Reading for radical centrism

Alright, I have seen the far right with my somewhat embarrassing years with /pol/. I also have flirted with leftism, specifically classical Marxism, and read the communist manifesto. I also had a pretty serious look into the libertarian/voluntarism side of things. Now, I am getting kind of tired of it all, tired of the extremism on all sides, so I now want to learn about radical centrism. Is it a good school of thought, and if so what are some good books to learn about it, some good centrist authors?

Thucydides. History of the Peloponnesian War.
Carl Von Clausewitz. On War.
Aristotle. Virtue Ethics.
Reflections on the Revolution in France. Edmund Burke.
The Social Contract. Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

Really about 99% of political discourse will be centrism. It's the master race tbqh.

Thanks my dude, I'll most likely read whichever ones are on project gutenberg.

tbqh I'd go out and buy them.
Especially Clausewitz or you might get dicked over with the shitty abridged version from the 70's.

>not post-political absurdism


alright, I went to leftypol as well to get their opinion, and I got this list from a guy

Some entry-level books I really liked. I think it's important to read scientific literature sometimes as well; this can help our world-view when we can think of human social interaction and economics in terms of physical laws and observations.

"Dragons Of Eden" by Carl Sagan (not particularly political, but some of the information became formative in my worldview)

"No Treason" by Lysander Spooner

"Agrarian Justice" by Thomas Paine

"The State and Revolution" By Vladmir Lenin

"10 Days That Shook the World" by John Reede

"Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution" and "The Conquest of Bread" by Peter Kropotkin

"Manufacturing Consent: the Political Economy of the Mass Media" by Noam Chompsky

Also, read Zizek

does this sound like a good list? I downloaded a lot of the mobis and am going to put them on my kindle, so i just want to make sure that I am in for a good ride.

Don't forget the complementary dragon dildo and chastity cage.

Literally none of that is centrism.
Also Chompsky is a pseud hack with no understanding of politics.

>and read the communist manifesto.
Wow all 12 pages?

I know none of it is centrism, I think they were just trying to give me a bunch of different types of leftist literature, seeing as it has everything from agrarian shit to chompsky to leninism to mutualism. I downloaded the mobis though, so would it be bad for me to read them?

>Trusting a list of left-wing political theory authors that doesn't include Locke

Help me out here, people always say "read zizek" but where do I start?

Burke is hardcore centrist man. I can hardly imagine a more moderate political philosophy than his.

rec me some locke then, but I am going to read these other books first because they are already on my kindle

The Penguin edition has a lot of historical context stuff

What the hell is leftypol?

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce is probably his most accesible, or just watch Pervert's Guide to Ideology.

/pol/ but leftist. There's a board on infinitychan and occasional content on /pol/ itself


>Is it a good school of thought
No, it's basically the light version of whatever political ideology is currently on the top of things.



>I have seen the far right with my somewhat embarrassing years with /pol/. I also have flirted with leftism, specifically classical Marxism, and read the communist manifesto. I also had a pretty serious look into the libertarian/voluntarism side of things. Now, I am getting kind of tired of it all, tired of the extremism on all sides, so I now want to learn about radical centrism

So basically what you're saying is you're still an impressionable and largely clueless teenager/student who has never had a job in their life. When you do finally leave school and mommy's purse you'll probably end up moving to conservatism like the vast majority of people do

>flirted with classical marxism
>only reads the manifesto

could you be anymore of a pseud?

>radical centrism

"Centrist" totally depends on the political context, you're just espousing whatever the prevailing ideology is at the time

when i think "radical centrism" (in the american context) i think of francis fukuyama

Jordan Peterson


radical centrism is just apolitical, for all intents and purposes, since the center is constantly shifting.

Centrism is just an another position on the spectrum. The fact that it's "in the centre" doesn't make it any more or less worthy than an "extreme" position. The actual content and ideas is what matters (should matter, at least).

I don't think he fits into the spectrum at all.

There's no such thing as radical centrism you goof. Centrism isn't an ideology.

Dude, that post was not a catalogue of every book I have read. I just wanted to use that to specify that I was more into vanilla marxism and stuff like Marxist-leninism. What the fuck is up with Veeky Forums dissecting each others' posts to find reasons to call each other pseuds or brainlets? I swear it is like /pol/ calling each other cucks


seems like you are projecting a bit there, bud

/pol/ used to be home to communists and other far-lefties. Wouldn't know it now.

Kropotkin is GOAT but he's also not a centrist at all. Most of these recommendations are far left.

'Radical Centrist' Starter Pack

World Order by Henry Kissinger

Society of the Spectacle and Comments on Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord

Public Opinion by Walter Lippmann

Fanged Noumena by Nick Land

Everything Thomas Friedman has Ever Written

Close to Zero by 'Nathan Dubovitsky' AKA Vladislav Surkov.

Classified Pentagon PSYWAR manuals

Zero to One by Peter Thiel


>confusing the right with the meme right

If you read the sticky carefully, it says that if you want to talk politics you should go to This includes discussions of books specific to political ideologies, though it doesn't necessarily preclude, for example, the discussion of political themes in a work of literature.

Politely, I would like to ask you to delete this thread. I understand that there's a conception that Veeky Forums users are in some way better read in most fields and more intelligent generally, but even if this were the case it's not an excuse for breaking board rules.