To coffee or not to coffee?

I am doing a master degree in pure maths, and lately I've been having some trouble keeping up because I feel tired and my attention span has been reduced.
I've been without coffee since the last semester ended, and for some reason I didn't want to come back to it, but now may be the time to embrace the ol' caffeine. Would you come back? I don't want to become a coffee adict :(
Also, how much coffee do you drink usually in a day?

Btw I already eat right/exercise

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nice meme brah

First off, you should be drinking coffee to enjoy it. The caffeine is secondary. I personally drink 1-2 cups a day in the morning. If feeling tiresome is the issue, opt to get more sleep.

Mathematicians don't need coffee, they have amphetamines

coffee is love, coffee is life. 6 cups a day everyday black

t. Erdős

Caffeine has synergistic effects with amphetamines

Protip: if you are sleeping well, but still feel tired during the day, you probably have sleep apnea

Try drinking decaf if you really think you're in for the taste (you won't bother drinking it twice since it's useless)

I generally drink a cup in the morning before/during lecture and a cup in the evening when working on my homework.

Black coffee is best coffee.

i like to make coffee in the morning or as a homemade energy drink if i need the extra boost

However for focus i would much rather drink an energy drink with lots of caffeine and b viatmins

I used to eat sour candy as a kid, helped me focus with my adhd off meds.

I don't feel like coffee helps me focus for long periods. Sure to do tedious and boring work it can be of help, but when it comes to actually learning stuff, I found that drinking coffee makes me very tired and doesn't help much.

I sometimes drink coffee in the morning, never past noon or else I will have trouble falling asleep.

A single mug (two-cups measure) in the morning prior to lectures/meetings.

When i get back to my apartment, I make a bigger mug (four-cups measure) and get to work. I vape for a bit of nicotine throughout the day. I find it helps.

nothin' wrong with coffee desu if you just drink 1-2 cups a day. i suggest drinking Turkish coffee, helped me in raising my grades. (if that doesn't work then go for a full check up)

Coffee repairs broken DNA strands

Let me guess, you've never had good coffee with fresh beans and not drip

One cup after lunch every once in a while

A mathematician is a machine that turns coffee into shitposts

Of course I had, but it's the caffeine what I ultimately cared about and what made it good. I also had premium espresso decaf, smelled ok but it didn't fix my headache. (It was a sunday and I had forgotten coffee in tue morning, and it was too late to have proper coffee)

Drink tea. There are some red and black teas that will keep you up for three days.

Why is there a spoon in the plate what's is use?

...that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous morning
Or to take coffee against a sea of troubles
And by caffeinating end them.

Cute picture, susan

I'd say gb2/lit/ but i'm pretty glad somebody that like you even exists....

3 cups a day on avg.

Caffeine is an adenosine receptor antagonist that also positively modulates the binding of dopamine to dopamine receptors via inhibiting adenosine receptors in adenosine dopamine receptor dimers

Nice one

I'm putting that on a mug.

my name is Hamlet, and I'm a caffeine-o-holic

try speed all your favorite mathaticians use it

Just sleep more you dumb cunt

As if I didn't already sleep all I can

Mathmeticians favourite drugs:
amphetamines, coffeine and nicotine

Can somebody redpill me on "bulletproof" coffee?

Of course butter and caffeine are going to give you energy. Everything else is meme shit, though. Coconut oil is just for taste and all the health benefits of butter are pretty much made up. Also if you drink that shit every day enjoy your heart attack

Fats give you energy over a longer period of time than carbs (sugars). So you don't have that sugar high and the following sugar down.

But if your body is accustomed to using sugars almost exclusively in a high carb diet, like most people are, then drinking stuff like bulletproof coffee is kind of pointless. Your body is accustomed to just run on sugars.

It is more useful for people who get most of their energy from fats like in low carb or paleo diets. They also often have problems to get enough calories through food so some way to take in almost pure fat in a drink is attractive. Butter gives you saturated fat and coconut oil gives you unsaturated fat.

>caffeine is a diuretic
>coconut is a diuretic
>eating too much butter can give you the shits if you're lactose intolerant

Wouldn't this stuff give you diarrhea?

Not really, not much more than just coffee already does.
People cook with coconut oil all the time. And butter has a pretty low lactose content, less than a fifth of the same weight in milk. Maybe skip the butter if you are intolerant.

Coffee. Coffee doesent really affect me that much, so I just drink it because it's a good drink.

I guess a benifit of that it even though I drink it multiple times daily I never really get upset when I don't have it.

You should try going a week without coffee and see if you get headaches. Usually caffeine withdrawals take 2 days to reach their peak. Even for somebody that drinks several pots of coffee a day they'll be fine for 1 day with no coffee but in 2 days they have a mild headache

OP, you can try nootropics. Since amphetamines are presumably out of your options (you don't want to be a coffee addict, lest a speed one), I suggest you look into racetams (piracetam/oxiracetam/noopept/aniracetam).

I usually don't drink it on the weekends and I don't feel much. During those periods.

good job.