This is the kind of literature the minority of women who do read, are fond of

This is the kind of literature the minority of women who do read, are fond of.

How does this make you feel, """patricians"""?

Other urls found in this thread:

can't see nothing wrong with it


Women are inferior, do not waste your time with them.

If a man reads that stuff is to be considered patrician

And I do.

Yeah, so could you expand on what you see wrong about (with) it?

Are you by any chance a female?

feels ok

this is the kind of literature the minority of men who do read, are fond of

am i supposed to be mad?

I can't see anything wrong about these magazines. Women read it, yeah. So what? all the girls of my family read this and they are all well- read in literature. Just because they like something they read/listen or watch specifically doesn't mean it will define them. Just delete this.


lel. pluis, what do i fucking care what other people read?

this thread is shit and should be deleted.

Lol, weak attempt.

You seem to be slightly emotionally aroused. Never implied this """literature""" defines those, who read it. I am, however, amused at how primitive the topics are and how dumbed down the sentences are. But I'm sure the marketing guys at Cosmopolitan know better how to approach their target audience :^)

Feels bad because instead of intelligent, deep and pure women we get thots.

i flip these magazines over/cover them with other magazines when i see them in my line at the grocery store.

>living in consumer/hedonist america
feels bad

lol, ok you win! You're a very wise person because you have completed Veeky Forums top 100 books!

Although utterly pleb, this is actually much better than the cosmo one. Even the model is better (albeit dressed like an extremely cheap stripper). Pleb women really get the shitty end of the shit stick.

Yup yup.

Hehe, not really. Thanks for the (You).

>weak attempt

at what?

maxim is second only to men's health for the top men's magazine, by a relatively slim margin. the runner up to maxim is playboy.

men also read less than women. and among readers, women also read more literature (novels, plays, poetry, or short stories) than men: 56% of women vs 37% of men


>second only to men's health
You know men's health is targetted for gays. no homo.

holy shit this is a stupid thread

women read a lot of garbage, men read a lot of garbage. End of story.

You're welcome, always here to please :-)

Lads, women read more than men.

My only real problem with these is not that they show women what to buy, what to expect from life, or what to feel bad about, but that the sex "advice" is invariably useless.

Most women barely have a grasp of the essentials how to suck a dick to orgasm, or how to properly move when in the cowgirl position.

Instead, magazines like this tell women to "Put some ice in your and pour chocolate syrup on his dick" during oral, which is completely retarded and unsexy for anyone who thinks about it for more than 2 seconds.

Like in this magazine, for example: "His #1 Sex Fantasy." If you are anything like me, it probably involves a threesome with 2 Instagram fitness models who he doesn't know in which they both just got checked for STDs and will hopefully never call him again afterwards.

But no woman wants to read that, hence magazines like this.

If you are surrounded by the sort of women who read only that, I feel sorry for you, user. I can't even imagine the life you are living, having to deal with those insensitive, sexist, neglectful, brutish women. It is never easy to be a male, but this kind of stuff only makes it worse, doesn't it?

Nonetheless, please understand not all women are like that. I know from personal experience there are intelligent, responsible, loving and honourable women in this world. Women who value knowledge and wisdom over strength, who pay attention to and take responsiblity of the world around them, who consider men their equal.

This is yet another reason why we need masculism: to counteract the effect of sexist propaganda like this awful magazine.

>back when I was thirteen
>go into big sister's room and sift through an edition of Cosmopolitan
>only two articles I remember were about how to give your bf a hand job in a movie theater and how to make concensual sex feel like rape

If they actually give good sex advice, they'll stop buying magazines.

>If you are surrounded by the sort of women who read only that, I feel sorry for you, user.
>surrounded by women
Audible snicker. OP here. I just made this thread to stir up a discussion with, hopefully, conflicting viewpoints, aka shitposting. Most women I've met have been very sweet, kind, above what I thought to be average for women intelligence-wise. I have to say, though, if I learnt of a female, who unironically read this, she would lose some respect in my eyes, but all depends on the situation.

Thanks for the contribution so far lads and gals.

I hate it when basement-dwellers and neckbeards try to explain how other people think and basically resort to ancient stereotypes and plain hatred. Get out of the house more, your mind and behavior are emotionally inferior to most people, especially most if not all women for sure.

Is that true, though?

"10 Sex Things Your Man is Thinking"

1. "He actually wants to fuck other women because he is so sick of your shit"

2. "He would rather fuck your friend"

3. "You aren't as hot as when he first started fucking you.


Shit, maybe you are right.

kek, all of this elitist nonjudgmental garbage in this thread

>it dont matter wut they read huehue every1 reads garbag bois

Sorry, but mainstream culture is garbage. I'm not just saying that to be edgy, either. This isn't Tocqueville's America anymore.

A culture that glamorizes loose sexual relations over virtuous behavior and consumerism over strong bonds with others is a culture indicating a decay in the stuff that keeps civilizations energized

The elitist nonjudgmental postmodern lens by which many of you choose to view the world isn't helping, either. When things like shitlit popmags promote that every woman ought ride the marry-go-round of dicks we should be judgmental, that's how things become taboo and we can witness a shift in the zeitgeist

"don't matter what ShayQuanDarious read or how many baby daddies she has, at least she's reading :) :)"

fuck off Veeky Forums

Lol, this was funny. Anyone knows of Onion-like magazines such as, lol?

>elitist nonjudgmental postmodern
None of those words fit together at all. You come across as a ranter despite whatever you might be trying to say maybe having some merit.

>Could Your Man Be Gay?
>The Foolproof Sign

check his browser history for Veeky Forums

This thread makes me feel melancholic because I was starting to fall for a qt who I perceived as a virtuous Catholic, but turned out she's got too much of a thot to her thinking.
It's very disappointing, but such is life.

Are you retarded? Postmodernism is the foundation of absurdity from which all subjective action can be rationalized

"A New Kind of Date Rape you _Must_ Know About"

Yes I must. For a friend.

No it isn't, stick to criticising glossy magazines, your understanding of absurdism and postmodernism is completely wrong

>try to look smart by making criticism
>criticism not even accurate

b-but actually he was actually wrong

I see your point and am not against it. However, regarding the picture you posted, people debating this should agree on the definition of civilized and, conclusively, if being "civilized" is more beneficial than being savages.

>people debating this should agree on the definition of civilized and, conclusively, if being "civilized" is more beneficial than being savages.

When I think civilized I think agriculture and monogamy, though I'm sure there's a specific scientific definition

With regards to whether or not civilization is preferred to what I assume you're referring to as some form of anarcho-primitivism, I think the Hobbesian conjecture of "...continual fear of violent death; and the life of man solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short." reigns true to this day.

Savages tend to be in the food chain. Polygyny often causes tension among the men. Doesn't seem fun.

Hmm. Agriculture and the industrial revolution have arguably led to the decline of the health of the modern man (t.Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price). As for monogamy, there have been documented multiple non-violent, polygamous savage societies with great level of health and well-being (t.Sex at Dawn by Christopher Ryan), so really all of this can be discussed in much detail. Especially, the >Polygyny often causes tension among the men part — this is true and false. Not familiar with the Hobbesian view or any ideology in particular for that matter, but it would be useful for you to skim through Sex at Dawn if you haven't. Nonetheless, agree with your initial post to an extent.

I don't know why people act like "clickbait" is a new thing when garbage like this has existed for years.