Math is made up, like English, gender, or race

Math is made up, like English, gender, or race.

Show me one example of a number that wasn't imagined by a sentient creature.

The number one

before humans, somewhere there was one rock.

Evidence: the field of geology

A thing called a fibonacci sequence which is found all throughout nature

Numbers are made up, quantities, however, do exist. Even animals are instinctively hardwired to perceive quantities.

Animals are sentient, and therefore their constructs are all imagined.

There is only one true quantity, one, as in one universe. The things we call quantities are just a result of the illusion of separation of objects in the universe. There actually is no separation.

Math does not exist without someone to imagine it.

Saying math is made up because people invented numbers is like saying a rock doesn't exist because people made up the word 'rock'

Rocks actually don't exist, otherwise one could say "rock think therefore rock am".

Materialism is a modernist lie

It's not a lie to say something is made up. I never said it is not existent, it's just on the level of gender or language, and defiantly not the level of universe or consciousness.

I could say 1+1=3 and I would not necessarily be saying something wrong

Except you would be wrong.

But I made up my own version of math that is identical to the one mathematicians have agreed upon, except the only difference is that 1+1=3.

you got it wrong man,

think of it as a language to easy explain things,
math is dependant upon real things.

for example apples

1 apple and another apple makes 2 apples

which doesnt make sense if u say 1 apple and 2 apples is equal to 5 apples

except that when you use standardized notation without further remark it's assumed you're using the standard constructions of + and = and 1 and 3 you fucking faggot
how does it feel to be in middle school and think you know more than countless PhDs?

Mathematics is obviously an inherent feature of the universe.

If humans could just create something which is able to describe and predict nature so perfectly, why did they only do it once?

Most ancient parts of mathematics were independently discovered all over the world, unlike language math is universal, how can you even explain that without realizing that math, just like physics is apart of the universe.

>gender, or race.
Both can be objectively measured and are therefore not constructed by the society, but by nature.
Gender is the simpler one, because you can just look if someone was born with a dick or a vagina and you are done.
Race is not as easy, but because of evolution humans developed differently in different parts of the world leading to significant differences in a variety of features, from their looks up to their Intelligence.
This again can be objectively measured and is therefore not a social construct.

math is more of a translator for the human language it helps us understand the fundamental laws of the universe

>the only difference is that 1+1=3
You dont understand mathematics.

1+1=3 is a perfectly reasonable statement and completely valid, IF you explain what 1, + ,= and 3 mean.
It will also be perfectly consistent (unless you contradict yourself with your definitions) with the rest of mathematics, not only that but it is still a part of mathematics.

There is the notion of rings in mathematics, take e.g. Z_5 in Z_5 it is true that 3+3=1 and no mathematician would be even slightly surprised by that IF you explained him that you are calculating in Z_5, because he knows Z_5 means.

these are the correct answers and as such will remain unanswered by OP

Yeah, that's the great flaw of mathematics.

Quantifiability isn't an inherent property of nature. Why does one equal one? Well, because its value is axiomatic. One equales one because we say it does.

explain to me what real life object Models, Categories, Functors, higher dimensional Manifolds, Differentiable Forms, Tensors, Types, Large Cardinals, and Hodge Theaters are dependent on
you incredible faggot

physicists attempting to talk about mathematical philosophy should be put to death in all honesty です

see you in the gas chambers once physicists rule over science bitch boy.

Obviously. But it derives from something tangible; quantity. It's not the same as a societal concept or language either, due to it's rigourous nature, you can't construct a city and the modern world with loose and random societal concepts.

Though it has a relatively arbitrary starting point (derives from quantity, so not quite entirely arbitrary), after that part (and within the context of it) it is entirely real and not arbitrary (that's not to say you couldn't develop a completely different Mathematics from the same starting point, but they'd both be non-arbitrary).

but math isn't a science, gayboy. this is exactly why you physics fags should all be gassed when opining on math
should have thought out your master plan more thoroughly

>made up, like English though you can into English, Mister Madeup

Every numerical value has a shape

The axioms of mathematics could be argued to be "made up" but the whole point is that they're difficult to disagree with.

Everything else is emergent properties of these axioms under different operations.

english language is a spectrum

This is not a fair statement. There are an infinite number of numbers and we can't possibly check if all of them are invented by numbers.

You need to understand that the number line exists on a spectrum.



It is also a case of supreme irony that the world model intrinsically tied to Number not only defines it as a construct of the Human Mind but precludes any Ideal/Platonic Numeric realm.

"Without sensibility no object would be given to us, without understanding no object would be thought. Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind."

~Immanuel Kant, "Critique of Pure Reason"

tl;dr - Everything in STEM to an extent is a human construct to understand the laws of the universe. But they ARE based on reality, otherwise they would be pointlessm.

You are not smart nor the first person to have thought of this.

Not funny. Get the fuck out of here.