Upcoming new propulsion technology

I can't go too much into depth about the science since im not directly involved in the development of this, but there has been a breakthrough with propulsion that uses space itself as the neans to move. No confirmation on if it allows you to go "faster than light", but even if not, still a very big deal since this system only needs electricity. I dont expect you to believe me, but in a few weeks you wont have to. There will be a public demo and testing in the near future. Every rocket company on earth is going to wake up soon in a world where they are the equivilent of buggy whip manufacturers.

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>elon musk orgasm

Not involved with that garbage tier shit. Again, dont take my word for it, just get ready.

Unless you provide some other information so we can be on the lookout this means literally nothing.

Theres going to be a public debut of the tech, its in development by a small university affiliated team working with a professor, the team is from the usa and plans on commercializing the tech asap.

Ive seen it work already, moving in a way that cant be accounted for by anything other than space being stretched. It doesnt matter if this is deleted.

Why there's a football inside a ring?

I came here to post this.

>Why there's a handegg inside a ring?

This tells us absolutely nothing, why even post?

I'm sorry man, I don't understand the technology they have very well since i'm only indirectly involved in this,I honestly posted because i just needed to say something about it,it felt like i was going to explode if i didn't, i'm very excited nad kind of scared ot be honest with you. I've been scared for years that we were going to destroy ourselves before we managed to go see the universe.
I wonder if some of you could perhaps explain to me how this changes things in the next few years if the technology works?


I watched a talk on this year's ago. It seemed to be a legitimate possibility but I don't remember them being remotely close

cap me on this.

If what you say is true then it has to do with a magnet/diamagnetic material arrangement that forms a "space pump". This device may have moving parts, but does not need any.

>tfw my motivation for getting a PhD in physics is just to research warp drive or any sort of faster and efficient way of space travel

its theoretically possible but needs like the energy of venus's mass to work

Maybe check out gravitoelectromagnetism. It's complicated and probably useless, but if there's a crack to be made in its power it'll change everything. Just have to figure out how to enhance frame dragging.


it's called alcubierre and the idea has been around since 1994
i'd love it to be possible but it isn't

Time crystals = exotic matter

Wrong kind of exotic.

but they don't have the negative mass needed for the bubble, or do they?

it actually only needs negative energy, which can be created by moving two plates very close to each other, also known as the casimir effect.
if you actually look into it further there was a group from Italy that was able to measure some negative energy, albeit a incredibly small quantity though in 2001

but is it possible to store it?

it probably wouldn't be something you "store", but rather create on an ad hoc basis, say if you needed to jump across the other side of the galaxy.
the biggest question is how to actually extract it and make it usable for the drive, there is no point in it being detectable but not usable nor extractable.

if we get to the point of developing advanced AI and quantum computers, we can probably figure out the big questions using these tools

Clearly you need to make the negative energy do work, both creating energy and increasing negative energy.

That seems about right, it "pulls" space enough as a prototype that it can move objects around, right now its putting out a few newtons per kilowatt, theyre working on a version that will be able to carry a battery inside of it and float. They want to avoid ambiguity in the demo and often roll their eyes at the emdrive for getting so much press for such nonexistent results.

I hope to see you all on mars someday, we can shitpost atop olympus mons and shout for quaid to start the reactor

what would happen if such a ship collided with an asteroid with the field active?

that is a good question that i'm not overly sure about. the idea behind the warp drive is that around the drive, space time is 'modified' such that anything contained within the field and the field itself moves ftl, or in a more technical sense, the space in between the expanding space time which is presumably at the rear and the space at the contracting space time presumably in the front is expanding and contracting ftl (the object(s) between the expansion and contraction moves at the same rate), having said that, within the region of space that lies within the expanding and contraction, no object is necessarily moving fast (or at least, that is how i think it works) thus it shouldn't be affected by asteroids and stuff.
tl'dr: it is the space the object is in that moves ftl, not the object itself (to my understanding-i may be wrong)

since i just realized i didn't really answer the question, i believe that the ship/vehicle should be, as i said, i may be wrong, and if i am-god have mercy on the ship because the kinetic energy from the resultant impact would be about 4.5 * 10^16 J (moving at the speed of light and hitting a 1 gram object)

>it's the microwave drive
>months of testing have proved it actually woks
>it's also slow as fuck
Sure it only needs electricity and have an incredible top speed but the acceleration is laughable.

OP is a larping brainlet. Vague quotes about alcubierre drives in scifi don't fool anyone

okay but imagine the ship moving in an asteroid's (much bigger than the ship) direction, would it, like, travel through it if the drive is still active?

Nope, its not that
You're half right, i am a brainlet but i am not lying about this. I wish i knew more to go into detail. I dont blame you for doubting me, in a few weeks i hope you are pleasantly surprised.

as i mentioned, i cant really answer the effects of asteroids potentially being in the travel path of the warp drive. the reason i cant answer is because im not a pro at physics or mathematics nor have have we actually tested or recorded the effects of a warp drive distorting space time. we can only theorize what would happen, and the theory for something like you mentioned is something i don't know.
my theory is that you would be cooked and have to temporarily stop the warp drive, travel around the asteroid, and then restart or we develop ships that just smash through that kind of stuff in their travels

This is directly co-related to harmonics when applied to electro-magnetic frequencies.

Top-Tier Awesome.

Let me break it down.
If this guy did what I think he did.
We can blitz lightyears of travel in months.
We can use existing fuel and this fucking thing to push - warp and pop into existence before relativity can kick our asses and our peoples asses at home.

If this thing works we have just outsmarted E=MC^2 by attacking it from the outside.

If this thing works.
The heavens will shake with humanity.
The cosmos will sing our song.
Lonely, but amongst the stars.
