Psychomotor Rehabilitation, it envolves the human facto relating the body to the psichologic factors using movement activities and withoud leaving emotions behind. It is a french movement recently origobated in the 80/90's
What careers aren't going to be replaced by robots in the near future...
>Implying these won't be replaced by robots
>tfw no qt sexbots
Kek, just this morning I was reading an article in my newspaper of how computers were used in law since they could through thousands of papers a second and find procedural mistakes and other stuff. Once this sort of stuff becomes mainstream it'll start costing jobs.
Same for medicine, computers can deliver much more accurate diagnoses.
a very broad term but becoming a banker is absolute retarded tier
Low level business economy is getting automated really heavily.
Nursing major here.
Nursing is pretty safe bud. There wont be robos that can do our job as efficiently and with the same versatility for a long ass time.
Dumbass. Would you let computers with no emotion cut you up? Surgery will always be done by humans.
>but are robots going to become so advanced that patients can end up relying on them fully?
No, not for at least several hundred years.
That chick from Prometheus got in a machine and got a pretty quick and successful C section.
Checkmate libcuck
>literally C section to remove a disgusting ayy lmao from inside of you
Great example, I concur!