Question on Facial Shape in relation to IQ

Does anyone know any good and factual stuff on this subject and any legitimate and factual sources? No, I'm not doing College work on this, I'm actually just curious since when I google it, most results talking about are unfactual and misleading websites. And I do mean for averages, since you can of course have a messed up face and still be above average.

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You have no idea what perceived means do you?

I know it means what IQ they appear to have by most people in this pic, but I'm just using it to represent the topic, not that specifically though. Guess I should've uploaded a better one

Humans developed cooking so food was easier to chew, the result was less investment into the muscles and mandibles and more investment into the brain.

So people with large jaws and small foreheads are brainlets basically.

Oops, meant to reply to you, first time posting on the site

Then why are women attracted to men with large jaws?

I don't know, why are women retarded? Just how it works buddy. If one part doesn't have to work as hard, then the blood goes somewhere else. I.e. To the brain.

>perceive ideas and feelings based on shapes, tastes, languages, sounds, mediums, names; entirely due to: personal development/experience, culture, societal pressures and the media you are fed from birth
>heh facial shape is definitely indicative of IQ

there is no brain difference and the jaw size scales with head or is related to bones, not muscles. You're retained and need to go back to

>jaw muscles have nothing to do with the brain
>you're retained

what is this

not even what I said, improve your reading comprehension and please just leave this board

here you go brainlet enjoy the read

>Veeky Forums is retarded when it comes to anything except math

If anyone, including yourself, also knows anything about this as well, please share if you want to:
For the very rare and small percent of the population that are born gifted and able to learn how to talk and read at a very young age and grow up to "Geniuses" and have a very high iq such as Chris Langan, how would his pressures, personal development effected his IQ heavily? The guy lives on a farm (He chose to just as preference) and was never really pressured, yet is incredibly gifted.
Besides this being almost a phenomenon in a sense, he has/had a much higher IQ than what he merely required for survival. There must be more to IQ than just your environment (And of course, I'm not denying that environment has a major part)
What would cause this?

Not him, but i.q. has nothing to do with education, it's your ability to learn and comprehend. Environmental pressures work over generations, not life times. So he is "smart" because of genetics and nothing more.

Since most of his family are either around average and some below, do you know any articles on why, for example, randomly a person such as him down the family tree would be gifted with exceptionally High IQ?

Or it doesn't have to be articles, just from anywhere factual

Depends, I have no idea who you are talking about. But anything about 120 is smart. If I had to guess I would say nutrition or his mom was a slut.

The guy, Chris Langan, is listed as one of the "smartest" people alive with a supposed IQ of 200 (Of course, at this point anyone would question the accuracy of IQ tests)

If you are asking how it's possible he became that way. I would say his family either carried the gene and it didn't manifest because of poor nutrition, or mutation. But I find anything over 140 i.q. hard to believe. Think about it, that's almost double the brain power of the average human. That's not even human.

I have a pretty high iq, around 130ish and it hasn't really helped me understand anything new. Just means I learn quickly. I still type like a retard and feel fat and gay.

Gtg my dude. Thanks for the conversation/information

Yep, don't forget to practice your math, fag.

It's ok man, we know what it's like. We feel you're fat and gay too.

>some evolutionary event happened involving jaw size
>this change was in a ancestor to humans' MRCA
>therefore extant humans with phenotypes vaguely, subjectively reminiscent of that of the ancestor to MRCA are primitive (more related to an ancestor from which they have diverged so long ago that they cannot share unique genes)
>telling someone else to go to /pol/

>High IQ

We're all 120-140 here, you're just average on Veeky Forums

>If one part doesn't have to work as hard, then the blood goes somewhere else. I.e. To the brain.
Mind if I cut off your limbs to see if you become smart enough to disavow your theory?

You all know absolutely nothing about facial aesthetics/skull development.

You faggots wanna get redpilled on your own lives/looks/destiny?

First off, a majority of you are probably incels/Nerdics/normies

However for high IQ, you can't be a incel/skullcel (notice in these pics, both male models are 6ft 3, while the Asian guy completely mogs Gandy's bone structure to oblivion (larger skull, wider frame, taller)

Second off, you have to be a slayer phenotype
-Robust skull
-Enhanced maxilla
-Compact midface
-Decent lower third
-Wider Frame
-Six foot 2 minimum

But most importantly your skull size, and facial distribution which is linked to something so simple to understand.

Everything is linked to testosterone. Facial aesthetics, IQ, Sexual Dimorphism, actual physical appearance however (if too much is present in the womb without genetic structure to back up, socially Aspie or Autism), Pre-natal testosterone exposure is essentially everything in the development of bone structure.

The pic in OP shows prenatal Testosteronic exposure within humans, the original scale showed high Pre-T and low Pre-T or high-fighting success vs low fighting success (threat) or low-Trust, high Trust.

The face on the left is correlated with low intelligence because the bone structure doesn't leave room for a large prefrontal cortex.


These three kids, left was Valedictorian (6.05 GPA) and both on right tied for Salutatorian (both 6.00 GPA) at my HS, now they are currently Freshman at Ivy leagues

Dude on left goes to Princeton, the girl goes to Stanford now, and the average looking skullcel/manlet goes to Brown

Kid on the far right however looks average, and I heard him sometimes mention that he did cheat on a shit ton of his exams/found online banks, also know several other students who have gone to Yale and cheated their way in.

However OP's pic is not entirely accurate as it states that long midfaces correlate with higher IQ

Sup lookism bro

If I remember correctly the only person who applied their knowledge and was literally insanely talented at using it was actually the girl in the middle.

Notice her longer than average skull, taller forehead and wider Interpupillary distance, making her face border the edges of her skull.

The kid on the left has a larger skull/taller skull with a normal jaw but classifies as a high-IQ profile due to pupillary distance

Kid on the right if I remember, was a mouthbreather

All in all, everything boils down to facial proportions and the ratios of your thirds. In essence, higher genetic quality is observable within a compact midface in proportion to the rest of your face is a highly desirable trait between both sexes.

Notice the girl in the middle has a slightly larger upper third as seen by the forehead height, distance between Tr Horizontal to CR CL Plane. Women typically hold their Paedomorphic skull structures/development from their Neotenous features, high forehead, compact midface, invisible lower third, however this girl is not considered "attractive" due to her midface ratio, but is classified as high-iq due to her large upper third

The larger the upper third is, indicates a higher cranial capacity. It's a shame she's a female since 60% of her thoughts are not processed primarily logically but rather emotionally.

>6.05 GPA
Give me a quick rundown on how that's even conceivable never mind possible.

t. phrenology

I'm willing to agree that signs of further development could be connected to higher intelligence, but not beyond a loose correlation unless i see some studies

My school used to have weighted GPA's assigned to based on level of rigor (college prep, honors, AP)

The highest weighted GPA attainable was given to you if you had an A+ in an AP class = (6.0)

If I remember correctly these kids took nearly all of the hardest fucking AP classes (Multidimensional Calc II or BC) (All Physics AP's) and passed with flying colors of 5's

You know what's a guaranteed predictor of IQ?

Skin color.

That makes sense. At my high school an A in an AP class counted as a 5.0.

>A+ in an AP class = (6.0)
Specifically A+ or did you mean any A?

Either way how is that .05 possible? That school must be pretty top tier for it to even be possible to take only weighted classes for your entire high school career. I mean at my high school I don't think there was a weighted physical education alternative or a way to have your first year of honors english or your electives weighted.

>because of genetics and nothing more.
not even the biggest fans of iq believe that

Does a large, wide face always indicate high levels of testosterone? What about girls who have this trait?