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Science #88
Scientifically speaking...
Someone explain the Standard Model to me
Well nerds?
Is it possible to cum so hard you fly backwards?
Pic related. Serious question
So I want to end up working as a Software Developer/Engineer...
SpaceX Applicants Are Asked To Solve This Question
Theoretically speaking, what would happen if you grew a baby inside of a sealed glass box?
The bell curve
Why is circle always 360deg big?
Nuclear power
Whats the best book for category theory?
I told people in the party that i major in Physics because i want to know how nature works and understand the universe...
I'm 26 and I wanted to go university. My gf says I'm too old for this and I should do some other important things...
Women and Medicine
What is the science behind spirals in nature?
Will smoking harm the dna of my future children if im a male?
IQ Test
Kari Poikolainen
It's like they want to give everyone cancer, who invented this diabolical machine?
Hey Veeky Forums what is so wrong with solar sails I think their great...
Alternative lifestyle as a Veeky Forumsentist
Will the robots of the future turn on humanity?
ITT: gamechanging study habits
I now have a 3.49 GPA
Daily reminder that if your IQ is bellow 130 then you shouldn't be in STEM
Are there any scientists or mathematicians alive today who will or have the potential to be immortalized hundreds of...
Brainlet here
Be an English/Classics major
What properties of platinum and rhodium/palladium allow these metals to separate nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons in...
Why do some people get A's without lifting a finger while the rest of us have to bust are ass to get a B...
Let's get an IQ thread going
Fall Classes
What are your thoughts on this rigorously constructed ranking?
Math is pathetic
A mysterious object crashes in your backyard. Upon inspecting the object...
Class autist starts talking
One must keep in mind that physical laws and theories are never proven nor refuted
How did you do you do on AP calc netfs?
Best/Hottest Youtube Math Professors?
Does having regular sex with one or different women cause beneficial hormonal changes in men?
How much of Veeky Forums has thinning/balding hair?
If the earth isn't hollow
How do we actually know black holes and relativity exist...
Hey Veeky Forums, I started looking into flat earth ideas and honestly it makes sense to me...
Veeky Forums meme thread
How long does Cannabis stay in your body?
Why is Psychology looked down upon so much guys?
FORTRAN is the best for numerical methods. Prove me wrong
Why are non-Western countries still behind on education...
Math is harder than physics
What would a colony on Mars look like?
Damn...never thought about it that way
The Science of Feminism
What does it take to learn linear algebra and differential equations? Do you need all the comon core: algebra...
How dangerous is flying, really?
Let's get an IQ thread going
Pseudoscience rage thread
Explain to me why multiverse theory is any different than Theism?
What is the best physics textbook for someone who wants rigor and the essentials...
When did u realize that aether actually exists?
How do you choose ONE subject to study for 4-8+ years? I want to study like 10 different fucking things
Bump. I actually like this channel but this video made me dissmiss the whole channel
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread : Ask the Math Oracle
Spring 2017 Grades
Post handwriting
Plagiarism shitpost from serbia - 7 days later
Does Veeky Forums think asteroid mining is feasible and if not why not?
Brainlets of Veeky Forums - when did you realize you were a brainlet?
Why is Veeky Forums so scared to discuss race and IQ...
Western Academia is dead
It has taken nearly four years...
/ccg/ - Climate Change General
Trump in the words of Veeky Forums
Brainlet Thread
Can Veeky Forums solve this most complex problem?
Why do most people just shut off their brains when they see math above the level of arithmetic?
Give it to me straight Veeky Forums
How does Heat Death work?
It's Sunday night
A person has a lungful of air and they need to travel as far as possible on that one breath
Photons have no mass
Twice as cold
Bose-Einstein Condensate
Do most physicists think they are better than mathematicians? Most physicists I talk to are smug assholes
Confirmed brainlet?
What is the best order to learn mathematics?
First proof(s) to ever make you think "nice"
Explain to a faggot why time travel would never be possible
Veeky Forums, how do we know other animals don't have consciousness?
Veeky Forums cannot answer this!
What are we going to do with humanity?
I really like pure science and engineering, but don't want to sit in front of computer for the rest of my career...
Dark Matter
Why do people still respect this guy? He was literally wrong about everything
/devilish/ general
What do you Veeky Forumsentists think would be an innovative approach to deal with stress,ADHD, autism and anxiety?
An interesting 3x3 Matrix function I made up
How hard would it be to build a self sustaining generation ship with todays technology?
Nobel Prize when?
How come we were able to develop this while apes didn't move past using sticks?
Is it just a meme that the best universities are in USA, or is it a fact?
Engineers of Veeky Forums: How would you solve this?
Our mind is literally determinism plus a sprinkle of quantum randomness
How the FUCK do you find a tangent line of an ellipse [math] frac{ x^{2} }{a^{2} } + frac{ y^{2} }{b^{2} } = 1[/math]...
It's 2017 and there are still no good methods to analyze chaotic systems
What is the best form of government, scientifically speaking?
Codebreaking Thread
Why aren't schoolchildren taught to count with different number systems other than the decimal system?
Was there anything more cringe than when Neil Degrass Tyson tried to just laugh his way thru the first JRE appearance...
1. Your field
Guys you seriously only have about 100 years to leave the planet ok
I am asking this totally seriously...
What are your thoughts on civil engineering?
Is SETI dangerous?
I'm 18 with unlimited motivation and want to work for a biotech company that wants to stop aging. What do I do?
Feels over Reals (Literally)
If 0.999... = 1 does that mean that the set of all real numbers less than one but greater than zero contains one?
How do you refute this image, Veeky Forums? Face it: science is just a form of philosophy...
I recall seeing an article headline that claimed couples who have sex often are more successful. Can anyone verify this?
Standard model and relativity tell us that 95% of universe is dark energy, stuff we know nothing about
How far are we from AI waifus? I'm sick of getting cheated on
Is Cryonics a meme?
Its on, bitches
What would the best way to build the living area of a star ship?
Is natural selection scientifically proven to be true?
The Ultimate Science of Dr Pepper
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread - Shitty Bait Edition
The face of science in 2017
Search for a cure for a non-meme related illness that isn't hyped up by """research charities""" or the """media"""
Dried blood, what can be done forensically?
Man never landed on the moon
Wich pencil do you use?
Do women ever grow beyond 4 year old bratty spoiled girls?
Bill Nye
Is this what's happening to Science right now?
Does anyone else feel obsessed with grades? Having had several internships and worked on research under a prof...
/who/ Pure Math + Computer Science here?
I do not want to die a brainlet
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread: Ask the Math Oracle
Hi Veeky Forums, I'm a newfag. Why is CS considered a meme?
Look at the comments on this video
Why is there bible?
CO2 levels have passed 410 PPM
Nuclear Ships
I graduated with a degree in Geology today
There is a 0.00000012% chance that GZ60 will hit us in 17 days and literally blow us the fuck out
Modern sexual selection is making humans better
Roast me Veeky Forums
How do I become smart?
Realistically, when can we hope to achieve this Veeky Forums?
Wisdom teeth
So a friend recently told me about NoFap, a movement i have never heard about before...
Why Americans believe that dumbed-down
You should be able to find the red area
For all his intelligence
At some point we didn't exist. Individually speaking. We weren't alive. Then we were conceived and brought into life...
He unironically studies pure mathematics
My friend and I want to make YouTube videos about space for a Latin American audience...
How would China's IQ scores compare if the effect of widespread endemic cheating was considered?
The latest water collection fad:
Tfw you realise evolution is false
Is there really no such thing as race?
There are more molecules in a cup of water than cups of water in all the oceans
Did you fall for the CS meme Veeky Forums?
Is he /our guy/?
Has anyone here taken the "gaokao," China's college entrance exam?
If you score below 145 on an IQ test, you really shouldn't be in STEM
If this excites you, you are an engineer
Why do so many normies idolize this faggot?
What's the programming language of choice for/sci/?
What the absolute fuck is going on in popsci now? This shit is flooding /tv/ all god damn day now
Post beautiful equations
Aboriginal Australians diverged from the rest of humanity 50000-100000 years ago. Politics aside...
Can someone solve it?
Just got into harvard, what should i expect?
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on nuclear energy?
What do you learn after calculus?
How to become smarter?
"I understand the math, I'm just really bad at taking tests."
Gut Bacteria
Explain singularity to me
/stg/ String Theory General: Based Young Gukov Edition
Caffeine drinks abstinence chrisis
I made a video about terraforming Venus/Mars
No chess thread?
Are there any observable things in nature or scientific facts that run counter to the theory of evolution and are their...
How would you explain the wonders of GMO to a friend?
Are we apes?
How far off are we for real permanent cures for (currently) uncurable diseases like diabetes, cancer, AIDS, etc
What does washing your hands actually do?
John von Neumann converted to Catholicism
If I was teleported to the center of the sun for one trillionth of a second and then transported back to earth would I...
If the second law of thermodynamics states:
Does this sound retarded?
What are the characteristics of a stupid person...
Geniune as fuck polymath here. You have a real treat today -- I am open to questions for 15 minutes. Shoot
I need some help bros
How would math be different if we redefined 1 to be what we call pi, meaning it is not irrational...
Is smoking cigarettes good to help you to study?
Monthly reminder:
Opinions on Khan Academy?
How do you cope with this anthropic climate change?
My Christian friend told me that science is the creation of the devil
Do people have "rights" to reproduce?
How do you reconcile being Veeky Forums while also supporting trump?
Try to defend GMO food
TFW sucked at math all through high school
There is NO consciousness
Genetically Modified Superhumans or Transhumanism?
How do I improve my memory and focus?
*blocks your path*
Can all the content of the human mind be derived from sense experience?
Why does nobody talk about the biggest threat to our society and our species today: overpopulation?
Calculus is just algebra with formulas
Quantum teleportation is not real is it? Be honest
Do you think it will be possible to completely change one's gender using technology in the future?
Yfw when you realize you won't live long enough to see humans be an intergalactic civilization
German IQ Free Fall
HaHa! Cower before my superior intellect you feeble mortals...
Mini verses
How does Veeky Forums deal exam stress before/during an exam?
If you needed to learn all about differential equations in the next 6 hours. How would you go around doing that?
Huge push to get women into STEM
The speed of Light
Brainlet Feels
How the fuck am I suppose to pull 3.6+ GPA (90%+) for engineering grad school admissions? Can someone fucking tell me?
Humans must consume autotrophs, their products, and/or their predators to survive...
Transferring to computer science
He's a credible scientist, eat it sci
Is this ranking correct?
Are photons really massless?
"I'm smart, but I'm bad at math"
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread, Stealing Last OP Edition
Evolution? Or religious dogma?
Common core
Describe the length of a second without referencing something physical
Are Nootropics pseudoscience?
What is Veeky Forums majoring in and why?
Whoa wtf! I love science now!
Sometimes thought to be anti-democratic, insensitive and elitist, Lindemann supported eugenics, held the working class...
Are races a real thing, Veeky Forums?
Darkest material on earth looks like photoshop
Is there really more than 2 genders?
How do I focus?
Teleportation has been scientifically proven
Be me
Tfw you publish complete fucking garbage in a top journal and realize that science is basically trash
I breezed through high school and got a 3.8 without much studying. Why the fuck is the trend opposite now in college...
Well, Veeky Forums? Does it converge or diverge?
What is the most popular languages used in science...
Integral of Position
Charles Darwin was a brainlet. He was shit at math and openly admitted it...
Are Population controls in the industrial world the only way to combat climate change?
Matlab is required for solving real probl-
Thinking about the Fermi Paradox
Disprove the sun is only 3500 miles away. This is regarding Flat Earth. Disprove this picture
How do you faggots love math so much?
Roko's Basilisk
Pilot wave theory
Gallons? How do you survive drinking gallons of deep fryer oil? There must be some sort of imbalance that occurs
Why is he so based?
If the universe could be defined by a 3D array with each element in the array being the location of elementary...
Mfw realizing that taking female hormones to sterilize my white sperm was the most scientific thing I could have done
How do I study for my AP comp sci test? I need a 5
Is there something you're good at that not very many other people are good at?
There's no such thing as the perfect func-
I always wonderes why exactly the ancient "scientists" are held in such high regard...
Why is Google super secretive about its anti-aging research?
Is computer engineering more rigorous than computer science?
This is why you're friendless
How long is a second?
I have a Set Theory test in 15 minutes Veeky Forums. What is essential to know?
Cool things you've done (brag thread)
ITT: Things Brainlets say
IQ -
I realize a board full of nerd virgins might be the wrong place to ask this, but what's Veeky Forums's remedy for ED?
True scientist
Veeky Forums: 1
Is it possible that the Big Bang theory is wrong or incomplete?
In science what do you call something you know is wrong because its against all common sense but you cant prove it
Hey Veeky Forums
Stress Induced Cognitive Impairment
Woman are more likely to accept climate change than men
Say it with me
How to get TSH level high AF?
SpaceX launch in T-23
Cognitive improvement thread
When capitalism falls
I have some hydrocloric acid but i don't know its concentration...
What is the biggest meme degree out there?
The Ultimate Method of Studying
I want to learn a language, just because
Is geoengineering a useful tool in combating climate change?
Does 0.9999 ... = 1 ?
Is MATLAB a meme?
Lewd Veeky Forums
It's Pajeet world now!
No cure for baldness, no dick size surgery, no height surgery
Let a function meets all reuirements to have a taylor seies and a fourier series...
Is paving roads out of recycled plastic a good idea?
IQ between 190 and 200
Best telescope to view planets in detail?
Hardest engineering degree
Are most math textbooks written by brainlets?
Can glass soak up moisture?
What's the outlook of burgerland education in 10 years
Atoms and Bits
If time travel is theoretically possible then how come up till today there haven't been a single case of people...
There was a riddle a few days ago on /ic/ >>>/ic/2955495
Are animal species a spectrum? Just because an animal has dog genes assigned at birth, does it really make it a dog?
I went to KYS university
What STEM final are you studying for? How do you expect you'll do?
What the fuck Veeky Forums? Why do spiders know how to make webs? Why do animals know shit from the moment they're born...
What's the deal with this thing? Why do people impose it on pictures that have no correlation to it...
Love - a social construct?
What scientific discovery would it take to make you believe in God?
How do i stop procrastinating?
Neuroscience Proves What We’ve Known All Along: Gender Exists on a Spectrum
How can we defend ourselves from pol? And how can we strike back?
Has science really proved that gender is a spectrum?
Greetings Veeky Forums
Plagiarism shitpost from serbia
Do physicists break the laws of physics?
Hello. I have developed a formula that allows you to add together the same numbers of different exponents. For example:
I want to know what it feels like to be autistic
Why do so many molecules with conjugated pi bonds have carcinogenic effects...
Trying to use khanacademy to learn math
Does anyone know a way to find integers a,b such that
Would you rather say that a trans women is a women or say that an engineer is a scientists?
Scientifically speaking, is a fetus a living, functioning homo sapiens...
Federal Defunding of Science
Death & Consciousness
Do males of different races have larger or smaller genetalia than others?
What is the science behind art?
Does this disgust you?
PhD math student
We're arguing about this in another thread
Um, guys?
What's the general consensus on the ranking of Veeky Forums Youtube channels?
Am I a brainlet?
Did you go into engineering for the money?
Evolution is real, species adapt to their environment and develop different characteristics...
Tfw you round gravity to 10 and pi to 3 in the same equation
Noob question
What is the science behind homeopathy?
Is there such a thing as being TOO brainlet...
Space General
Why are women in academia so rare? Are women just less intelligent than men?
Stop denying 9000000 genders
If you HAD to major in computer science
Name one problem in competer """""""""""""'""""science"""""""""""""" aka applied autism that couldn't be solved by any...
If you score below 145 on an IQ test, you really shouldn't be in STEM
What happened to Veeky Forums?
Professor is late to class
Forget to write "+ c" after indefinite integral
Who was the best
Questioning global warming
Hi everyone!
Does is freak anyone else out that 80 percent of the universe's mass comes from a substance we can't explain or observe...
Math is made up, like English, gender, or race
Digital vagabond lifestyle as an EE?
STEM Decay
I mean this guy is trying to prevent overpopulation with an incredibly civilized method and simply let the retards...
If sexuality is a spectrum, which genders scientifically exists between XX and XY ? :^
Does anyone have the solutions manual to Ken Rosen Discrete Mathematics...
The boring company
I have a question, Veeky Forumsfellas: I already know that the approximate acceleration of gravity is 9,8 m/s^2...
Is pop-science really where we are going? Is science really going to become a...
Question, please:
Sci tells me not to do this because it will fuck me up
I've come up with a bio-demographic IQ test. All you have to do is make the following calculations...
I'm in a very advanced undergrad math course (I won't say where), and I have a week to do this problem set
Buoyancy Spaceship
Veeky Forums memes
What psychokenetic phenomena has been scientifically verified?
Living Fossils
Hey /sci
How can science regain its reputation and distance itself from this?
Helping clean up lab
Why isn't Computer Science taken seriously?
Is it possible to have 200% of an apple?
Prove this wrong
Electromagnetism is a Spectrum
How would science be like today if religion never existed?
TFW cannot do Algebra I on khanacademy
A few months back I asked this problem...
Evolutionary psychology and gender
I go to an """elite""" college and this Bio person I know shared this shit on Facebook. Fuck these people...
PhD physics student
What the fuck is friction
Evaluate 9 - 8/s when s = 4
Asian science man
Mental Math
Chemists REPORT IN
Welp... this is the end bois
Climate change in about 20 years
Prove to me that Evolution is real
Silly researcher names
What was his secret?
Reminder that just because all the scientists in the world agree on something, that doesn't mean they're correct
Math majors think they are smart
Why hasn't anybody flown through the Antarctic?
Daily reminder that it's natural to be a bit pedo
Sci v Engr
Explain what science is with your own words
Post a pic with more talent
Is it possible to derive ethics from logic? They are closely related, aren't they?
I have just graduated with an MSc degree in CompSci (please no bully) in a third world country
Israeli security services riddle
Is the Higgs boson real? There are not many news since they 'found' it
Solve it!
To those of Veeky Forums who are deemed /unattractive/
Are they memes or are they worth listening to?
Life is sad
Consciousness is a meme, prove me wrong
Did Carl Sagan ruin science by bringing it to the masses?
Brainlet test
Explain to me (a brainlet) how evolution even happens
So when it comes to Electricity, there's AC and DC. Are there other forms of Electricity besides static?
What's the dumbest science-related thing you've ever heard?
University thread?
Evolution is still considered sound science despite its many shortcomings
As a 6 year old, he could multiply and divide two 8-digit numbers in his head...
The proof is fairly easy and will be left as an exercise
Can't even understand grade 8 math on khanacademy
What's the most important postulate in mathematics that has no proof?
Seeing as science is now a religion?
1. What's the smallest nuclear explosion possible?
Explain These Results
So I just got in an argument with my fucking girlfriend. She tried to tell me that my B.S...
What did he mean by this?
Tricky calculus 3 questions
Why does /pol/ believe Veeky Forums is their friend?
STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering, Math
Veeky Forums meme thread
Seriously tell me how working at the NSA is not a good deal
/Failure/ General
No cure for common cold
Learn a concept
(skip to end for relevant part)
Colonizing The Moon. Shit Idea or Smart Idea?
Meme Sciences
Group alleges positive results in building a warp drive
Has anyone on Veeky Forums seen this shitty movie?
Science fuckups
If I want to work on artificial intelligence...
Why does the world follow people who are all into "pseudo-science", like Michio Kaku, Bill Nye, and Neil DeGrasse Tyson...
Who are the all time most important people in STEM?
Why is western STEM silent to flaunting of cultural marxism in mass media...
Is it too late for me?
/bio/ Biology General
Philosophy and Math
What does Veeky Forums think? Will this help me escape brainlet-mode?
Study in the best universities
Dude sit on a dick also ban white people from having children lmao
What has she done to him???
How would the scientists of old respond to Nye and his ilk?
Has anyone given up on relationships as a consequence of scientific/mathematical pursuit?
Why is she so mathematically perfect anatomically speaking...
Why is everybody so excited about putting a man on this empty rock?
Mfw most scientists believe in god
Money doesn't bring happiness
"a contains b" can mean b is an element of a or b is a subset of a
What the single biggest setback to science that's ever occured?
/SQT/ - Stupid Question Thread
Who was right?
How do we fix the Math problem in America
Is it possible for a function, say f(x), to have a derivative equal to itself? The closest I can find is 2.7^x...
Good Coding Languages to Learn
Girls are bad at math because female teachers are bad at math
Rebel now
Are there any renowned scientists speaking out against this new wave of gender bullshit? Or have they all taken the L
Well Veeky Forums?
When is /pol/ going to stop posting about Bill Nye? Mods? Do we really need 20 distinct threads on it?
Climate change
Why is it that drugs that decrease anxiety (morphine) are said to worsen anxiety disorders in the longterm
3/3 = 3+1/3+1 = 1
Is nature inherently evil?
Your average Mechanical Engineer
He actually chose to study analysis instead of algebra or combinatorics
Can you solve this?
What would happen if a man ate antimatter?
Why should I care about global warming and climate change if its going to affect humans 1000 years in the future? Like...
How could anyone be against this?
What's more difficult: Mechanics or Electromagnetism?
Big thread about life and laws on Mars
So everybody's talking about terraforming Mars, but how's our terraforming technology anyway...
What would happen if we genocided all brainlets with IQs less than 120? Would the world really be a better place?
Spend 15 hours a day studying for exams 3 months away
Greetings human! you have been selected as the representative of your planet! you must show our galactic senate the...
Literature on stocks
Why are Italy and slavs in general so anti-science? is it because religious bigotry?
Hurr durr, muricans can't into metric"
What's the bare minimum range of operations an AI should be able to perform?
Time travel
Which scientist was most ahead of his time?
Cognitive Enhancement Thread
Pic related: why humanity is doomed to fail
They look cool, and the tech is pretty great too
Just looking for what im owed
Hilbert space
Can Veeky Forums tell me what lies beyond the event horizon? Or are you a bunch of brainlets?
It has taken nearly four years...
Do cell phones cause cancer? Is there any plausible way for micro waves, radio waves...
What will happen once science runs out of American and Greek alphabets?
Uni bans calculators in all math and science classes until calculus 3
How much to terraform Mars with nukes?
Order of Operations?
8th grade science teacher tells class we're likely the one of the first generation of people that will live to 200
I'm sorry physicists...
Whats the opinion on books like pic related and How To prove It?
Scientists explain
I challenge you to a coin toss, I will award you 1 million USD if this coin lands on tails
That rocket is gunna be YUUUUUGE
Bill Nye: I'm a scientist
Okay Veeky Forums I have a calculus exam in 50 minutes please tell me how to solve this type of question
Bill Nye, the Totalitarian Guy
What's the safest kind of water to drink? I've been drinking bottled water for years and need to stop
"Why do I have to learn Algebra if I never use this in real life?"
What does everyone think of Geology?
ITT: Proofs
I've always wanted to be a scientist because that lab coat looks so awesome
The 15 biggest ships emit as much pollution as EVERY CAR IN THE WORLD COMBINED...
If the universe is defined as everything there is, how can there be a multiverse?
Let's decide once and for all. What is the future?
ITT: we discuss gender science
Why are some people so obsessed with notation and lack imagination? I hate these dumb piggots. (pig + faggot)
I just took my ASVAB test and I couldn't get this one question:
If the United States has the best post-secondary institutions in the world...
The absolute state of science in 2017
What's his name again?
Sigmund Freud postulated that men compensate using a strategy whereby one covers up, consciously or unconsciously...
This rocket was designed to lift the same payload to LEO as Musk's rocket (550 tons)
What did he mean by this?
ITT: Laugh at normies trying to contemplate time travel
Why c is so special? Is there some hidden variable which makes it the limit of spreading...
What does Veeky Forums think about picrelated?
Photons have no mass but they have momentum
I'm programming something that needs super efficient collision detection...
What's to stop me from pirating every experience I would normally pay for when virtual becomes advanced?
Why do we bother using electrolysis for hydrogen manufacturing when we could just build a large magnifying glass and...
What mental illness would cause a man to have such a gait
Spend over 12 years of your childhood and teens which you will never get back in Victorian era institutions most of...
Guys it's much worse than we ever imagined
Calls himself an electrical engineer
What is the only respectable science field and why is it medicine?
List 10 inventions
Quick Survey
Is Petroleum Engineering still worth it?
Statistics hard?
Post your role model that pushed you towards your field
Why do people want to colonize space when they could just go colonize Antarctica for less effort and money?
Dumb Shit People Say in College
Study: black men are seen as physically larger and more threatening than similar-sized white men
Why don't you study Algorithms & Complexity?
Why do you need to know arithmetic when you can use a calculator?
Could anyone please post the definitive ultimate NON-TROLL list to learn Math, from pre-grades to undergrades?
5^x ≅ 1 (mod 4)
Could a scientist please explain these scientific issues to me?
Go to bank
Aside from Japan why doesn't anybody in the world fucking buy the global warming idea?
What do you guys think of Bill Nye The Science Guy's new science show?
Climate change deniers can pretty much be divided into three categories:
Correlation thread?
''Alternative Facts are essential for understanding fundamental laws of the universe"
Multiplication trick
What do you think about the Alcubierre drive? Is it worth to research?
How can I use google calendar to schedule my time?
You have to compete with THOUSANDS of other students just to apply for a shitty degree with shitty job prospects that...
Why didn't any of these guys attend to the march for """science""" thingy...
Bill holds up an Erlenmeyer flask. The audience ooohs
When you get better grades than le rich faggots who think are better than everyone
Feminism vs. Science
Is Veeky Forums the most narcissistic and negative board on Veeky Forums?
ITT: Engineer Master Race Circlejerk
Which are smarter?
March for science
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread
Is his heart in the right place?
Let's see who is smart enough to solve this combinatorial problem
ITT. Meta thread
/space/ general
All these warnings about climate change
Did the nazis contribute to science or were they like the dark age in the long run?
Could it fly? Explain your answer
Why does no one know about him outside of academic mathematicians...
Is there any proof that modern humans are more intelligent than our prehistoric ancestors were?
Refute this
Electrical engineering
Has anyone ever actually been autistic enough to systematically read and work through a series of textbooks like this...
Redpill me on topology, Veeky Forums. Point-set was kind of a drag...
How does it work?
Call people brainlets on Veeky Forums all the time for having the wrong major or not going to a top 10 school
Have Dumbasses Taken Over?
Do we really need scientific progress?
Taking regular study breaks is a meme that only brainlets adopt. I study till lunch, take 1...
How do I scientifically escape my crippling depression? I have no motivation to work on my research...
Do you think this is actually believable ?
Is there a solution to x=x+1 (x is not a complex) maybe x is an infinite sum of 1 ? Why not ? Can you prove it ?
Has a teacher/professor ever hated you Veeky Forums?
Be me
Shut the fuck up about Mars
200 BC
Should be a piece of cake to be honest
March for Science
Tfw interested in math and science but i'm also a brainlet
If space-time curvature is just an analogy and space is not really curving, then what's going on for real?
What is something valuable you learned late in life?
Been on Veeky Forums for a few months now
How do people believe warp drives are possible if the most vital component is fucking negative mass?
What are some nice, relatively unknown, unsolved problems in mathematics that interest you?
Is there a greater IQ variance among males, Veeky Forums?
Scientifically, why are Indian people so ugly?
Is this real?
I'm aware of Veeky Forums and pretty much Veeky Forums entirely's opinion on psychology. Is neurology just as bad...
First year computer engineering student
What is it like to be a social scientist ?
Can someone here provide me with a scientific argument against eugenics?
There will be tons of mathematical geniuses coming from generation Z and some lucky late ones in generation Y
Okay you bastards, is it true that the universe is flat? (0 curvature)
Women good at STEM
Females trying to be smart but, as with everything, getting BTFO by men
Shitposting aside is it any good Veeky Forums?
ITT: GIFs that explain mathematical concepts. These always seem to be super satisfying to watch
So what math do you actually need to be a high-school math teacher? Algebra 2?
Why is cold water more satisfying than room temperature water or hot water?
Is the double-slit experiment a proof for God or some kind of creator?
That guy who always complains about the course not being "hard" or "challenging" enough when everyone else is struggling
Do social "science" labs exist ?
Why aren't you as smart as this kid, sci?
You only need to modify one thing so that it works
What is the best theory of consciousness?
Nikola Tesla breaktrough
Chance of getting 6 on a dice is 1/6 = ~17%
If the universe is all there is
Is nuclear energy feasible?
Did I fuck up sci?
I've lived in LA my entire life and just recently I found out that some of the lights I see in the sky are actual stars...
Can I make it rich with a math or computer science degree?
Why doesn't water enter a submarine from below when a hatch like this is opened under water?
Scientifically speaking, why are left handers so superior to right handers?
Brainlets be honest, you don't know what this is do you
This student died after taking LSD - (apologies for the sun)
How would extraterrestrial mathematics compare to ours?
Let n be an integer
Daily remember that IQ is not an accurate measure to intelligence or how """smart""" you are...
How many holes does this shirt have?
New Meme
ITT : Post your calculator
Happy 420
Elon Musk's Neuralink
Reminder that "STEM" is a marketing term designed to get young people to pursue difficult careers for bad pay
Can Science Explain Donald Trump Winning?
A puzzle for you guys!
This is a direct clone of a post on /k/, but it ended up hilarious, so I'll post it here-
Are dinosaurs pretty much just giant kangaroos?
This here is a number sequence. Can anyone figure out what it is?
Help an user choose a PhD
Is this brony correct?
How is it that human consciousness has an effect on quantum mechanics experiments...
Why do we write sin^2(x) instead of sin(x)^2
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread
Holy fuck flat earth isn't a meme it's real
Intelligence and Social Ability
Can you guys tell me if man made climate change is a real thing? and if so, is it a big deal...
What is the next big thing in Maths, /sci? Is there anything that is close to a breakthrough?
Prove me wrong
The Rome-Hitler conjecture
Flat Earth
Do you agree with the march for science?
*blocks your path*
Prove to me that 0.999... does not equal 1
Is quantum immortality possible?
Expanding inflatable space habitat
Do you need to be autistic to start a rocket company...
Friend of mine doing her dissertation and I said I'd help with her stats because I do maths...
Genetics/Ancestry tests
Hello Veeky Forums
Is there any truth to this?
Go with a friend to his Introduction to applied sciences for Math Grad students
What does Veeky Forums turn into theorems?
Harvard Finds Next Einstein
There is no /psy/ board so I'm post here in hopes that someone with some knowledge in psychology will view it
Would you like to participate in a Mars mission ?
Physicists observe 'negative mass'
Can you use science to tell me which stock to buy for ~5 year investment?
In what way does 2+2 = 16 ?
TeXing Notes/Liv TeXing
Mathematics for beginners
Methane lakes in Siberia
Riddle me this, Veeky Forums
Tfw born just too late to live forever
Beautiful equations
The concept of Evolution itself
~What does user study~
What happens after the universe ends? Nothingness? An identical universe forming...
Prove me wrong
Electric universe
0.999... = -24(1+2+3...)
Prove to me that the earth isn't flat
If bacteria are not life because they need humans to reproduce then couldn't we say humans are not life because we need...
Retarded exam rules
Michael from Vsauce is a brainlet
Tfw too dumb for uni
Why isn't 0/0 defined? Isn't it just equal to one?
So this is the power of math...
Is Who wants to be a millionaire just a game of luck?
Pluto is not a planet, deal with it
ITT act like a brainlet
Explain this
What are the best books to:
So we have been studying and designing hypersonic aircraft/spacecraft since the 1950's...
Inverse correlation between intelligence and fertility
Who has highest IQ on this board? I have at least 142
If the sex ratio at birth for humans is suppose to be 50% then why are there common cases of families with 10 boys or...
Ignorant religious people discriminate against gays by saying that their "disease" can be cured
Who's attending the March For Science this saturday?
You have 8 coins. 1 coin weighs less than the others. You can do 2 weighings on scales like in the gif...
Cram 2 days before an exam
Saab used to be considered the car brand for educated professionals, what do you drive, Veeky Forums?
Can you name a single thing that isn't a thing
How pic related works?
What happened to this board?
Hey Veeky Forums let's have a bit of fun
Curing Age
Is "Life" understood properly?
Tfw country only has two universities in top 50, and both outside of top 30
"So what do you study?"
Post your degree/field of study/specialization and other people critique it's usefulness
Tfw Veeky Forums says molecular biology isn't a hard science
Math women are hotter than stupid women
Is Asperger syndrome a benefit or a disadvantage? The highest IQ's have it, Einstein, Mozart and so on...
Should STEM fields have stricter entrance requirements?
Weekly reminder that genetics is a factor in the racial intelligence gap
Developing eidetic memory through hard studying?
Why do scientists try to become political? Especially the black one
Is there any hope for me?
Used to analysis/topology
Teach the user above you about a Veeky Forums topic you learned today
So what is your STEM job Veeky Forums? What is your average day like?
The US government got tricked into funding (2 Million dollars) to Solar Roadways
/SQT/ - ask your math and science questions here
How would one scientifically prove that there's no current flowing through this circuit?
At what point do particles become "alive"
Why do people even study math , we have calculators these days xdd
Tell me exactly ONE (1) reason why this wouldn't work
Have you ever met a genius in your university Veeky Forums? Like the type they portray in movies
ITT we post legitimate scientific hypotheses, theories, facts and mysteries that give you goosebumps and creep you out
Inverse correlation between intelligence and fertility
If you can't solve this you don't belong on Veeky Forums
Is race a real thing, Veeky Forums?
Am I wrong for being triggered by this dress?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games