Damn Veeky Forums is boring tonight

Damn Veeky Forums is boring tonight
Post the last piece of literature that made a big impact on you

Middlemarch probably.

I was wondering if it was just me. I spent almost all of Sunday on Veeky Forums and it was great but there's been nothing good over the past few days

ulysses desu

Hey, me too.
Probably hammer and sickle by DeLillo.

I'm reading The Sound and The Fury right now. it's damn good. Benjy's chapter impacted me in such an obscure way I don't think I could unpack it into words.
Currently on Quentin's chapter and I feel like an idiot for having such a hard time with it. The narrative oscillates from indiscernible stream-of-consciousness to coherent storytelling the symbolism of which is probably flying right over my head. The scene with the bread and the Italian girl was comfy. This is my second Faulkner and I'm genuinely impressed.
This book feels geared to run ahead of you, but only just out of reach. Probably requires a reread.

Leisure the Basis of Culture - Josef Pieper

Yes, me too. This is wise. Also, we should keep remarking on the problem without actually doing something about it.

Just finished this one. Made me pretty depressed, boss.

You first, OP.

The problem is I have school and shit so there not much I can do. I'm sure this place will be Veeky Forums again this weekend.

Wanna make things interesting for at least me?

"The Master remains
serene in the midst of anxiety.
Evil cannot enter his heart.
Because he has given up helping,
he is people's greatest help.

True words seem paradoxical."

What does this even mean?

>been nothing good over the past few days
Ever since Trumpo won, the government agency that runs this place got spooked, they already started cutting funds

I'm having minimal contact with this site at all since Tuesday. The whole site seems meaner and more petty to me now, less worthwhile, more oriented toward complaint and victimhood and less toward solutions and progress

>Garden of Allah

Ok, I hope you can read spanish

Débil del alba by Pablo Neruda

El día de los desventurados, el día pálido asoma
con un desgarrador olor frío, con sus fuerzas en gris,
sin cascabeles, goteando el alba por todas partes:
es un naufragio en el vacío, con un alrededor de llanto.

Porque se fue de tantos sitios la sombra húmeda, callada,
de tantas cavilaciones en vano, de tantos parajes terrestres
en donde debió ocupar hasta el designio de las raíces,
de tanta forma aguda que se defendía.

Yo lloro en medio de lo invadido, entre lo confuso,
entre el sabor creciente, poniendo el oído
en la pura circulación, en el aumento,
cediendo sin rumbo el paso a lo que arriba,
a lo que surge vestido de cadenas y claveles,
yo sueño, sobrellevando mis vestigios morales.

Nada hay de precipitado ni de alegre, ni de forma orgullosa,
todo aparece haciéndose con evidente pobreza,
la luz de la tierra sale de sus párpados
no como la campanada, sino más bien como las lágrimas:
el tejido del día, su lienzo débil,
sirve para una venda de enfermos, sirve para hacer señas
en una despedida, detrás de la ausencia:
es el color que sólo quiere reemplazar,
cubrir, tragar, vencer, hacer distancias.

Estoy solo entre materias desvencijadas,
la lluvia cae sobre mí, y se me parece,
se me parece con su desvarío, solitaria en el mundo muerto,
rechazada al caer, y sin forma obstinada.

Im not really a Neruda fanboy but sometimes he really opens my chakras desu

Nesnesitelná lehkost bytí

Of Human Bondage

Kafka Amerika


Reading Hero with a Thousand Faces by Campbell and Ficciones atm, fascinated by this whole mythology thing as I haven't been exposed to much. Anyboy have any good recommendations?

Stand on Zanzibar
pretty much predicted modern society to a tee