Is Grothendieck the Einstein of math

simple yes or no?

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Einstein wrote a recommendation to the White House to build the A-bomb.
Grothendieck organized a seminar on Algebraic Geometry in a war zone.

Einstein died wealthy and as a symbol for genius itself.
Grothendieck died in the woods, autistically pondering why the devil made the speed of light 299 792 458 m/s and not a round number.

Einstein was owned by big daddy Bohr all the time.
Grothendieck was owned by no-one.

Einstein went into all fields of theoretical physics.
Grothendieck started out like that, but then went into Algebraic Geometry and never found his way out again.

Mochizuki has potential but he is no where near Grothendieck's level as of right now

Did he know the definition of second is arbitrary?

spoiler: he was literally mad, ya know

>Grothendieck died in the woods, autistically pondering why the devil made the speed of light 299 792 458 m/s

maybe somebody should have told him the definitions of meters and seconds are not absolute. if he likes round numbers he can measure it in grothendiecks. 1000 grothendiekck = 1 distance of light in 1 second


Yeah that's it except he would have kept the name meter

How does stealing from hausdorff and recasting his work in terms of Nazi research make anyone a samurai, much less a mathematician?

Grothendieck invented a new type of integration.

Einstein told physicists how to use tensors.

You are making Einstein look good by comparing him to Grothendieck.

that's like saying Newton showed people how to use these dubs.

> Grothendieck died in the woods, autistically pondering why the devil made the speed of light 299 792 458 m/s

haha i didn't know what you were talking about so i googled and found this:

>One story has it that Grothendieck is now convinced that the Devil is working to falsify the speed of light. Schneps ascribes his concerns with the speed of light to his anxiety about the methodological compromises physicists make. He talks constantly, however, about the Devil, semi-metaphorically, sitting behind good people and nudging them in the direction of compromise, of the fudge, of the move towards corruption. ‘Uncompromising’ is the expression Schneps favours.

>In his correspondence with Leila Schneps, he told her he would be willing to share his research into physics with her if she could answer one question: ‘What is a metre?’

>She and Lochak, baffled, took a month to write back — and did so at length. But before this letter arrived, Grothendieck dispatched three letters in quick succession. His first letter appeared to threaten suicide. His second was ‘the warmest, warmest thing … saying it’s just amazing anyone cares….’ The third addressed ‘Leila Schneps’ in bitterly sarcastic inverted commas. They found their subsequent letters returned unopened. ‘We went to see him and he slammed the door in our faces….’

>Has Grothendieck — runs the obvious question — gone mad? Well, possibly. It all depends on what you mean by ‘mad’.

>‘He lives alone and he writes on really deep ideas,’ says Schneps. ‘In the past, what about saints or prophets? Did people think they had gone mad? He cannot bear to live in the world we’re in…. He’s certainly abnormal. I could not possibly call him mad. People say there’s normal and there’s insane. These are not the only two categories….’

the goat

He used prime notation to show derivatives, the rest is classical mechanics.

except he interpreted calculus as a means to fully understand motion, disjoint from classical mechanics.

can we all agree that Grothendieck was the best of the 20th century?

No argument, here.

The sets of formulae by which we understand calculus and motion are not mutually exclusive to the sets of formulae by which we understand classical mechanics.

Anyone know where to download/stream the full doco?

He's not insane. I read a good bit of his journal and he is extremely rational. He likes to ask "obvious" questions that most people think are too "unimportant" to even consider. There is a story in his journal where he was interested in understanding volume and his calculus professor saying it was an already solved problem, but Alex wasn't satisfied. if you actually get to know him through his journal vs read what others say about him you'll see he is a genius of the rarest kind.

why did he leave mathematics?

because he wanted too


Why did God abandon his only son?


I know nothing of him or his work.

He is 10% Einstein, 90% Freud longing for some proof of Heine-Borel self

Where to find his journal? Google isn't helping

yes, he and jean pierre serre