This is Common Core math. It's what high school kids are struggling with now

This is Common Core math. It's what high school kids are struggling with now.

Explain to me how a 12 yr old is supposed to understand this question? It's very abstract, which is beyond the comprehension of a 12 yr old watching girly cartoons on his computer.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's just a bad question, but the underlying mechanic is trying to teach is good for learning arithmetic.

Imaginary numbers.

Not really...

Assuming context:
Thinking like this could make the future generations understand math in a genuine way. They will understand the "why" of math instead of the "what" that fucked most kids in math over in the past.

I wish I was taught this when I was younger and my brain was more malleable. But to each his own...

Is this a question about addition in Z/3Z?

You have to be joking, the question is just phrased incredibly badly.

5/5 for the kid, teacher should be sacked.

I'm assuming that there's context behind the question dude. Have you ever done assignments in your classes? There are questions that make no sense to an outsider. You're right that the question sucks but not enough to say that the teacher is wrong or that common core is trash. Innocent until proven.

>mfw brainlets are so stupid they cannot even comprehend numbers and thus attack modern educations attempt to make people less retarded
It must really fucking suck to be that stupid.
I say we should drop common core and drop public school entirely, fuck teaching retards.
Education should only be for those who are actually intelligent enough to understand the material.
Anyone who is actually good at arithmetic can tell you this is how you actually do math in your head.
Fuck it though, let the retards be retarded lol
If that hypothetical 12 year old cannot comprehend something so simple than that 12 year old should stop school and work on a farm or in a factory. There is no reason to waste tax dollars on stupid people.

OP confirmed for having read the question and not knowing how to answer it and thinking any 12 year old who can is Terrence Tao

Sure we have had those, but they've always made sense. If there has been some kind of text assignment it's still a really dumb way to teach math.
What would it be? Some kind of reading comprehension where it says you have eight apples and Jim would like to give you five of his apples but you only feel like eating ten?

I see this thread and I can notice how is it bait. Why what is it purpose?

Is it /pol/tard bait? Maybe, but I see no mention of SJWs or jews. Or maybe the implication is that common core is a result of the jews/sjws?

Is it a SJWtard bait? I can't know for sure but also I see no message about FUCKING WHITE MALES so who knows.

Is it a "this really makes you think" shitpost? Maybe, but what is a "this really makes me think" post without the phrase inserted somewhere.

Or maybe is it a meta-bait? A bait made to resemble a general notion we have of bait but with no particular intention other than to put in more bait into circulation? Probably, but then again there is the possibility that this OP is serious.

What even is this thread? I don't think it is impossible to know.

But at least there is one thing I know, and that is that this post really made me think.

Sadly it was not even a bait thread
Look at the OP and his replies, he was btfo and left.
He is obviously not a baiter, baiters lavish in the replies and would have hit the bump limit by this has been three hours and OP only replied once.
No, the truth is much much worse that you suspect.
OP is a legit brainlet who saw his pic posted on /b/ or /pol/ and thought "wow this is so stupid! You cannot make 10 with 8+5! What a dumb teacher and dumb education!" and then thought "I bet the science board will agree with me since they are smart and I am smart too!"
What you see here is the result
Obviously we all understand basic mathematical concepts here and understand why it is appropriate to teach numbers and operators in such a manner. OP, however, does not understand such concepts. May god help him

implying the elites don't want future generations to be uneducated and unquestioning

I see... but then we get into some weird territory.

If someone who is not smart enough to realize they are baiting makes a bait thread, is it still bait?

What I am asking fundamentally is probably: What makes a bait bait? Is it the content, or the intention?

Another way to put it would be: If a knowledge tree falls in a forest, and there is no one with an IQ high enough to learn the knowledge, does it even have knowledge?

Its a fine question. "Make 10" is clearly the method they've been taught all along. The goal is to change your current problem to a similar one with one of the numbers being 10. Makes doing it in your head way easier.

Its like that one guy said, something along the lines of "Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be retards will soon be flooded by actual retards who mistakenly think they're in good company"

Why do you think all people have the same "why"? I, for example, would never think about 8+5 as 10+3, I'm smart enough to think about 13 without additional operations

of course you are, but they are trying to ingrain the idea of breaking a big problem into a few little problems. Of course you can do 8+5 in your head without breaking it up. But can you do 13*29 in your head without breaking it up? How about 873*412?

>tell how to make 10 when adding 8+5

There is literally nothing wrong with that question and it makes the kid think way more than just asking what eight plus shitty faggot five is. the fucking kid already knows that.

Giving this question alone will sound illogical for anyone who hasn't taken math as major or a graduate.
First you'd have to give the kid some context.

>your average engineer or cs major

>Math before common core
>8+5= ?
>Math after common core
>Tell how to make 10 when adding 8+5

Gee which one will children find easier to do

>but they are trying to ingrain the idea of breaking a big problem into a few little problems
I actually just try to present the idea that all people are different in their approaches to do the math, and motivated kids will find their way anyway (kek), while it's a waste of time to teach unmotivated kids to shit like this. They will be bored by any program or math method, they will try to mechanistically use it without understanding and so on. So I don't see the point of tasks like that: these tasks seem stupid and illogical for smart kids, and mechanistical and boring for stupid kids. Meanwhile, more realistic tasks are usually more entertaining for both categories.

>thinking it is more important to solve trivial equations than to understand how numbers work
>thinking it is about making it more or less difficult
It is about understanding, I know that is a concept that escapes you. But I assure you this is the purpose.
Back to your third rate state U pal

ree you cant teach intuition. the smart kids will figure out what works for them and no matter what you do the less capable ones will be plug and chug drones.

You can actually teach intuition if you start early enough
That is the entire point

Because this is a BETTER mechanistic method. You can do it without pen-and-paper. Good fucking luck doing the old carry-the-one bullshit without pen-and-paper.

>you can't teach intuition
Yes you can. Intuition is just pattern recognition.

But "makes" is not a well defined operator. I think that if the professors clearly defined "makes" to the students in a formal first order theory, maybe ZF, then we would all be okay.

For example:
Let a, b and c be natural numbers.

We say that you can make c out of a + b if and only if there exists a natural number d

I don't think it's better. Well, okay, of course it's better than simple remembering, but I think 12 yo should be able to do it already. At least in my country 12 yo math program is dealing with 3 digit numbers operations, simple equations and basics of geometry.

OP is a retard, this is not whats taught to 12 year olds. More like 6-7 year olds.

Well he can't add 8+5 but at least he "understands" it

t-thanks common core

>American education.

>implying if you understood the concept you would have any issue solving such a problem

I only ever see the same 4-5 pics of common core math.

>this thread again

That is because it has become a meme for the regressive conservatives.
They do not know what 'common core' is but they know it is super bad!.
So whenever a teacher makes a mistake or words something poorly it is no longer just a teachers mistake but instead the specter of common core.
This is exacerbated by the internet, where one poor bit of wording becomes representative of the entire education system and approach.
Some things I have concluded from looking at the anti-common core movement.
None of them understand math at a basic level
None of them understand the education system
The only thing they know about common core and education is what their leaders have stated
They are the blind leading the blind
Anyone bellow a bachelors in math should have zero say in how math is taught because they clearly have no understanding of math

I completely agree with you. Although personally math was never my strong suit it is retarded to hinder kids just because the majority is too dumb to understand it.

I graduated college with a science degree, so I have had at least some understanding of math at some point.

My youngest son loved math in elementary school.
They switched to common core and he immediately got lost. He couldn't figure it out and his teacher couldn't help him.
I couldn't help him because I have no idea what they're trying teach. He was failing math.

So I pulled him out of school and homeschooled him. He's been learning at home for 3 years now. He isn't failing math.

yes, we should only teach people how to do really obvious things. making them think hard and actually apply some reasoning to a problem is just liberal bullshit!

in england at least, anything below university level maths is just teaching tools and methods for science

OFSTED are clueless

all "smart" kids automatically do:
8+5= 8+2 = 10 + 3 = 13

How do we multiply

12 year old brainlet would do:

>6*10+6*2 = 72 * 4 = 7*4 28 (280) + 2*4 (8)
>288+5 = 288+2 (290)+3 = 293

give this problem to a 12 yr old idiot and he curls up and dies

give it to a 12 yr old genius and he's memorized a lot of it already
He reads it as:
>32*9 (he has memorized as 288)
solves it in less than 5 seconds

So they are teaching people how to be accelerated brainlets, and making genius work down to the level of the idiot.

Educator here, but not in math.

Most worksheets like this are not designed or developed by the teacher.

Your elected officials make backend deals with curriculum writers that match content associated with the standardized tests.

The company that creates most testing is prentice-hall. What better way to make money than to create a brand new way to teach something that worked fine for most people who will never need to think about math in this matter except the engineering world.

Most of these curriculum writers never worked with kids. Having worked both middle and high school, a child's mind works very differently.

I don't want to get into the theory of educating here, but elementary and middle school kids in general have a very difficult time with abstract thinking. Most of the time they simply remember concepts rather than understanding the how and the why. Memorization is the lowest form of saying "I understand a concept".

There's nothing wrong with teaching this form of math. It needs to be better implemented and applied appropriately, as well as have teachers redesign most of the garbage. Good teachers will go out of their way and make their own worksheets because they will understand their students' capabilities.

When you get elected officials and people who never worked with children making curriculum, this is what you get. Be prepared for more of this with Devos.



trump is repealing and replacing common core

it hurts me so much every time I see this shit

holy fuck it hurts to look at

why are they abusing children this way

>8+5 = 8+2
What the shit?

All this make this and that as a wording is pretty retarded. Wouldn't it be more reasonable to teach kids to break the numbers in easier to use elements from multiplication tables like 5s as a base for the calculation and not shift numbers around like that.

5+8 -> 5+5+3 -> 2*5+3 -> 10+3

That's how I would explain it.

no it's more logical to take away from the smaller number (5) because 8 is closer to 10. They teach kids to work in base ten.

and this is an addition problem so you stick with addition.

Most people do 8+5 as 10+3

just like when you add 9+3 its 12 because its 10+3 - 1.

They want you to subtract 1 when you add 9s and to add up to 10 when you have anything less than 9. This is to help autistic children who couldn't do this naturally on their own, so it's spelled out for them. They are teaching a method of looking at numbers rather than memorization.


what would you change?


Interesting that people are so attached to a particular arithmetic algorithm that they believe it is the True Math.

Is this what happens when you drill kids on algorithms when they're 8 years old?


Only brainlets couldn't quickly do this in their head.

>and his teacher couldn't help him
That's the real issue. I tutored kids doing common core, and that was the issue. Teachers are underpaid and overworked, so they barely understand what's going on and rarely have time to help as much as the kids need. They don't set the curriculum, so they have to keep moving and can't slow down if some kids aren't getting it, they'll just have to repeat the class and try again the second time.

I'm 26 years old and I have only ever done the bottom method for mental math. It's just so fucking easy and faster.

>implying you didn't just use a calculator.

13 * 29 is easy enough
>(10 + 3) * 29
>290 + 87

or if 29 is too big for you:
>(10 + 3) * (30 - 1)
>300 - 10 + 90 - 3

Yea that's fine for my brain but much bigger ones I like to have pen & paper.
I suck at arithmetics

how the fuck do you do 873 * 412 in less than 5 seconds in your head

guys can i ask an algebra 1 question

whats the LCD of

47/17z^2 , 2/z^3

is it 17z^3?

>blames special interests in Common Core for its shittiness
>believes DeVos will encourage, not repeal, Common Core

Thanks for the useful info, but did you really have to sneak some blatant shilling in there at the end?

Woah, that's a pretty nifty table there. Might try this later.

If I was more motivated for it, I could probably train to do it. It's the same breaking it down process, just more difficult.

I can see why you thought that I was shilling.

When I said "expect more of this from DeVos", I was referring to making policy without the input of teachers and implement something without ever been a teacher or working with kids from all levels in general-- repealing common core or not.

DeVos makes me worry for the future state of American education.

Common core math is a good example of the kind of insane shit people will defend because of politics.

I hope you get killed, I hope you get raped and then killed. Nigger. Faggot. I hope nazis drag you out of your house and beat you to death.

>Teachers are underpaid and overworked,



Brother's a high school teacher I can vouch that he works hard as fuck to deal with those teenaged little shits.
>Smart kids argue semantics to jerk themselves off and will fight tooth and nail over every little point on even low level assignments
>Dumb kids are a pain in the cock to control
>Minority students are twice as hard as the dumb kids to control
>Needs to operate off of 3 separate lecture materials
>3 classes worth of grading every day
>Is also made to be responsible for a club as well
>Gets paid like $38-39k

It's a pretty lousy job for the pay (depending on district). You still work at least 8 hours, usually have stuff to do during your lunch break, and have to take work home with you. And that's assuming your kids are perfect little angels instead of kids. The perk is that you get summer off.

brainlet detected
is much more effieciently recognized and calculated as

at face value this looks retarded. but then I thought about it and this is a good way to teach kids to do arithmetic intuitively. doesn't work for brainlet kids, that's the only problem I'm seeing.

>Take 2 from 5, then add it to 8 (8+2=10). Then add 3
And it is still fucking 13.
This question is bad in a sense that solving it correctly has little to do with math itself, but rather with guessing what's in the teacher's mind. There's lots of pretty much arbitrary assumptions you can make to get 10 out of 8+5, but only one is "correct" and the question don't give you any idea which one exactly.
Also the teacher is a huge faggot in this case. Sometimes in real life you have to recognize it and say fuck it when the problem is underdefined instead of assuming something you think is right and having a building or a plane or a stock market crash on your head or something. This takes learning as well. He could've at least told that while this answer is one of the possible ones, it's not what he had in mind with it. But now this kid is bound to hate math forever.

Why not just use a calculator instead?

exactly this

It's just a different algorithm producing the same result.

The only thing I think is retarded about it is that while I always subconsciously manipulate numbers in that way, "make 10" seems like a stupid way to put it.

I'm not a native english speaker, though.

the thing is, that is the proper way to do mental calculations (or whatever, english not first lang).
But you amerilards are teaching it in the most confusing, convoluted way possible. Seriously, you don't need the kid to understand that theres a "hidden" 10 in 8+5 and even if you had to make him understand you wouldn't do it like that.
At least make it clear that 8+5 is 13 so the kid rules out that and knows that the question is about the process itself.
>Tell how to make 10 when adding 8+5=13

Here's the thing, if they had said "prove that either side of this equation can amount to 10" or something to that effect, which is like we do it in portugal, it would be way easier to understand.

The whole sentence just seems retarded, like it was written by some indian or some shit. "Tell", really? What is this, kindergarden? "Tell how to make 10 when adding 8 + 5". Just read this out loud, it makes 0 sense.

(5 - 2) + 8 still isn't ten

They still use the first method in The Netherlands in education it's the best method.

would've been better off with

5 - ___ + 8 = 10

I'm got to hijack this post to complain about primary education in general.

iPads to not fucking belong in a third grade classroom. Their attention spans get FUCKED and on top of it they just play games all day. I can't beleive the retards in virtually every school district just decided to completely fuck over a whole batch of kids by giving them entertainment devices during class because "much technology"

I agree with your main point, but I still do not disagree with the notion of common core in general. As the matter of fact, I don't like the very notion of 'curriculum'. What is taught to the kids should not be standardized.

1. It should not be so hard to become a teacher. If an experianced person in a particular field wants to become a teacher, they need to go through a manner of qualifiers to be "qualified" to become teachers. This is complete bs. What this doesn't is prevent knowledgeable people from becoming teachers, and makes it so that only dumbasses who decide to pursue an education career from the get go actually and up becoming teachers.

Tl;dr it's incredibly hard for people who should be teachers to actually become teachers.

2. 99% of the most useful information I've gained has been from solving novel problems and understanding how I arrived at the answer. Educating a child should be done primarily by individual or partnered projects, not instruction. Instruction takes the hot seat, with hour long lectures for young kids. Young kids do NOT take lectures well. Lectures should be two times a week, or sparsely distrubuted with the rest of the time allotted for doing projects.

Tldr: kids do not learn by being lectured. And come to think of a lot of people do unless they actually want to be in the classroom.

3. Get rid of the fucking computers. for god sakes. Computers do not aid education in any respectable way. Litterally all you need to learn anything is paper, pen, you, and somebody sho already knows their shit. Computers do not do anything useful for educating children.

Tldr: computers aren't helping.

Common core is just one more step in the wrong direction.

A real wizkid would've been a dick and done something like this.

Common Core isn't responsible for this. CC is just a set of education standards. It's up to the states, school districts, and individual teachers to decide how to hit the standards.

8 + 5 + X = 10

solve for X

see this is a lot easier to understand.

Daily reminder Common Core and college board are both anti-west revisionist movements funded by the Rockefellers



>Frankfurt School

it's like a fuckin who's who of globalists

what is this trying to say exactly?
>take 2 from 5 and add it to 8
okay, that makes ten.
>then add 3
What? I understand the three is leftover from the removal of two from five, but we've already made ten by adding eight and two. Why would we add three?

>born to a jewish family

Okay, I know that the jew meme is a /pol/ thing and it is probably bullshit but why is it that EVERY TIME it is a jew?

I don't get it. I don't want to live in the dimension where Alex Jones is right about everything but first the vault 7 leaks and now this.

I can't wait to stop being young and just be an old mathematician that doesn't leave his university and doesn't care about politics. This shit is messing with my brain.

Ahkenazi jews are very intelligent.

Pretty easy 2bh

lmao, fucking brainlet, rope yourself

alone reading that takes >5 seconds.

Doing it is faster than reading it

>2% of US population
>50% of US billionaires
>Gross overrepresentation in supreme Court
>out of 138,000 operational government jobs, 73,500+ are held by Jewish people (Gov census 2016)
>this means 8% of adult Jewish men hold positions of power (not including banks investment firms, large corporations, and news networks many of which were founded and now run by Jews)
>Compare figure with only 0.02% of black men and 0.47% of white men that hold operational government positions
Why? I don't know you tell me.

I think people should be mad about this and rioting

But lets face it- adults hate children, and would be seriously inconvenienced to boycott schools

>>Gross overrepresentation in supreme Court
>>Compare figure with only 0.02% of black men and 0.47% of white men that hold operational government positions

Woah there, /pol/tard. Are you suggesting that we need non-jewish quotas?

Then let me present you my friends from, I think you two will get along very, very well.