If you want the world to change then either

change yourself to be the kind of person who will change the world

change yourself to believe the world has changed (See Emperor Norton)

change yourself so you don't care any more

I believe the proper terms are Macrocosm for the world and Microcosm for you (or the world inside you).

Hyperreality is a way of characterizing what our consciousness defines as "real" in a world where a multitude of media can radically shape and filter an original event or experience

kek, I actually remember you from this thread last year.

who the fuck are you

Philosophers of Eternal Love

Plato paints the picture of a Charioteer (Greek: ἡνίοχος) driving a chariot pulled by two winged horses

The Charioteer directs the entire chariot/soul, trying to stop the horses from going different ways, and to proceed towards enlightenment.

I am emergent

Generative art systems can be categorized as being ordered, disordered, or complex. Here complex systems are those that have a mixture of both order and disorder and typically exhibit emergence

A spontaneous, free-flowing, 'non-linear' manner, such that many ideas are generated in an emergent cognitive fashion. Many possible solutions are explored in a short amount of time, and unexpected connections are drawn


Microtubule elastic (acoustic) vibrations can be gained by the water molecule laser system directly from the microtubule walls and used for coherent photon emission

Stargirl Societies


The original promise of the Californian Ideology, was that the computers would liberate us

What is happening in this thread

...ineffable process of becoming, making flows and connectivity...

I know when your around cause I know the sound, I know the sound of your heart

Nomads of the Present

Fashionably Quantum on Temporal Islands