I did some independent research these past couple months Veeky Forums

I did some independent research these past couple months Veeky Forums.

If i go a day or two without showering, my natural musk will start to be more noticeable (obviously), and it's on these days I'll be more self concious about my scent. However, i often will have more success speaking to women on these days and will even get "you smell good" remarks more often.

So i decided to test it.

I had an old cologne bottle laying around that i put through the dishwasher 5 times to clean out any leftover fragrance.
My gym has a sauna that i visited three times a week during this research. I would collect any sweat from my genitals that would build up in the sauna, until i had enough sweat to fill the cologne bottle with my eau de nuts (it wasnt that large a bottle).

I then would approach women in public (bars, school, gym, mostly), and try to strike conversation and get phone numbers. I did this over the course of a month. Showering daily i would have the following weekly constraints:

>monday and tuesday, no fragrance
>wednesday and thursday one spritz on my neck
>friday, one spritz on neck, one on each wrist
>weekend, above, plus armpits and chest coverage.

I had interesting results. I found that ON AVERAGE, the more pheromone juice i wore, the more women wanted to talk to me, and the easier it was to get a phone number
There were certainly outliers. A few women were repulsed by my scent, especially on the weekends when i wore the most. I also had a few moderate successes early in the week without any fragrance.


Other urls found in this thread:



You mean disgust.


First post worst post.

Congratulations OP.

Pheromones and attraction have been hand in hand for a long time, and it comes as no surprise to me to see your method has produced results.

Here is the question:
Will you take your product to market?

If you want to buy my dick nectar, you certainly can

>eau de nuts

Except that recent research suggests that "pheromones" don't do anything for humans.

Bad experiment design. Of course you are going to meet more women on the weekends who are looking to hook up. You put your gross scent on at the most opportune part of the week and showered on the least opportune part of the week.

Let's make OP a better experimental design.

One of OP's friends takes the nut sweat bottle and, every day, randomly chooses a treatment regime and either the nut sweat or a suitable control control (plain water? saline?). The friend tells OP the treatment regime but not the identity of the bottle.

Analysis would be some kind of linear regression omdel along the lines of
N ~ I + T + D + e
where N is success at acquiring a phone number for every woman OP flirts with, I is the identity of the liquid, T is the treatment regime, D is the day of the week, and e is random error

It would require a lot more effort but the data would be more convincing.

This is actually very helpful, and kind of part of the reason i came here. I had realized my experiments werent unbiased. Maybe ill do this again and report back?

for a really thorough experiment you should also spray someone else's nut sweat on you and see if that works.

Good idea. Maybe use people of different physical attractiveness?

Waiter, this copy pasta is stale.

yeah. Also, it's possible that you are more confident on the nut sweat days because you know you sprayed it on. Can you have another bottle of plain water that you spray sometimes, without knowing which bottle is which? Like have a friend mix up the two bottles and then tell you which one was which after the experiment.

But then, you could probably tell which one was which just from the smell. So you have to disable your own sense of smell for this

seems inconclusive to me. you need more specific data that you won't be able to get. like their neurological response to: the sight of you, the colors you wear, hair style, who you are with if anyone, what you order to drink ect.
also, what is their state of mind when you approach them? are they desperate, looking for a revenge fuck, being dared to "hook up with you". things like that.

TL;DR - your "independent research" isn't any better than superstition/old wives tales/pseudo science or confirmation bias. sorry if this offends you.

Recent research shows that you're retarded. How do you respond?

Do it! Might just be the ass penny effect.


I suddenly just got really hungry for some reason.

Are you saying i sprayed genital sweat on my face for nothing

Holy shit
My sides

I've done this myself OP/bait
It works for user fags too FYI

You need to test the following:
>Your eau de nuts
>regular cologne (not Axe, that's homosex)
>combination of both
>negative control (none)
>swap days if the week per combination or negative control
>test where you hook up, such as a gym, bar, sports game, restaurant, etc.

Have your friends do this too with their own. Now, for the really homosex part: swap eau de testes, make sure each person gets another's at least 3 times for surety. See if a certain man's pheremones are more attractive than another, or whose is most detrimental.

Take the following notes:
>Initial reaction
>getting number
>maybe some other parameters I'm not thinking of

Do this over a number of months. Compile data. Post results

I think it would be better to start off with a simpler methodology first before proceeding to something so complex. We need some basic evidence that the effect is real before we start including alternatives like cologne.

you're a brainlet, /thread

you didn‘t really control the environment.. so yes
but social research is bullshit anyway, even done by professionals 30% (...at least) are complete bollocks

this sounds like a Nature paper

You've clearly never been intimate with a female before

banner when

lol time to post this on /r/Veeky Forums :^))))