New Meme

New Veeky Forums meme.

But seriously holy fuck linear algebra I is fucking exhausting. The proofs are easy and interesting but the first two components of the course are "matrices and determinants" and "systems of linear equations".

At least we are almost done with this component and the next is vector spaces which means matrix hell stops now.

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>I can't make simple calculations
math is not about calculations, but if you can't do the calculations necessary to build the cool examples / counterexamples so you can actually see shit happen, then you're going to have a hard as fuck time

unless you're not doing math? in which case who cares about this shit

What the fuck are you talking about. Linear Algebra is just tedious. Constructing counter examples for proofs or other tasks always involves more thinking than computing.

>what's the fundamental group of this horrible space I made up as a literal pathology?
>what are the homology groups of this fucking monstrosity?
>compute the blowup paths of this thing, see how X property doesn't hold? I know it's weird
>so just draw the crazy ass diagram, notice how that form is actually exact on the curve holy shit

you really need to be able to make some good, hard, dirty calculations to get work done

also good luck doing geometry or anything that needs a vector bundle if you can't do the basic operations needed for a single vector space

Not that guy but no one likes multiplying matrices.

Wait a minute. You're about to begin vector spaces? Does your school do trimesters? Holy shit you won't have time for diagonalization

when I went to a UC we had spring start in the start of April

>check your arithmetic

But modular arithmetic isn't in linear algebra

When I was in community college, they let us use calculators during exams, from Calc1 to Calc3..

When I transfered to a real institution, I took Linear Algebra. No calculators allowed. I basically had to retrain my brain to compute 2-digit calculations quickly the way I was able to when I was in grade school.

Calculators should be fucking banned for anyone under the age of 22.

my university bans all calculators for all calculus/linear algebra subjects

You think the most pressing problem in our universities right now is our use of calculators.

>The proofs are easy
Well, you certainly havent proven that every matrix is similar to a matrix in jordan normal form, because that certainly isnt easy.

>first two components
How is it even possible that the first concept is NOT vector-spaces. Even talking about a matrix doesnt make any sense if you dont know what a vector space is, same for linear equations.

Not OP, but I grade for the engineering linear algebra course at my school, and this is a fucking top 10 engineering program.

The order of chapters is
>basic matrix computations
>solving equations using rref
>vector spaces
>projections and gram-schmidt
>linear functions
>eigenvalues and eigenvectors
>linear systems of ODEs.

I was like him where my intro LA class didn't actually get into vector spaces until the second or third chapter. The first stuff was just to reacquaint students with stuff they might not have seen since their first or second year of high school in solving basic systems of equations and performing computations with matrices. You don't really need to know what a vector space is to do either of those.

Rate my textbook senpai.

To clarify, we defined vector spaces at the beginning and showed that real vectors and real matrices form them.

But that was it, immediately into computations. Now comes the pure part.

>At least we are almost done with this component and the next is vector spaces which means matrix hell stops now.

nope that means that the matrix hell will start...

There are 10 weeks left for this semester.

No. Even the professor said that the practical part ends with the second component.

Well, I suppose we will still have to compute some things but instead of being given a sheet with 10 matrices to multiply, we will be given abstract problems that are more interesting and can be modeled with matrices.

like EVERY problem in linear algebra eventually boils down to the same. goddamn. thing. every. goddamn. time. write the numbers into a matrix and diagonalize. eventhough there's a very neat theory behind all the computations, you'll be proving linear independence and describing kernels of mappings just as mindlessly as if the assignment was just to solve some equations.

you would be surprised how much of mathematics can be reduced to linear algebra

in fact, we have a whole discipline of mathematics dedicated to doing this

You wouldn't be surprised how much of statistics is linear and matrix algebra.

this is great. hopefully this will help mathfags to think about their work more computationally