How do i stop procrastinating?

How do i stop procrastinating?
Post tips that are actually effective, and can you tell me what works best for you. Google isn't much help.
Don't say "do it now", because i'll just start and wonder off 15 mins. later. Also I've had this problem just for the last month, i don't know what got in to me.

this thread is not /pol/tier enough to last even 1 hour on Veeky Forums

you need to rephrase it

try "what is it about different races that make some more likely to procrastinate than others?" or something

the answer is do it now because you have to train your brain. if you cant stay focused and wander off then the problem is staying motivated, and you need to force yourself to do that too, so try thinking about why it's important you finish this, or why you made this stupid fucking OP

Alternitively amphetamines are really great for this but if you already have problems with motivation then it's really going to fuck you hard in the long run

I'm a chronic procrastinator myself and I'm by no means cured but I think the "just do it" approach might work
>stop worrying about literally anything else
>if you stop working, start working again
>if your performance declines take a quick break doing something that doesn't take much investment

I don't use this method myself, I usually just say fuck it and produce some sub-par work

Nothing has worked for me desu, but I always get it together when I literally have no more time to fuck around and have to get shit done. So the problem kind of fixes itself but also means that I can't plan to do things before deadlines and sometimes I risk missing a deadline.

Either you accept it and procrastinate as long as possible until you get bored of doing so and get mentally ready for work, or try pills. I hear adderall helps, although I can't offer personal experience.

Modafinil is the only thing that consistently works for me without any dependency issues. It's 15 hours of discipline in a pill format.

stop masturbating

People procrastinate because of two reasons: fear and inertia.

The first is solved by facing whatever fears you have that are linked to the work you have to do. Commonly an inferiority complex, fear of failure, being a brainlet etc.

The latter is solved by having something propel you forward, a spark that sets you into motion and an environment that keeps you in motion. In other words, block all your shitty devices and entertainment and just start doing your work. After a few minutes you go into flow and if you don't have distractions around you, you'll stay in flow until you finish your work or get tired.

>The latter is solved by having something propel you forward, a spark that sets you into motion

So true, cocaine works for me every time to get projects started. Once you start rolling down the hill, the momentum takes over and you're just in for the ride.

The only thing that works for me consistently is getting out of the house, to the library or the study hall where shitposting simply isn't an option.
When I try to study at home I end up shitposting 12-16 hours straigth.
I've been having a routine lately of getting out of the house less than an hour after I wake up in the morning and going to bed less than an hour after coming home, but I'm afraid people see me studying that much.
But what else am I supposed to do?
Studying, shitposting and fapping are literally the only things I do.

>afraid people see me studying that much.

What, are you black and your black buddies are going to start calling you ''whitey'' for studying?

That's hilarious but no.
There's a certain stigma tied to it though.
Plus I'm paranoid that they'll have me committed or something. Also if I ever get around to try making friends (after summer), that's not going to work If I have a reputation for studying 12-14 hours a day.

Try meditation. No, srsly. Start with sitting on your ass cross-legged (or half-lotus) counting your breaths up to 10 and back again, trying to be aware of your surroundings at the same time. Meanwhile, look into bompu zen (i.e. the least /x/-tier variety). Do that whenever you feel like doing some pointless shit.

>studying 12-14 hours a day

i don't believe you.
there's no way you can focus that much without amphetamines.
even if you can, you probably aren't retaining much after a couple of hours.

I feel a strong urge to tell you to just do it, you faggot. You seem highly neurotic, and I believe it is likely many of your perceptions are either unfounded or highly dramatized. Either way getting good grades should have higher priority than summer buddies.

You do you though, it's not like I know what's like being on your shoes.

Maximize your motivational salience. Progress can be separated into four categories: Desire, Length of Journey, Reason, and Reward

Example A:

Desire: I want a piece of cake from the fridge.
Reason: It tastes good.
Length of Journey: Extremely small. Only a short walk downstairs and a small climb upstairs after obtaining said piece of cake.
Reward; A delicious piece of cake that I am sure to enjoy.

The outcome of this type of example happening is nearly 100%, because the length of the journey is so small as to be irrelevant, and therefore does not clash with the other 3 components.

Example B:

Desire: I want to stop procrastinating.
Reason: ??? (Presumably to increase the quality of your life)
Length of Journey: Far larger than the length of example A.
Reward: ??? (Presumably to increase the quality of your life)

Naturally, by looking at this you can start to see this is a much tougher one to explain and to solve. No one knows your reasons for wanting to stop procrastinating beyond a generic answer. The reward can't be stated either because it's based on your life's point of view, not anyone else's.

You'd first have to clearly identify the Reason and Reward components before you moved on. Only then can you start to quantify how much worth quitting procrastination holds for you.

Motivational salience is the "want" or "desire" in a person, to aid in obtaining a reward for him/herself. Can you increase the value of the reward you've designated? Can you then increase the strength of your desire for that reward?

No fuckin' clue brah, I sure as shit don't know how. Good fucking luck.

You do a short break every few hours yes, but 12 hours isn't that crazy. 14 hours is doable over short periods.

Procrastinators Unite!!! tomorrow...

The only way to stop procrastinating is by studying what you like to study. If you like studying liberal arts subjects, don't force yourself studying STEM subjects. It will kill your mental well being.

There's going to be stuff you just gotta force yourself to do in any field of study, though.

this isn't true, if you give in and just study whatever you like you might find yourself not wanting to study at all
>it's a slippery slope

you do have to force yourself to some extent

Move to the library.
Turn of all electronic devices
Get a regular sleeping schedule.

hahahaha, this

>Liberal arts are fun

Sure I like reading books, but holy shit I can't deal with questions that don't have a clear right or wrong answer.

I don't understand people who can enjoy this.

Chronic procrastination has always been a problem with me. I got diagnosed with ADHD recently and got prescribed medications. So far, I am doing pretty good. I used to tell myself that I wasn't trying harder - and every night I would fall into depression. I tried everything, but nothing worked so I gave up. And It's not just the procrastination that is the problem, but the other things too like, I can't sit still for more than 20 mins, attention span is pretty shit and I am lost all the fucking times. I fear I might I die someday in a horrible accident because of my extreme inattentiveness. It's worse than cancer, honestly. Get some exercise and healthy sleep.

>procrastinating on the chan
>come across this thread
Back to work it is.