Be me

>be me
>work as an investment """anal"""lyst
>tfw everyone pulls numbers out of their ass and makes up statistics in the investment reports to look smart and impress the clients; who are almost always retarded low IQ billionaire Arabian and Chinese manchilds

I can't take this anymore Veeky Forums. The amount of outright and unconscious fraud that goes against mathematical reality is destroying my soul. If I have to extrapolate another 5 year growth rate from a linear regression line based on 20 data points again I think I'm going to stab someone

>If I have to extrapolate another 5 year growth rate from a linear regression line based on 20 data points again

Does this really happen?

>he feels bad about fleecing billionaire parasites of their shekels


this OP, literally what's the problem?
You are stealing from nonwhites which is OK since they got rich not by smarts but by owning shot that the white man was interested in.
In former, more just times we would have just invaded and raped these peoples but nowadays we buy them their shit.
Then we have people like you to get the money back and, through consumerism and taxes, benefits all of the society.

You are doing God's work.

spot the /pol/tard


it's you

Why not just lie to delusional billionaires who completely lack the intelligence to manage their money and stumbled into their wealth? They don't deserve it and they are very likely arrogant morons who should be exploited to benefit the more needing.

There are plenty of legal ways you can ream these idiots and take their money.

Why do you /pol/tards even cime here? Is it because you somehow deluded yourself into thinking that science and math forums are a place to go to in order to feel smart about yourself?

If you mongs actually had any appreciation for science and math you would know that 90% of your ideas are laughably stupid.

I truly hope that you get mugged by some psychotic homeless person intent on castrating you with his homemade bum shank.

>If I have to extrapolate another 5 year growth rate from a linear regression line based on 20 data points again I think I'm going to stab someone
I am keking so hard right now.

>fraud that goes against mathematical reality
i know that feel

Exploiting the stupid for your benefit is nothing to stress yourself about. If you're really worried about it just find another job.

the "tolerant" left, everybody

>I truly hope that you get mugged by some psychotic homeless person intent on castrating you with his homemade bum shank.

I cant really be bothered to make a brain meme but it would go something like this:

>debating your enemies from a point of moral superiority

>debating your enemies by lowering yourself to their level

>debating your enemies by lowering yourself so deep down that they have the moral highground

Go back to your quarantine board. No one wants you here.

yes this is why the economy is so shaky. You know how the cover it up they tell you it causes volatility which is needed for a stable market. This is one of the many reasons I left finance.

nice dubs.

But there is literally nothing wrong with having a political opinion different to yours.

>tolerance means I can be stupid and nobody can call me out on it

t. millennial samefag cuck concernshilltroll. Fuck off back to /utg/ you gay homo fag anal kike.

If that "political opinion" is nazism, then yes you are wrong.

>>I truly hope that you get mugged by some psychotic homeless person intent on castrating you with his homemade bum shank.
>call me out

Really makes me think....

If that is how the left is "calling someone out" then they really are not very tolerant.

But he is no Nazi.

What makes you think that he supports nationalism AND socialism?

I can see the nationalism, even ethno-nationalism, but socialism? not really.

You really have no Idea what "nazi" even means do you?

Your broad is represent by a swastika and if I g there right now I bet there will be pro nazi threads.

you're on fucking FOUR CHAN

lighten the fuck up you dumb nigger faggot

not really.

>and if I g there right now I bet there will be pro nazi threads
But there are often communist and ancap threads there too?
Does that mean everyone there is a nationalistic, sozialistic, communist anarcho capitalist?
Definitely no.

You are branding someone with something you have no evidence to support.

>lighten the fuck
I am just shitposting a bit before I go to sleep.

Hey everyone, check it out, this sensitive /pol/ fairy is spazzing out.

>A board is one person
One can frequent a place for discussion even if they don't agree with the prevailing views. This rampant polarization of discourse in the last couple decades is why politics are as charged as they are today. You don't have to be literally Hitler to enjoy watching people overreact to views that aren't their own.

>economics isn't a science
straight from the horse's mouth

everyone who disagrees with me is a nazi

nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi

please pay attention to me, you evil cis white male bigot shitlord patriarch NAZI

>acting retarded on a science board

Hey everyone, check it out, this sensitive /utg/ gay anal cuck kike millennial homo tranny is spazzing out.

gr8 b8 m8, i r8: 8/8

Someone ban this dumb /pol/ chimp.

Someone ban this dumb /utg/ millennial anal gay chimp.

Because of my political opinion?

I also dont really visit /pol/ that often.

>typical /pol/ argument technique
top zoz

srsly, /pol/ is worse than /b/

>shitposting is a political opinion

>typical /utg/ argument technique
top qhq

Your echo chamber misses you. Isn't there a thread making fun of liberals for shielding their from sunlight that you need to be apart of?

srsly, /utg/ is worse than /b/

Your /utg/ echo chamber misses you. Isn't there a thread making fun of conservatives for shielding their from sunlight that you need to be apart of?

echo chamber:"

>a political opinion is shitposting

>Op talks about the abuse of mathematics in their real life job
>People proceed to talk about politics and race
>completely ignoring the math and job portion of the topic and thus going off topic in relation to the board they're posting on

So what?

That happens every where, even in real life.

People get REALLY emotionally invested in politics and that easily escalates some stupid bait post into a left vs. right debate.

Holy shit. This every fucking day.

Who cares -just make the chart look good.

Its all about "telling the story".

"Win the morning. Win the day." And other favorite consultant buzz-phrases.

This is why I want a refund on my econ degree and why I'm working on a my degree in electrical dick sucking on the side.

Get out of that industry before you kys.

>derails thread
Politics has nothing to do with math or science regarding with your statements.

>>derails thread
who cares?

>Politics has nothing to do with math or science regarding with your statements.
You cant stop me from posting.

how DARE you have a different political opinion than me

*crytypes to secret /utg/ junta generalissimos over secret /utg/ irc discord mumble synchtube*
*reports you to LWDS thoughtpolice shovel executioner goon thug squad*
*retweets on reddit for mad upkarma and upgold*
*rips fat weed hash kine bud dab vape bong joint blunt chronic ganja hit*
*does millennial gay homosexual anal interracial tranny cuckold handsfree poz swap*

>I don't like your opinion

The neo-left, summed up in one shitpost.

post more about the peculiarities of finance please, ignore shitposters

because being realistic and redpilled was Sci original state.
but leftists on mod positions permaban any mathematical truth, even if it comes from a noble prize winner.

the cultural marxists are waning out because they see Veeky Forums is way drier than 4 years ago

You're doing God's work fleecing these filthy khaleeji Gulf Arab maniacs. They're disgusting and you stealing their money is a GOOD and MORAL thing. They're all perverts, rapists and no-good immoral sociopaths. Trust me, I lived in Doha, Qatar for 3 years, the rich Gulf Arabs are barely human, they're still savages who believe it's their right as Muslims to rape uncovered kuffar.

That sounds fucking hilarious. Would have as a job

I did HFT for almost a year, we were trading on information that had yet to be released to the public through the exchange because we were so fast, so were in effect doing insider trading with the other HFT firms.

The best thing about Wallstreet is they understand you won't find unicorn programmers, so they pair you with a mathematician instead of looking for "PhDs in ML with 5+ exp writing optimized C++". They were paying these guys well over $200k a year too base salary plus bonuses in the hundreds of thousands meanwhile Silicon Valley/Elron Musk of SpaceXtology will pay them $90-130k.

All applied math is like this. You start with the correct model and then you twist it until it looks like what the person paying you wants to see, regardless of whether it's pants-on-head retarded by this point.

Even engineering is not safe; you'd think it would be "we can't cheat and cut corners or this will blow up", but the real mindset you face is "how many corners can we cut without this blowing up?"

This thread minus the dumb shit is fucking eye opening. What else is surprising about working in finance?

atleast you are stealing from people who steals

is all of economics just a big joke? can anybody even predict anything?

I have a feeling that no economist really knows how things work.

It's complete and total perpetuated bullshit-a bunch of stem degrees mixed with econ and finance drones and wannabe intellectuals pretending to know whats going to happen.

No on really "knows" for the purpose of the business. Their job isn't to know, its to sell shit to clients (internal and external). In reality I think most people do know in the back of their minds that economic groth reliant on the expansion of debt isn't sustainable but the cycles continue and are difficult to time.

Every cycle there are a few people who guess right and they get to write the books and go on the talk shows. They dont really guess right at all though, they just get lucky on the timing.

On the small scale you can be pretty sure of the initial results of something like changing the ff rate. But its a dynamic nonlinear system so after that initial iteration it's tough to say. Add HFT to the mix and it's all fucked.

If you like money and want to work (read:sell your soul) it's a great career. If you have integrity and want to actually know how to do something useful while we turn this rock into the second Venus then go make/research shit.

actual investment analysts provide data for the fund managers of their own company
you were just employed to help sales reps lie better

>stop persecuting me by calling me stupid when I spout stupid nonsense
Go the fuck back to /pol/

>stop triggering me by calling me a gay anal millennial cuck when I spout homosex anal degenerate millennialoid cuckoldian nonsense
Go the fuck back to /utg/ you anal gay homo cuck millennial

Who the fuck hurt you?

I've heard the same thing from other math students who interned at banks or consultancy firms. They just pull stuff from wikipedia without understanding it.

I agree, why did it have to devolve to a shit flinging contest?

See the reason why we don't want you /pol/lacks here is not because we are triggered, or leftists, it's because you devolve every single thread into a shit flinging contest between:


This thread had great potential to be about the misuse of mathematics and statistics in the business world, but you ruined it with this single post.

ban test

>I feel bad for getting paid

Fuck oligarchs, you're doing just fine getting your cut from those leeches

You might want to get into another field though it seems like you hate your job

Fuck you and people like you. You are literally working towards the collapse of society.