Israeli security services riddle

A riddle posted by recruiters from the israeli internal cyber security services- i guess its a cypher to decode:


Other urls found in this thread:

It's not a code. It's just what Hebrew sounds like.

My man

Did you decode that cypher?

Did you decode that cipher?

i think it translates to "oy vey palestinian terrorists are genociding us, we must conduct defensive genocide"

1320012413040124132001241320012413040123130405241304012313040523132005231304012413040124132001231304012413040524130405231320052125 20


plz halp

help me i want to hack terrorists

omg i got i got it, it's in UTF-8

it's a website of some sort, someone should go to it, i don't want the israeli security agency on me

The second site is another challenge with a rar folder..

Inside plane first.exe, I've found an interesting string: %PROGRAMFILES%\meseeker inc
No actual folder has been created, though.

I saw that too.

What are you using?
I just opened up the exe in archive manager.

IDA Pro and X32DBG.

I noticed a call to WriteConsole, followed the external reference to some sub routine responsible for taking a buffer and shifting / printing it. I jumped to it in my debugger and while stepping through the routine it shows unicode jibberish - prolly Hebrew.

How you compiled the file? 0.0

I don't know assembly much, but it seems that this program is decoding an internal code into a message to output.

This guy probably already knows this, but oh well.

By internal code, I mean the encoded string, not actual code.

decompiled with flow charts for easier understanding

This one will be tough. You see, riddles exist on a spectrum...

Translates to
>Yes the jews did it
But what did they mean by this?

Does anybody have something new ?

Just saw this, plan on working on it when I get home.

The original MTAx etc code is Base64. Translates to that long .com.

it is a threat.
I will arise and kill there god.
they are scared.

Some interesting references:

In home base it wants you to compile c++ and run it.