Geosciences are the most superior sciences

>Geosciences are the most superior sciences

Prove me wrong (you can't)

Not sure if theyre the most superior, but there is no doubt that they are among the toppest of the top tier.

superior in what way?

Can confirm, minerals are the shiznit.

nice rocks

I find it absolutely wonderful that things such as pic related can be created through natural processes.


Minerals are a subset of rocks.

Paleontology is the toppest of science tiers. Students of fossils must be masters of stratigraphy, evolution, geophysics, anatomy, biomechanics, isotope analysis, and communication to tie all of them together.

Is this a joke?

Do you have aspergers?

You're fucking retarded if this isn't shitposting. Rocks are made from minerals.

t. Geologist

Yea, so theyre the same thing. You proved my point.

even behaviour to be precise

no but I'm definitely planning to try them next year

>end up working for oil or mineral exploration companies
>implying this is a good result
lol nah man

if you need me ill be scuba diving, cheers

So you look at things you dig up? Fucking novel

>end up working for oil or mineral exploration companies
>guaranteed 6 figures to travel the world

enjoy scuba diving twice a year

Rock niggers are gay af.

we rocks now


Working in O&G is exciting as fuq.

>tfw all the libtards say it's selling out to work in oil and gas

kek more jobs for me and my friends


Economics is the most superior science.

>atoms are protons because they're made of them
This is you right now

> hydrogen ions aren't atoms
This is you right now

Astrophysicist here, I'm gonna have to disagree.

lmao shouldnt u be writing tomorrows horoscopes u brainlet

Astrology =/= Astronomy
Enjoy your technology

>top science

>Le invisible hand
>muh human nature
Yeah, no

t. Physics graduate

Graduating in May. Wanting to go into planetary geology. Wish me luck fellow geo scientists

>Quartz with malachite
>Not Broccolith

I, on the other hand find it absolutely wonderful that things such as pic related can be created through natural processes.

What kind of high-paying job can get you get from studying minerals?

>collecting rocks

Top kuk, look at my collection of rare pepes everyone, I'm a """scientists"""!!

Pretty much all of them. Geosciences are the sciences with the highest mean salary.

Made me spit out my drink. 10/10

Nice logic there, senpai. Perhaps you'd be better suited for more intellectual paths

Why wouldn't they be. Do people have conversations about science on this board?


Finally some recognition


Its ok i guess. Just recognizing different rocks. The formation strike dip stuff was only application of value to civil though.