What's the most Beautiful and hopeful book you have ever read?

What's the most Beautiful and hopeful book you have ever read?

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The Holy Bible

definitely not my diary desu

Are you serious user? Care to elaborate?

Are you stupid? Rhetorical question.

The Divine Comedy 2bh

"The love that moves the sun and all the other stars..."


On The Marble Cliffs for beauty. It's certainly not hopeful though.

Le Illiad, to be desu.
I just love how gore it is and how epic its everything.

mundus millennialis

The Once And Future King

It gets darker and darker, but ultimately, hopeful

Anything by Epicurus

Joseph and his Brothers, literally the only book to ever make me cry of joy.

Silences, or a Woman's Life is one of the most beautiful.

I tend to find beauty in solemnity, not joy.

Did you read it in German? If not, which translation?

This and The Hobbit.

This one time when I was a kid I was in the psych ward and nothing they did was helping and my mom, in despair, whispered "Be brave like Bilbo" to me. So I started thinking of Bilbo every day and slowly got better

You're literally inviting the Shrek pasta, mate.

I don't recall a Shrek pasta about the psych ward.

Gospel of Matthew in particular.

The Bible is an obvious answer.

John E Woods

the bible is hopeful in what way?

Eternal life and joy for the ones who live under the laws of God and eternal suffering for the unjust and evil.

Eternal suffering for anyone is pretty fucking grim.

The Little Prince.

It's the beautiful expression of perfect justice

Anyone ever watch movie in OPs picture? If so, would you recommend?

A few books in the Bible
Story of my Life by Helen Keller, she's such a fuckin cute.
Redwall series
Crime and Punishment at certain points
Some stories in Winesburg Ohio

This is a surprisingly hard question

Reading this right now, and it already seems to fit that bill.

Yes, it's pretty comfy although a little lacking in substance. Spirited Away, Princess Monoke or Grave of the Fireflies are better storywise.

And of course I forgot the image.

christian genocide fucking when?

Oh boy are you in for a surprise.

It's already happening in the middle east

I don't read a ton of literature that could be referred to as "hopeful." But if I'd have to pick one, it'd be dharma bums by Jack Kerouac.

Aww, I smiled.

The narrow gate quote and the "begone, evildoers, I did not know you" quote cut into any hope you might get. Jesus has seriously high standards and only a tiny little fraction of people would escape damnation if the mythology proved correct.


The Symposium

Leaves of Grass always fills me with happiness


A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers.

Huck Finn of course

>tfw not normie enough to enjoy Walt Whitman

>Jesus has seriously high standards and only a tiny little fraction of people would escape damnation

John 3:16 would like to have a word with you

the truth