Daily reminder that if your IQ is bellow 130 then you shouldn't be in STEM








Why are you so mad, is this how you deal with being a low iq brainlet. I think everyone with a low iq should be executed and euthanized, have them tested before they graduate grade school.

>I think everyone with a low IQ should be executed and euthanized
If what you mean by "low IQ" is anything under 130, you'd kill off 70% of the population (taking a wild guess). The economy would crash, most families would perish, morals would seriously decline, wars would break out, crime and poverty would spread like wildfire, people would get stupider and paranoid as fuck, the government would collapse, cities would be abandoned, and the world would go to shit. People would be too scared to do anything because they don't want to be executed.

It's ok robots will be able to sustain the economy. This will end up killing mostly non whites anyway.

I'm in the top of my generation in my uni and have a 125-129 iq

Well, I'm sure McDonald's is hiring.

I think a lot less than 30 percent of people have an iq over 130.

>IQ is 483
Whew, just barely made it.

Only about 4% of the population has an IQ of 130 or above.

You are only strengthening his argument! You FOOLS!

>needing an iq above 115 to plug numbers into equations

Not all STEM fields are theoretical physics, nerdlet.

>get on Veeky Forums
>catalog search "iq"
>more than zero results
It's a horoscope for pubescent redditeurs, I thought this was an 18+ website

With that logic you will eventually be at the bottom enf of the iq spectrum and subject to your own rule.

>Doing EE
Call the cops i don't give a fuck.

It's literally the best indicator of academic success.

>executed and euthanized
wew lad
You'll be culled by the third iteration

And here I thought academic success was the best indicator of academic success.

I hope you like cleaning toilets

>If what you mean by "low IQ" is anything under 130, you'd kill off 70% of the population (taking a wild guess).
130 IQ is more like 97 percentile. you have to kill 6.8 billion people.

>>Doing EE
good luck dude, you'll have to work like... 80 hours a week to compete

IQ is one of the best measured things in psychology

Damn, who's that model?

You can be a competent programming if you're 115-130. You can be a competent astronomer, experimental physicist, chemist, or physician.

No matter what, you're going to need a tenacious obsession with the subject matter. My advice, based on personal experience, is to find an area that YOU like, or at least have some basic aptitude for, not what you think is "cool".

I actually think the main limiting factor to being able to perform almost ANY university level research, is the ability to grasp statistical analysis. Hell, if you can't think of anything else to do, study statistics and economics. You'll make money, and still have a shot at academia if that's you're ultimate goal.

To bad statistics and economics are the two most boring subjects imaginable

Is there like a legit online IQ test that's free? I did one in high school and got higher than my teacher and my class, ~150, but it just seems like BS.

You can probably be in STEM with an iq of 100, maybe 105 minimum. You'll just have to work harder.

There are tons of pajeets who seem to be about 100 but have a really strong work ethic and focus on succeeding.

I don't know desu, I always get 120-140 in the supposedly legit online IQ tests. Yet, I am just a high school drop out with zero motivation that likes testing new drugs and supplements on myself, mostly in hopes I'll find a solution.
List me to the grinder.