What psychokenetic phenomena has been scientifically verified?

E.g. psychokenetic teleportation; fas.org/sgp/eprint/teleport.pdf

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Gun Kata

I've seen studies made by reputable sources that have claimed to have observed the phenomena of "psychic dreams" or clairvoyance though, but it was not repeatable.

Carl Jung is a famous example.

Does evidence suggest that psychokenetic phenomena can not be scientifically verified?

there is no evidence it is real. Maybe some day evidence will be located (possibly by out of body remote viewing) to prove its possible.

Some psychokinetic phenomena has been determined outside of the scientific community.



Ive often wondered about this. The US military has dumped a lot of money into researching psychic phenomena. I have a hard time believing they did it with zero evidence it would become a valuable military asset.

>I have a hard time believing they did it with zero evidence it would become a valuable military asset.
Why? We invaded Iraq with zero evidence of WMD's and we invaded Afghanistan with zero evidence that Bin Laden was there.

Well who's going to go through all this to find out cia.gov/library/readingroom/collection/stargate

It can be but it doesn't exist. All scientific tests have proven them to be false.

The US government is retarded. They spent 2million dollars researching solar roadways.

No it hasn't. "The scientific community" simply means that such things have been verified. If they have not been verified and peer-reviewed, then they have not, by definition, been "determined".

Now please,

Believe me it's what I said in .

Look up 'determined'.

>Does evidence suggest that psychokenetic phenomena can not be scientifically verified?
Evidence suggests that they do not exist and are entirely made up. The evidence suggests that *very strongly*.

None. They can't exist because they contradict basic laws of physics and in some cases are impossible to test.

Depending on how you define "healing energy" thats semi confirmed. There is a tangible therapeutic value to human touch, though its got more to do with stress relief than magical crystal bullshit.

The evidence is that is has been claimed.

This effort began, supposedly, because the CIA had concerns about Soviet investigations into psychic phenomenon, as the United States had gathered intelligence showing that the Soviets were engaged in “psychotronic” research.

>Russians "leak" evidence of doing bullshit research to US agents
>US wastes resources on bullshit research for fear of being left behind

Google search "James Randi." More than 50 years of conducting research into the supernatural and offering $1 Million to anyone who can prove it's real, such as telekinesis and psychic powers and so far zero, zilch, nada. Not even close.

Obviously prize money is the wrong approach.

and they still managed to lose, communism is so pathetic

How would you reliably repeat it? How would you even reliably observe it?

If you think that invading Iraq or Afganistan had anything to do with WMDs or Bin Laden, you are retarded.

I had a dream one time that I was sitting cross legged on the floor in a large room in a line with other guys doing the same. The room was full of guys sitting cross legged in rows. The dream was very vivid and disturbing and I remembered it clearly when I woke up.

Less than 6 months later I found myself in that room from my dream doing exactly like in my dream. I almost had a panic attack, the déjà vu was overwhelming.

I've had that kind of dream a handful of times in my life and always before big life changes that throw my whole normal way of living into chaos.

obviously I can't prove it and I don't expect you to believe me.

1. Deja vu is caused by brain fuckups and not seeing the future.
2. Seeing the future requires large CONSCIOUS effort, which you obviously don't have while asleep.


That's like 2 dollars when talking about the gubmint friendo. I can make that in 15 years and my job is as easy as taking a shit.

>Seeing the future requires large CONSCIOUS effort.
Teach me how to see the future then.

Wow, people sitting in a room. What an incredibly rare and unlikely event to occur. Surely you would never think up such a crazy and unlikely scenario as "people sitting in a room" unless it was the magical precognition of this insanely unlikely and rare event of "people sitting in a room".

Have you had any other dreams of any insanely unlikely future events, like "talking to a person" or "walking outside"?

seeing into the future cant exist, there is no law to the universe deciding human choice

You just sit down, close your eyes, and focus for roughly 10 minutes without dozing off or zoning out. What you're trying to do is increase the degree to which you are conscious. Being conscious of something means perceiving the future of something, which is why there is this secondary feeling of synchronicity with conscious actions.

So? I can claim that you aren't a worthless sub 20 iq moron, but that won't make it true.

I can see the future, as me anything

I knew you were going to ask that

Nothing he said was wrong.

I'm curious, how do YOU do it?


Dick magic

I think people with psychosis can make connections. Like John Nash figured out that Algebraic topology was Illuminati propaganda started by the Soviets in the 1970's.

Basically what and said.

Competing powers want to have advantages over the other and try to cover all angles in case the other gets an edge. They also have counter measures, such as pretending they are doing something to try and make the other waste time researching it. It's all part of the intelligence community mind game.

I've had two 100% accurate predictive dreams - with witness. Names, places, events, dates - all played out as relayed upon waking. I expect scepticism because I respect scepticism; anyone who believes me without serious reservation is a fool. On the other hand...I've had two predictive dreams, etc., and I have a strong intuition that something in our understanding of the mind and/or reality is seriously incomplete.