Greetings Veeky Forums

Greetings Veeky Forums

One of my control theory courses has a pretty assburger prof who insists we use UNIX-based systems in a code project. Still half the class, including me, went with using Visual Studio as an IDE instead.

The deadline is next week and my entire project is written for a windows system.
What's a good excuse for not having used UNIX? Could I blame it on compability issues with my hardware preventing installation of a new OS?

>I'm a lazy asshat with father issues who doesn't respond well to figures of authority

Tell you're too dumb to use unix.

>i suck up to authority
lmaoing @ your life

>What's a good excuse for not having used UNIX?
Being a total idiot sounds about right.



your professor knew that you are a fucking retard and told you to use a *NIX system because it would be the only way an idiot like you could manage to set everything up.
he wanted you to write code either compliant to the C standard or POSIX standard which visual studios compiler still didn't manage to support properly.
and you managed to fuck up even more because you used windows specific functions which was clearly against your specification.

He's gonna fail you if you don't convert it. Kek. Requirements like that are ways to see if you can follow instructions

What exactly is the problem here? Does that mean your code does not run on a UNIX system?

If yes, then you write shitty code and deserve it. If not, then there is nothing to worry about.

what language did you use?

This is easy, say that you expected everyone to use unix-based systems and that it is useful to see both implementations to contrast how UNIX-based systems are uperior.

Just explain to him why you used visual studio in a reasonable manner.

If the answer is "oh this was easier and I didn't want to learn anything new" then you will fail, and you deserve it.

That's retarded.
>While doing this project you have to have a cucumber up your ass the whole time

He wants you to be a macfag?

this is a crosspost from /g/:
TL;DR: OP is a retareded currynigger from IIT who cannot into code because he "wont become a code monkey bot only give instructions to the codemonkeys".

Typically Indian.

Why would you do that to yourself? Are you self-destructive? There's no excuse for not following instructions, just an ignominious fail. Have fun in the welfare line.

You already used Visual Studio, you won't even feel the cucumber after that.

>Still half the class, including me, went with using Visual Studio as an IDE instead.

As long as you stuck to the STL, you shouldn't have a problem.

>Coding in C in 2017

WTF is wrong with you?

only retarded newfags bash C

>Thinks there's anything C can do that C++ can't

Go suck Linus' cock on the board.

the fact that using C instead of C++ gets instantly rid of hordes of sub-par programmers that use that mess of a language is enough justification to use it in itself

that said, my favorite language is a very conservative subset of C++ (something like C + STL). but hey, C is a beautiful language that forces the programmer to write good code, and if you're bashing it you're probably retarded