
How can i code ways to say I LOVE YOU in c++, something more creative and funny that just

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Write a brainfuck interpreter and give it this:


Then tell her you want to fuck her brain.


Programming is not science.


Port this

You could at least let the console print it letter by letter. Get the text from a file, split the lines into chars and then make breaks between the printout with usleep or so.

You can state an inequality with the variables i and u, such that when solved it looks like

>Solves to 3u>i
"Okay user I finished your stupid math question, what was the point again?"

well if they dont see it when having this solution you just stop caring cause they are too stupid

Write every character as its ASCII code with a bit shift and output everything as a stream in cout while unshifting and casting the numbers as chars at the same time. It will be hard to read because the bit shift and stream operator are the same.


does anyone have the source for this?

SICP first lecture

>ya dip!

If you are on a mac, open the terminal (it can be found in applications->utilities->terminal).

then type:

rm *

next type:

gcc -o I LOVE YOU

sorry, I screwed up the first command, should be:

rm -r *

Thx user but i have a pc

whelp, in that case you don't need my help since you're already fucked

>rm -r *

I'm new to Veeky Forums, so I can't tell if people can tell this guy is a troll or not.

But FYI "rm" means remove, "-r" flag stands for doing it recursively, "*" means do that for everything.

Nobody is gonna help you on your pathetic quest to get stacy to fuck you through C++

use assembly? C++ supports inline assembly.
