Favorite line of literature

>Seek out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

"this whale named moby is so mean! so mean he deserves a new name. A moby-dick, if you will"

really melville?

>*record scratch* Yeah, that's me. You may be wondering how I got into this situation. Well it all started this morning when I woke up and realised I'd undergone a Metamorphosis
Really, Kafka?

"I felt that Gatsby and I had a great deal in common. Like me he was intelligent, nihilistic and had a wicked sense of humour."

Bravo Fitzgerald.

>"They won't let me... I can't be good!"

I broke down at this line, Jesus Christ does Dostoyevsky hit me hard.

Dust I am
and into it I walk.

>Odeipa settled back, to await the Crying of Lot 49.

That which is now a horse, even with a thought,
The rack dislimns and makes it indistinct
As water is in water.

Antony and Cleopatra, IV.xiv.9-11

And from the same play, another good one:

Since Cleopatra died,
I have lived in such dishonour that the gods
Detest my baseness.


Not my absolute favorites of all time, but I liked them a lot.

Nice post


Jesus fuck 10/10 post user

>And when the other one disappeared, all that was left were the Two Brothers Karamazov.

Fucking hell, Dostoyevsky.

>He became as good a friend, as good a master, and as good a man as the good old City knew... and it was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge
A Christmas Carol

>But I' m a saving soul. I never wasted good money of mine, nor lost it neither; and I''ll trick 'em again. I''m not afraid of 'em. I'll shake out another reef, matey, and daddle 'em again.
Treasure Island

"... and that's the story of how Demons™ took our town over!"


>That was amazing! What do you call yourselves?
>The Brothers Karamazov!

>And I will give you my rock, and upon this rock I shall give you... the Holy Bible™
Really, Jesus Christ?

What is this from?

When I thought I was screaming, I was barely murmuring.


>That's all folks, thanks for sticking around
>You just read the Cantos of Ezra Pound

"Nigga be fucking Mermaids like Ulysses™"
Come on, James Joyce...

>This only was wanting, now comes the night.

Bravo, that's great

"But I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin."

>Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

The Tomorrow and Tomorrow soliloquy in Macbeth

>...and that was his Favorite line of literature
Come on, OP

>"Now is not the time for worrying about about materials, now is the time for The Death of Ivan Illych and Other Stories."


>In principio creavit Deus cælum et Vulgata

good gravy Jerome hubris much?

>Arma Aeneidaque cano...

Vergil you egomaniac

Nobody ever said a day has to be juggled into any kind of sense at day's end.

W przyrodzeniu, powszechnej ciał i dusz ojczyźnie
Wszystkie stworzenia mają swe istoty bliźnie

[The Last Wolf in its entirety]

wher dis fraum?




>A Gravity's Rainbow™ by Thomas Pynchon comes across the sky.

Really, pinecone?

>ow I'm bleeding! Edge, why'd you cut me!?

Malachi, light of my life, fire of my loins. My luck, my lack. Ma-La-Chi: The meeting of lips then the tongue that slips between but for the trapping of teeth, taken back and caged against the roof of the mouth. Ma. La. Chi. He was Buck, plain Buck in the morning, bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed. He was Mulligan in his yellow dressing-gown. He was Bucky at school. He was Buckle in the boat-house. But in my arms he was always Malachi. Did he have a precursor? He did, indeed he did. In point of fact, there might have been no Malachi at all had I not loved, one summer, an initial Irishman. In a princedom by the snotgreen sea. Oh when? About as many years before Malachi was born as my age was that summer. You can always count on a fart-fetishist for a fancy prose style.

José Luis Domínguez.
Original one is, IIRC:

Polvo soy
y hacia él camino.

Can't remember the book, but he has a collection of poetry published by 'Solar', it is in his diary(desu) set of poems.

How do learned great men remember whole instances of lines to pull from, from plays, the bible, latin works etc.

I read a lot of plays this year but so many of them seem so uninteresting compared to their prose counterparts that I really would've struggled to remember them.

>With Sauron down for the count, Frodo claimed the title belt. He was the Lord of the Ring

J. K. Rowling you beast

>As I felt my index finger press against her womb, I smiled. I truly am an American Psycho™

Come on Bret Easton Ellis..

>Duck when the Blood Meridian, or The Redness in the Evening West, comes, or you won't make it out alive!


>No es biblotecha, esta Bible!

Really, Jesus? Really?

>He knew that the sun would be pulled across the sky again when the moon craved rest, but he also knew that he wouldn't be there to see it

fuck this mememe

the House™ was

windy, and

sad, and


made of Leaves™

>I masturbate thinking about my cousin and I feel extremely guilty and anxious about it.

Oh, I sure love Eastern-European© Literature©

>The wind blows like a coked-up, penny whore from Dublin

I am in here surrounded by shaving bowls and a screaming came across the sky.

There was a man and a dog too this time.

"Yes yes yes"
Ulysses by S Fry

Before it stopped running with a muffled rattle, a cry, a very loud cry, as of infinite desolation, soared slowly in the opaque air

O God, make me good, but not yet.

>To the person in the bell jar, blank and stopped as a dead baby, the world itself is a bad dream.

The heaven-tree of stars hung with humid nightblue fruit

"For ever panting, and for ever young;
All breathing human passion far above,
That leaves a heart high-sorrowful and cloyed,
A burning forehead, and a parching tongue."

Friends! Look!
Do you not feel and see it?
Do I alone hear
this melody
so wondrously
and gently
sounding from within him.

It could be that nobody says the truth here on the earth. Ayocuan and Cuetzpal speak like this, that truly know the Giver of Life...
I hear his word there, certainly his,
the rattle bird answers to the Giver of Life.

Lo maggior corno de la fiamma antica s'inizio a crollarsi mormorando

The sound of it is so great

Old Phoebe was running really fast, the way kids do, and she got all turned around and ended up running into me. I caught her though. I always do when we are playing in the field. The rye field I mean. What I mean is I Catch 'er in the rye.
Really Salinger?

Wagner is really underrated.

"a malignant and a turbaned Turk"

>The world burned and in the disarray he thought that, truly, he was living in the year 2666.

Good gracious, Bolaño


>the head that understands everything... and then dies

>Motherfucker! -Jocasta-

What did Sophocles mean by this?

To him, all good things - trout as well as eternal salvation - came by grace; and grace comes by art; and art does not come easy.

your a fucking white whale!
~Captian Ahab

The Furtwangler Tristan is not of this world

Augustus looked up into the stars, because he was searching for a metaphor for God in these tough times. This sickness was, truly, his Fault™.

c'mon, Green.


In case you were wondering what an asshole looks like, it looks like this:

>th-thanks Vonnegut

pain, that was not yet the pain of love, fretted his heart

O God, I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space -- were it not that I have bad dreams.