Explain to a faggot why time travel would never be possible

Explain to a faggot why time travel would never be possible

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Because time is a man-made concept. It doesn't exist in the physical world.

Because you would essentially have to reverse entropy which goes against the second law of thermodynamics. "Time" is just what humans call the constant process of entropy.

>"Time" is just what humans call the constant process of entropy.

Not necessarily.

Einstein would like a word with you. Go look up spacetime

because time is linear and universe isn't a videogame that saves logs of your previous checkpoints.

Imean wow XDD,whad an ardgumend XDD


Well every once in a while a smart person visits sci.

Let me tell you this, time is the rate at which chemical energy gets transformed into kinetical/potential/thermal, a process that is irreversible.

But there are other processes in the universe...


Time as a concept persists despite entropy; otherwise you imply that time ceases to exist in a system that has reached thermodynamic equilibrium.

Time travel IS possible.
The only caveat is it is only possible in the 'forward' direction (as far as we presently know).
Let me explain:
We are all steadily moving 'forward' in time, at some seemingly consistent rate. But traveling at close to the speed of light, while our perception of time is unchanged, the rate at which things outside of our frame progress is at a much faster rate. What this means is that speeding up (or being close to extreme gravitational/spacetime distortions) can manipulate our 'rate of time' in comparison to the rest of our perceivable universe. So while you are traveling at near c, one moment in your time is many moments in everyone else's time. Thus, when you stop traveling at near c, and return to everyone's collective frame, then you will have aged very little, while everyone you used to know may be long dead, with many events happening in between your departure and your arrival.

but that's not time travel, that's just moving very very fast

How about actual time travel?

Why is the process irreversible?

Supposedly, time travel is not possible until it is invented but even then, you would supposedly only be able to travel anywhere in time after time travel was invented in the first place.

If you could hypothetically scan the universe down to an atomic level and store all of this data without limit, then all you would need to do to time travel then would be to recreate that period in time atomically on a whim in order to time travel.

That IS time travel.
It is an exploitation of time dilation in order to propel yourself further in time with respect to observers on Earth. Traveling at, say 99.96% the speed of light, 1 hour in your time is 40 hours to observers on earth.
So tell me how that isn't time travel? You only experienced 1 hour, but 40 went by to everyone else.

so simulate the universe?
I think it's impossible to have a simulation of the universe that contains all the information of the universe within the universe.

Well it doesn't have to start out as the entire universe, but has to at least consist of the entirety of our solar system to begin with. Maybe even the galaxy. But as storage capacities increase, i'm sure we would eventually reach the point where we could simulate the universe to encompass all that it is at a certain point.

Thats the closest you can get. Time travel as you are suggesting would require literally breaking physics.

>atomic level
Further, quark level.
But good luck, seeing as things like protons and neutrons are comprised of an infinite sea of quarks, we just observe the valence quarks (uud and udd). Almost all subatomic particles suffer from this problem - electrons are surrounded by a sea of particles due to vacuum polarization, so what we see is the 'observable' charge and due to this cloud of particles, we will never know the bare-charge or bare-mass of the electron.
Very complicated stuff.

because you do that all the time
that's how you move from place to place

picture this:
you get into a booth
punch in a time
step out of booth
and voila
^is THAT possible?

Only if that time is a future time.
>you step into a booth
>enter future time (time [math]t>t_{0}[/math])
>booth goes really fast (at 99.999...% c)
>booth then comes to a halt at your desired time
>step out of booth in future time

yeah but you'd be far far away from where you started

Are you genuinely retarded, or are you just pretending?
>move in a circle
>move in a straight line out and back
>pick any arbitrary closed path

>what is the heat death?
That's exactly what time means

no need to be rude

and it's still not actual time travel, it's just relativity

>no need to be rude
I won't have to be rude if you at least try and conceptualize what it is that I am telling you.

>still not actual time travel
Then what is it?
>it is the exploitation of time dilation, a result of relativistic effects, which allows for time travel in the forward direction
So apparently time travel only exists in the backward direction? Time travel in the forward direction IS time travel. How many times must I say it?
The only difference is that it doesn't conform to your ignorant notion of 'time travel'.

Time can only be defined in terms of movement in space and movement in space can only be defined in terms of time. Moving through space IS moving through time, they are the exact same thing. You cannot have one without the other

Maybe I'm just a purist, but I feel like if time actually had to pass for you to time travel then you're doing it wrong.

That's like saying you're time traveling right now because time is passing.

So I guess my idea of time travel is impossible.

If I pass through one year of time, while everything around me has experienced 40 years, what exactly is it that I have done?
I am one year older, while the world around me has progressed through 40 years; is that not traveling to the future, with regards to the observers in the rest frame?


no that's time moving slower for you and that's literally how movement happens but I guess it's just semantics

how about we call my method "time-jumping"

You've altered your rate of decay and possibly temporarily hindered your ability to experience the progress of humanity?

The example is dependent how close to the speed of light you are able to achieve. Since it is asymptotic, as you get close and close, the time becomes exponentially more dilated. In other words, if I travel at 0.99999999c, then 1 second can easily become 10^7 seconds.
Think about that for a moment, 1 second at that speed is almost one third of a year for the people on Earth. So in 3 seconds of your time, everyone else would have lived one entire year.

yeah yeah yeah
but if you could stay in place and instantly end up in 2100 or 1672

No. That is not a physically allowable idea, as far as our current knowledge permits.

How are you going to reverse all the chemical reactions that occurred on earth including everyone's body, animals body, etc?

Thank you for answering my original question directly.

>Thank you for answering my original question directly
You only like that answer because you had to change what you were asking in order to get an answer to conform to the answer you already had in your mind, because you are incapable of conceptualizing the possibility of traveling into the future by traveling near c.

believe whatever you want man

If time a real dimension then how come if you do 1s*1s you don't get "seconds squared"?

>believe whatever you want man
It is obvious you already do.

It's a term used to describe a very real thing. it's no more an imposition on reality than math is.

But wouldn't that be physically impossible without another universe? You need to store the data somewhere, but to be able to do that you'd need to have as much material as the whole universe, just to store it somewhere.

Fair enough.

Now explain it to a straight person.

Because it is, for all we know. If there was a way for us to convert heat into chemical energy, or even create complex molecules, we would do so and we could get rid of a lot of energy problems. Show me a reaction that turns solar heat into gas, or kinetic energy into galvanic. Well there is the process of turning kinetic energy to galvanic, so maybe I should correct myself and just use the definition of bound energy into waste energy (chemical -> thermal), with kinetic/potential/electromagnetic energy being useful side products.



wtf guys, clearly is possible to time travel, we only have to bend the space time

>Consider an LED screen
>Three kinds of diodes emit three colors of light: red blue green
>therefore light in the room exerts radiation pressure on each kind of diode
>with advanced diagnostics you could reconstruct a picture of the room from the radiation pressure on the screen
>with very advanced diagnostics, a temporal modulator, you could reconstruct an image of the room long after the radiation pressure was exerted.
>consider that the internet wires that connect devices today will be the same ones that connect them tomorrow (hard wired)
>That means a temporal modulator connected to the internet in the future is also connected by real physical wires to the devices in the past
>it is only a difficult problem in engineering to use a temporal modulator to connect to advice in the past via its IP/datetime unique identifier
>it used to be a difficult problem to prove if this was possible
>I did prove it an it is possible
>and if your TV has a serial number on the its mother board we can use the temporal modulator to find it a the address of your power bill through the electrical wires
>all LED screens are cameras
>since the light in the room around the screen contains the exact RGB wavelengths of the photodiodes, the radiation pressure is always there
>all LED screen cameras are always recording


Our universe is the starting point. And as for storing that much data, the right computer might be able to convert all of that data into sufficient storage. Computers would be required to store the scanned universal data, and then all that would be left would be to replicate the entire universe. I'm not sure how much processing power or storage you would need for a feat like that though.

>move at a speed faster than earths rotation for any amount of time
>expect to remain in the same spot


TFW astronauts in orbit are physiologically younger than people on earth.

>not real

Heat death of the universe is not the end of time, as events will still occur after it.

It could be though.

Holy shit reading this was infuriating. What a fucking brainlet.

where do you find an LED screen?

LED signs

The two-point correlation between the present and a point in the past has an amplitude that decreases in proportion to the amount of spacetime interval between the two points. If the temporal modulator is going going to use the amplitude to select a specific device, that amplitude will have to be amplified to a very high degree.

because you sucked all the dicks, QED.

If you believe that a temporal modulator can exist, then you should believe that it can be used to measure the radiation pressure on a screen in the past from diagnostic equipment located in the future. If your device is internet enabled this is very easy because it has an IP address. Then you can dial in the modulator to that IP and record a picture or video of the light was incident on the screen at that time.

Also works for non-internet electrical devices, such a s TVs, because the power lines will work just as well as the internet cables.

Would data be easy to send? Sure... you just plug in the modulator, format your device for http, and then you could even post messages a forum in the past. (It is May 7, 2017 for me now)

You can only theoretically see the past, not actually be there.

Here is an interesting application: Wait until after quantum computers get built. Format your device for http. Log into the database that is encrypted with classical encryption. Break the encryption with your quantum computer in the like 1 seconds, and then take the data or do whatever.

its only possible forward right now.

backwards we have no idea.

this is bait from some hippie

Explain why it would be

You are most likely looking at one when you read this.


Where that time travel would led you? Do you think that whole universe has rewind button? Put some milk in caffe, stirr it then try to time travel it back. You cannot. Time travel implies that old snapshots of universe do exist. Where they do exist and how it is possible for them to exists, where is that energy comming from that creates and keeps old copies of universe. Like with caffe and milk, old state of universe is gone forever. Even with very powerfull computer you cannot calculate older state of anything, quantum physics makes sure that nobody ever will.

>every way we interact with the world is through manipulation of charge.
>ie: Your fucking hand wont go through a wall because of repulsive forces
>off fuck let me go to the negative time store
>buy some negative time to throw at the positive time to go back in time

Time dilation existing proves that time actually exists user.
Time travel to the future is already possible its the past which is the hard part.

Lucky for me all my TVs are CCFL.

That's where your wrong kiddo, if you could simulate the universe down to the exact quark or atom, you would theoretically be able to be in that time.

Because if time travel was possible it would always be possible

not even a real thing

Not bad.

>tfw when u run and u end up in the future

Couldn't you preserve entropy by grabbing an equal amount of matter and flinging it in the other direction?

No, because entropy is generated by you picking up and slinging

not if time traveling created alternate timelines

You can travel to the future and can accelerate time, but you can't travel to the past because of causality.

>Time dilation existing proves that time actually exists user.


well einstein has tried to prove bending time in his theory of relativity, and there are people who tried to prove it here: theguardian.com/science/2007/apr/15/spaceexploration.universe
they're saying that when the earth revolves, it leaves a "fabric" behind.



I should know.

Thought you died, no one takes the information to heart sadly


Time doesn't exist. We are living in the ever evolving present.

wait there are infinite quarks in a proton? What???

>physical world

Time is the rate at which things moves. On universal level, its the things in which all the tiny elementary particles moves at.



idk it seems like those recent malware leaks followed immediately after I suggested how having that code online would be useful to those people in the future.

What made you think I died? Did you look in the death table maintained by my enemy and see a dead flag toggled on my row? If so, you should have taken my pulse, it is a more reliable indicator.

Fundamentally speaking it is possible.
Faster than light means that you can travel past relativistic speeds and outrun a photon.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.
Tesla would be proud.

>tfw you rip space and time a new asshole.


If you can generate a gravitational wave in a foreward direction and propel yourself off the very fabric of space using an exploit if the mass, energy and gravity equations as in the alcubierre drive you can theoretically create a rip in space time by adjusting the frequency to destructive interferance point.

This may "tear" spacetime allowing you acces to movement on a higher plane including a theoretical reverse wave. Assuming what is on the other side is not hostile or dangerous.

It could also cause the bubble of existance to "pop". In which case it should only be held open briefly or cause an event that makes a black hole look like a marble.

Black holes used to be proposed as wormholes. However the fabric of spacetime has proven time and time again to be malleable. Black holes have supposed energy outputs at the poles which means that they are not the previously thought worm holes we thought. Instead they are rather "neat" energy compactions that occur in nature that simply compressed mass and "breathe" with the fabric they are stationed on.

In order to truly "cut" space time a destructive interference on the fabric is needed to occur to allow for something to escape it.


The warp opens and through the eye of terror it goes.