Let's get an IQ thread going

Let's get an IQ thread going.

What's your IQ?

What are you majoring in?

What is your current GPA?

What is your gender and race/ethnicity?



Raven's Matrices test (the best on the internet):


Wonderlic test:


Wonderlic-to-IQ conversion table:


Mensa Workout (be sure to self-time):


Repeating any of these tests lowers their score validity, so try to do your best the first time through. Once you're done with the Raven's Matrices, Wonderlic, and Mensa Workout, calculate your average score to get a reasonable approximation of your IQ.

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw IQ dropped from 134 to 122 in past year due to adderall usage
>tfw did same iq test both times so if anything should have got a higher score the second time

Which test was it, and has the IQ drop affected your personal life?


It's possible you got lucky/overperformed the first time and got unlucky/underperformed the second. A 12-point difference is significant, even after an Adderall binge.

>on the test you gave i got above 145
>premed and forensic science
>white female

>come to Veeky Forums to see people talking about math and sciences
>IQ thread

This places likes to shit on reddit a lot but at least places like /r/math discuss mathematics instead of IQ.

inb4 butt hurt iq brainlet.

>even after an Adderall binge.
are you implying addy reduces iq?

took another test years ago and scored a 140. did the ones in this thread, scored a 122. lol

still think it should be 90

What was your score spread?


I don't know.. I guess I could fit at 120, the other 140 was before I smoke weed, so I guess it is gone now

21 been on adderall since I was 6.
My iq was 139 when I was 8 and I took an online test awhile back, 135
Recently found out I probably don't even have ADHD, just a schitzotype

I'm a junior in an EE program with a 3.87 GPA and have never had difficulties. Ive never taken an iq test. I got 110. Wtf, man, I'm a brainlet.

do u study a shit ton or something? how hard is the advanced math? are you creative when it comes to problem solving? respect dude

How is 110 bad? That's above average.

>What's your IQ?
I took an IQ test in elementary school and I got a 132.

>What are you majoring in?
Chemical engineering.

>What is your current GPA?

>What is your gender and race/ethnicity?
Male, white.

I study about 2 hours a day. I've never taken high levels maths (have taken calc 1-3, discrete, diffEq, linear algebra, and complex analysis), so I can't really say if I'd have difficulty with it, but I find the EE curriculum tolerable.

Yeah, brainlets average.. I get fucking 136 easily on these tests, and I'm not even considered that intelligent in my top-tier college.

>t. brainlet

Would it be stupid to go into physics if my IQ fluctuates around 128-140 (I'm 18 trying to decide a major)

It literally doesn't matter at all.

112 but idgaf I make a six figure salary

>horsepower doesn't matter

Do you really believe this?


>read this 30 page article that proves my vague point

This is why people who care about IQs are idiots.

I know you're probably trolling, but people here believe this so I'll post a helpful image as well.

Kind of what I imagined too. I always thought you can pretty much do anything you put your mind to. I feel no limit in my capacity to structure and learn new concepts so I'm sure I'll do fine, since I plan on going as far as possible.

The only thing IQ has done for the average person is give them a quick self esteem boost that their number is such and such. It's a good way for idiots to make themselves feel better, and online IQ tests are not accurate but for some reason they keep being posted here as the end all be all.

I'm 21 and I just got 122 I get HD's in my physics classes and am second year you'll be fine.

>online IQ tests are not accurate

The three posted are extracts from actual IQ tests. The Wonderlic in particular is an excellent gauge of rapid-fire reasoning ability, which is why Mensa in some countries offers a Wonderlic prior to the official test (if you pass the Wonderlic, you get acceptance even if you don't pass the regular test).

People just wince at the idea that the ability to think is as measurable as any other ability.

Stop lying to make people feel better. It's cruel and dangerous to give false hope.

Pic related. This graph displays upper bounds on probability of graduating with a physics GPA greater than 3.5 (about .5 SD above the average) at Oregon as a function of SAT-M. Note the blue markers are conservative (95 percent confidence level) upper bounds; the central value for the probability at SAT-M > 750 is around 50 percent. The upper bounds were computed to show that the probability for SAT-M below about 600 is close to zero. The red line is the probability of earning an A in calculus-based introductory physics.

Do you have any proof that online IQ tests correspond to real IQ? It's funny that the Veeky Forums IQ community loves talking about papers and research but don't post one stating that your online IQ is your IQ; rather, a real psychologist will tell you that you can only be tested in real life.

Again, those are extracts from real IQ tests--with the exception of the Wonderlic, which is a real IQ test. Yes, a full IQ test with a psychologist will give you the most reliable score of all, but psychologists are apt to overstate their role because they have a professional incentive to do so (IQ tests are pricey).

An easy way to figure out your IQ if you don't like online tests is to convert your SAT/ACT/LSAT/GRE scores to IQ scores. These tests measure g almost as well as IQ tests (.77 correlation for the ACT and .82 for the SAT versus .9 for IQ tests).

>I get fucking 136 easily on these tests, and I'm not even considered that intelligent in my top-tier college.

99%ile+, tested 5 times independently by educational psychologists
nothing, i failed out of college due to depression and laziness, but it likely would have been physics or bioinformatics
we don't have GPA in europe but I had A's/A*'s

99%+ could be anything from 135 to 200.

I was told the tests were standardised and inaccurate above that percentage.
The results were just indicative that my iq was very likely above the scope of the test.
Taking a guess it's probably only ~140.

I may be good at matching triangles but I'm otherwise a failure.

we don't have letters in italy we use numbers from 0 to 30 for grades

ethnically italian but went to college in the UK

Am I the biggest retard on Veeky Forums?
Honestly feel like killing myself.

Curious, which of those correspond to IQ, CR or math?

>tfw 140

do you lurk Veeky Forums to seem smart?
also, you're a brainlet

Really? I'm a brainlet? Hadn't noticed.
Seem smart to who? It's not like I'm trying to fool myself into thinking I'm smart. I already know I'm a massive brainlet.
And I browse Veeky Forums because I'm genuinely interested in maths and science. Not that there's much good discussion on either here.

What IQ tests don't determine is your willingness to do anything with your life. A genius could sit on his lazy ass forever and accomplish nothing. Therefore, in my opinion, having volition and following through with your dreams is way more important than having a high IQ.

>What's your IQ?

>What are you majoring in?
Physics and minor in Philosophy

>What is your current GPA?
Not a burger

>What is your gender and race/ethnicity?
Male Ashkenazi Jew

Not really. The test is all basic arithmetic, which you can get better at through practice. If you constantly punch numbers in calcs for basic arithmetic, you're obviously going to take a couple seconds longer, especially if you try to come to a direct answer in your head. Considering you only have about 12 mins, it's a big deal, so I wouldn't really worry about it too much. If you want a better answer, just take a real test. Until then, it's retarded overvaluing your quotient. It's retarded even after you take a real test

Try a few other Wonderlic online. Yes the validity drops somewhat as you get used to the test, but some people find the time limit extremely stressful. Your true score could be quite a bit higher.

>tfw IQ has been tested at 150 multiple times

Feels good man.

Possibly. Taking it late at night probably wasn't a good idea. But I doubt doing the test when I wasn't mentally drained would lead to enough of an increase to get me out of brainlet territory.

If you dare...


Why the fuck is every board on Veeky Forums almost just a place for people to circle jerk and mask their insecurities?

You come here and it's IQ threads, when IQ is borderline useless. You go to Veeky Forums and it's height or penis size threads or whatever, when height is borderline useless and woman can love you even if you don't have an 8 inch penis. You go to /pol/ and it's white threads, where people even argue about what degree of white they are, as if it makes them special master race when they are wasting time on a Mongolian horse breeding forum.

Isn't this a board about science? What the fuck does wanking about your theoretical computational ability have to do with science. It's just another thing you are either using as an excuse as to why you fail, or validation in your failures. I mean holy shit this place, as in this site in general, has become such cancer over the years.


Fellow Male Ashkenazi Jew majoring in math here. Not sure of my IQ but I got 48 on the Wonderlic.

I just tried the wonderlic test and got 48/50 with a minute to go, apparently that's 136.

Is this even remotely accurate? I thought I was fairly far down the brainlet tree.

Did you actually take the time to get that score? I just picked the first answer for everything and I got 77, which wouldn't that mean this is a shit test anyway?

I ran out of time at question 30. I can't imagine finishing with a minute to go with 96% accuracy. Fuck.

A big part of it is just being good at quick arithmetic, which usually goes with intelligence but is also something you can train pretty easily.

I'm the guy who got 48 before, I live in australia and was asked a question about nickels. I thought a nickel was 10cents so rip me. This test seems stupid the more I think about it in all honesty, had I went in to that knowing a nickels value, and focusing a small amount more I have no doubt I would have gotten a 50. I seriously doubt my iq is 136 too.

Well, that's how people naturally operate, especially underage. They do anything to validate themselves in order to be "above average" or to feel special as if they have some innate potential to be amazing, even if they are too lazy to ever realize a small fraction of it. The mentality is practically on every board

>You come here and it's IQ threads, when IQ is borderline useless
t. I don't know anything about cognitive psychology but I'll regurgitate my layman opinion anyway

-t butt hurt child

>t. I'm now going to disappear from the thread or go into damage control mode

Yeah, of course. But I'm actually retarded and need to read each question at least twice to fully understand what I'm suppose to do.

Why sci cares about something unscientific as IQ? IQ is purely psychological test. This cognitive dissonance is beyond me.

Surely these have to add on an extra 10-20 points to scores. I got 135, I don't read and never enjoyed reading as child. Studying maths and theoretical physics, coming near top of my course if that makes a difference.

Which test is this?


A bunch of people in high positions have opinions on a matter, kids like you eat up their shit. What else is new?

48 is an insanely high Wonderlic score. Only two people in NFL history have scored as high or higher. Genius Ryan Fizpatrick from Harvard got 50, but even that one MIT mathematician (blanking on the name) didn't score above 45. Very fee jobs expect a score above 40. 48 is actually 156 IQ tier. (Wonderlic score x 2 + 60)

>Got between 129-131 on the mensa.no test
>Currently bachelor in biology. Might try to get a master in marine biology.
>I don't know. Shit probably.
>Male, Scandinavian

I'm now more convinced then ever that it's a worthless test.

There is no way I have an iq of 156.

Nvm how good is this /b/ros?

>all this autistic screeching from people who hate IQ tests

Holy shit. Would you be just as upset about tests that measure health or athletic ability, or are you just insecure? Would you really say shit like "b-but health is subjective!"

Looks like you've got 40% off on you're next health check, so pretty good!

The percentiles are what they are. Obviously if you want a good idea of your IQ, you should take a full battery of subtests with a psych. They're expensive but worth it. I don't regret getting mine. Did you get a high score on your college entrance exam?

Not bad.

Dude, this damage control is really, really bad. I expected something better from you.

>Would you really say shit like "b-but health is subjective!"
Probably yes.

Why would you expect anything of me, I'm just an user who posts on Veeky Forums. I will say it again, your a kid who eats the shit of people in high positions with "opinions".

Do employers in stem actually use this as a condition of pre-employment?

>the academic consensus on a field shouldn't inform at all my opinion on a subject, I better repeat layman talking points that have been debunked 40 years ago
Really bad user.

Some do. Others offer it as a tool for employees to demonstrate that they should be promoted, since it correlates well with employee productivity.

> implying you asked every academic for their opinion and have reached a consensus on the matter.

Please stop, you sound like an edge lord.

>now I'm just going to act stupid on purpose so it's going to look like I was trolling since the beginning
user, I linked to a survey.

Damn. Your IQ must be really low lol.


You think im trolling? Its obvious you would think that since your head is so far up somebodies ass.

I got 97 on my vce exam. I dont know what the sat equivalent is.

Little comment:
Unless you got tested by a professional, you have no right to write your score here. I.E - no internet tests.

>140 iq+ widely considered genius level or nearing genius level intellect
>Veeky Forums full of fucking brainlets that struggle with calc 2
> somehow everyone has an IQ of 150

Really salts the snail

>IQ tests
You guys are worse than the facebook women who take the personality tests

Forgot the IQ result of the test, but I got into Mensa last year with a 100% success rate on their test.
Started to go to college this year for medical engineering.

I am 18, male and from Germany.
My IQ means shit though in college, if I don't sit down and learn that shit I am screwed.
Too bad I never learned how to learn in school, fuck that.

Yeah faggot knowledge is supposed to be gained through reading.

>Complete IQ test
>30 minutes wasted
>Pay 20$ if you want to access results

Yeah, I can't be above 90 if I fell for that.

Another dumb undergrad thread bereft of scientific discussion.

>132 (Mensa)
>High School drop out
>0 GPA
>Spaniard- Mediterranean/Moor mixed race

Please user, go ahead and tell me, what does knowing your IQ do for your success and achievements? How does sitting around circle jerking about it having accomplished nothing mean anything, which was my point?

If a person there are 20 people, and 10 are successful, and 10 are unsuccessful, and 9 of them have a high IQ who are successful, and 1 of them is an outlier who is only slightly above average, and 5 of the unsuccessful have high IQ, and 5 others of the unsuccessful have slightly above average, what relevancy does it have that the outlier doesn't have a higher IQ then the members of the unsuccessful group, and what is the point in the 5 unsuccessful individuals sitting around circle jerking about how high their IQ is when they are part of the unsuccessful group?

Use your high IQ to figure out my point and why threads like these are stupid waste of times for the insecure.

Physical strength is an accomplishment. IQ levels are not. I have a relatively high IQ, but I've not done almost anything with it. I also can bench press 315, and it took a lot for me to do that and I'm proud of it.

I unironically look forward to these threads.I perform marginally better in IQ tests whilst being a colossal failure at everything else.

>Too bad I never learned how to learn in school, fuck that.

I never understood this. I can understand people can give you perspectives to think about problems in new ways or something, but shouldn't knowing how to learn pretty much be fundamental? Any parts that aren't are taught to you through the scientific method.

It always confused me in school when people would study for test and shit on me for not studying for test. I don't see the point. If the first time you are introduced to material you go through and actually consider the material, you don't need to spend days reading over the "important parts" to memorize thing. It's not some super power, you literally just do something and pay close attention to it.

>Somewhere between high 120s - Low 130s on iqtest.dk
>Computer Engineering
>Male; 75% Galician Spaniard, 25% Indigenous from South America