Dried blood, what can be done forensically?

>Elderly mom lives alone in shitslimeville, Hawaii.
>Neighborhood is home to a police run/protected meth network
>Police dept. already targeted her because "Haha, nothing will happen if we murder her because we're cops and the state is corrupt to the core"
>Oh yeah, and her worthless hobo son tried to turn in a member of the local pedo network as a kid, delivered cash to cops when he worked at a shitty underground strip club (as a kid) and dared to do offenses against god and the state such as taking video of the cops and their pet cockroach violent rapist squads doing illegal things.


Every so often elderly mom's house gets broken into by someone picking the lock. Stuff has gone missing, house gets re-arranged with nothing missing, typical cowardly terrorist actions.

Latest thing - blood poured on floor. Not hers, not mine, not her pet's. No injuries to any of us.

What info can be obtained off this 2 day old stain of dried blood the dogs have smeared?

Other urls found in this thread:


The info you should be gleaning from this is that your ass needs to move.

Shit, that's fucked up

So that blood is pretty thick. I saw little parts of debris encrusted in it.

Can DNA be taken to ID who or what it came out of?

Have a picture of some of the huge meth bags the dealers and users leave on elderly mom's front step.

Those dark clumps are huge, I can scrape them off and put them in water to make soup. Maybe dilute with oil and masturbate with it to summon debbils or find treasure.

Size is 2x10 mm per clump.

2 days old now.

Reverse search my pic. I took it about an hour ago.

I am not making this up.

What kind of forensic info can I get off of this dried blood, poured on my mom's floor?

Unless you've got someone subpoenaed to test for a match, there's no ID to be had.

Best you can do is figure out if it's human.

(Also, your ass needs to move.)

Get some security cameras like nanny cams that people can't see. Turn that shit into BOTH the FBI and Internal Affairs. Never turn over evidence to locals.

Buy a gun or move.

They shut off the Linux box recording shit. They yelled out my Xubuntu login password and at one time, my ebay alphanumeric password at me at a Starbucks. This place is really corrupt, and they will wave my flag around and claim to be soldiers fighting DA WAR ON AL KIKIADA TERRURISM when they get caught.

Internal affairs is a lie in Hawaii. They are PR to gather info and cover up H.P.D. actions. The pic I post now is one of the police commission members suddenly showing up at bus stops and stores I frequented at the time, reciting jingoisms and meme catchphrases the cops and their brownshirt crews would say when they attacked me.

Fucking police dept. is covering and running kids and meth. No matter where I move to, they hate escaped pizza.

Can feds do anything with this? I am going to not just seem crazy for telling them someone picked the lock and quietly broke in to my elderly mom's place on different occasions, but now they poured blood on the floor, but the cops have slandered the shit out of me for what I have seen and taken video of.

Shit I might have alot of shame and worry about binging on meth but at least I don't have a severe mental illness like this

Fuck pizza purveyors and those who cover for them.

Odds this guys is just a fucking loon are like 20:1 at this point

Right then.

If anyone can tell me how viable a 2 day old blood stain with clotting can be for evidence collection, and who to contact, that is nice.

In the meantime, Hawaii is the biggest hub for human and child trafficking in th U.S.A. and they do not like those who are against it. Some of them have badges and govt. titles.

>cops and their pet cockroach violent rapist squads doing illegal things
>dried blood the dogs have smeared
>They yelled out my Xubuntu login password and at one time, my ebay alphanumeric password at me at a Starbucks.
>suddenly showing up at bus stops and stores I frequented at the time, reciting jingoisms and meme catchphrases the cops and their brownshirt crews would say when they attacked me.
I can't tell if OP is a schizophrenic, or just a faggot.

How demoralizing. I shant speak of my experiences again, and make sure to abide by the images of the local corporate media in terms of the management of my social and moral affairs.

How silly of me to seek recourse in the law to stop innocent pedophiles.

Only terroriststs own guns. Or sharp objects. Or maintain physical fitness.

If only I had more understanding praise towards the local fellow travelers who imbibe in the infant fucking.



Show them actual evidence. Leave out emotion. Get a lawyer already.

Learn how to effectively use traps so you can cause injury.

If i was stuck in a war zone, i would go to war

OP confirmed for paranoid schizophrenic

Find a way to get info to Trump

He's on the right side of justice in this regard

>Doesn't mention what island
As someone who lived in Hawaii I haven't heard a word of the police being particularly corrupt. And if some retard memer like you managed to catch them, I seriously doubt they've maneged to avoid the scrutiny of normal people.
Stop roleplaying on Veeky Forums and go to /x/

I am so demoralized from your clever use of board related memetics, that I am unable to further speak of what I have witnessed, therefore effectively covering up information undesirable to you and your benefactors. Your monetary compensation for protecting pedophiles and murderers overcomes any sort of guilt from the violation of universal human morals.

And, because your psyops attempts are so successful, I now renounce any form of human individuality and self sufficiency because they would be contrary to what is espoused as the greater good. I'm with HER now.

go to search engine and search for
report corrupt police
police corruption



See The guy in the tie was the police commission member I talked to who laughed about what I said, then he was at bus stops and stores I frequented.

Fucking a few lawyers I told and showed pictures to said this guy was a slimeball, chuckled recognized him, then took a step back and said "Uhh, we know nothing about him and we can't help you" when they saw video of not just him, but what the cops did.

WAIT, so sorry. Demoralized. Nothing bad ever happens. Better take my meds. No such thing as a state protected pedo network in Waikiki that is openly protected to the point where it hits news sites (hawaiifreepress.com/ArticlesMain/tabid/56/ID/3393/Hawaii-Legislatorsrsquo-favorite-child-molester-claims-he-is-the-victim.aspx) and I never went through anything I said. I poured the blood on the floor to validate my schizophrenic delusions, and there are not any state protected drug dealers in my neighborhood with thugs who wave machetes around while walking up the street. If you see this picture, it is a hallucination and you should seek help because it is a deranged fantasy.



When did I say any of that in this thread? Looks like I got a follower saving my texts. But why? If I was crazy, it would not matter in this ocean of piss.

How demoralizing. How does the pizza taste? It's all you get. Then in the end the burning starts...

Woops, sorry. I did say that. I am used to you guys reciting older conversations from this place.

Ok, ready for more demoralization.

I am tired. I need to sleep. So sleepy. Something something tired sleep blafffggd.

OP is a schizophrenic faggot that deserves everything happening to him. The police are right when they laugh at your weird ass


Those kids that did not escape like I did also deserved it because they were not born rich enough. God wanted them raped then murdered. Thanks, be to you, the angel who delivereth the message. Eth.

Damn this made me sleepy. Like if I took pills and drank that alcohol. But seriously, we can't let him get the nuclear codes. Debunked.

Move away and report it to wiki leaks or something

OP I'm going to fuck your ass.

It's evidence that blood got into your house. That's it.

You've no one to subpoena, no one in custody. The criminal DNA database simply isn't that extensive.

Under those conditions, no amount of forensic examination is going to change that and magically turn it into evidence. There is nothing that can be done with this blood.

>No matter where I move to, they hate escaped pizza.
Hawaii 5-0 is not going to follow you to the continental US, much less another country. Grab your mum, and GTFO.

And yes, this is increasingly sounding like a gang-stalking delusion... But I wouldn't put it beyond Hawaiian cops to be corrupt as fuck.