No cure for baldness, no dick size surgery, no height surgery

what is holding the medical system back?
in the 21st century these kinds of thing should be easily possible

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Wasn't there a sci-fi story where these issues were fixed? I think in the final scene the main character is walking down the street, surrounded by tanned 6'5 naked Chads with 10 inch cocks, and the sameness is terrifying

>no dick size surgery, no height surgery

those both exist, but you can only get a max of 2" out of either and they have a really good chance of fucking you up for life.

>guy getting a head transplant
>no reliable penis enlargement surgery.

> surrounded by tanned 6'5 naked Chads with 10 inch cocks
I think I just ovulated.

If only there was a surgery to give guys rock hard abs, great jobs and a love of giving slow, deep backrubs. Science, why have you let me down?

neither of them actually work

you have to get dick impants removed and they make your dick shorter and only ever add badly done girth
and the height on is like your're always in pain and you cant run ever again. (also your misporportioned and gross looking)

The cure is suicide.

Burn in hell, roastbeef

>Goes to school to learn a fuckton of shit
>Wants to die but has a desire to make a difference in the world, and pushes on
>Achieves goal of ...painlessly increasing dick size a half inch.

Maybe medical scientists wanna fucking cure shit like cancer or alzheimer's first you dillweed

>Worried about dick size
Worried about height
>Not asking Science for cybernetic enhancements to increase the average IQ of the population to the 200's or more which would then give us any and all fixes for modern medicine
I am tired of being a brainlet.

That's dumb. Rich young people all look the same and they seem to like it fine.

>Individuality and differences are good even if they make others suffer
I'm gonna go with no on that one, we would all be much better off in a collective of perfected and linked beings.

Fucking cure for baldness should at least be here by now. I meant fuck, why is it so hard to get some hair to grow on my head?

Because medical science is a clusterfuck. At this rate we'll hit transference before researchers figure this out.

Yeah, but superhumans will be their own generation. It's to late for us already born and mortal...
We were so close to being born super humans with 200 IQ, monster penis, tall, handsome, lifespan of 1000 years.... fuck

Modern Medicine is a byproduct of Liberal money-worshipping systems (Capitalism and Socialism) whose definition of health is identical to that used for beasts of burden or inanimate Objects.

You would still be able to spot the former bald cucks because they would all have hair bigger than the 80s.

There is a cure retard, just get hair follicles implanted...

>needing dick surgery

>dick size surgery
I have a better idea remove sexual pleasure from brains of women instead, that would surely civilize humanity faster.
>great jobs

shouldn't you be swimming in the pacific or something?

maybe just after the discovery

I guarantee you that after 3-4 years the novelty effect will wear down and people will start to look different again, just now they'll be able to choose how to look like

>ry problem, assignment and any tasks given to you by the textbook
They do that in some parts of Africa but cutting out the clitoris, I can say for a fact it does the opposite for civilization

The dick-augmentation surgery should only be used on tiny dicks, as a rule of thumb. No point growing a 6 inch dick more, unless you are really concerned about it and have a buttload of money.
Even if everyone is equal, it's best to feel equal to others and adequate, even if it's boring, than suffer for being less than the average.

why would they leave him with the 'still fucking balding' look, can't you transplant hair on your temples?

by cure for baldness i'd imagine like 'pre-puberty' hair type of deal, if i had the post-op hair of this guy (like 5 years from now) i'd just buzz it

If there is such a thing as a growth hormone, that you can get on prescription, why couldn't we use it on adults to make them taller and better hung ?