Hello Veeky Forums

Hello Veeky Forums

What do we do when antibiotics stop being effective?

So I have Strep throat, after 4 days to confirm this was bacterial and not viral, I went to the doctors to get some antibiotics (S/O to the NHS). Now bear in mind 70 years ago, there is a good chance I would have died from this infection.

As well all know, antibiotic resistant bacteria are becoming more frequent. We're all aware of measures that should be in place to slow this process down, but it's unlikely to happen anytime soon.

What do we do when antibiotics stop being effective?

Will nano-machines take up the role?

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Motion to cull any and all people who:

Take antibiotics for viral infections.
Don't finish their full course of antibiotics.

>What do we do when antibiotics stop being effective?
>hurr, how do antibiotics work

Explain what was wrong?

>What do we do when antibiotics stop being effective?

Use older antibiotics that have not been used in decades or longer. Modern germs lose their resistance to older drugs that have not been used for generations. It is a practice that is just now being used, fyi.

That's racist though.

there's always an option for more vaccination, yay. srsly? we would be fewer

good chance of dying from srpy infection, how old are you? like 9? adults won't die so often since immune system's running just fine

there's though interesting point from GPs perspective on using atb for viral infection, what you are after is preventing bacterial superinfection which is quite nasty complication

nano machines? will the degrade completel, won't they create imunocomplexes? there's most likely giong to be an intermezzo if we ever run out of atbs

people should stop being pussies when they get sick. If you're younger than 45 and not totally out of shape you will probably beat most bacterial infections you pick up given enough time and rest.

bonus points because your immune system is stronger every time you naturally kick an infections ass.

I bet most kids these days never had to use their own immune systems to beat an infection, pathetic.

Sounds like you need some vancomycin.

>Now bear in mind 70 years ago, there is a good chance I would have died from this infection.
What are you, retarded?

>Will nano-machines take up the role?

Oh, OK, question answered.

>Modern germs lose their resistance to older drugs that have not been used for generations.

>Bacteria randomly loses DNA for no reason.

I think what you mean is that we use older antibiotics for more recent resistant bacteria, but once they've developed immunity, they don't lose it unless they are wiped out completely.

Study source?

>Bacteria randomly loses DNA for no reason.

Yeah, actually. Species lose genes they don't use all the time. It costs energy and time to keep copying a gene so strains of the bacteria without the gene will be at a selective advantage in a scenario where the antibiotic is not being used. This is evolution 101.
Fucking imbecile. Are you an undergrad or something? You sound stupid.
Fucking imbecile.


The biggest problem is that these will again be obsolete soon. We need a large enough rotation and proper monitoring of rotation then we'd be able to merely cycle through those over decades to stay ahead of the game. Sadly, I don't think the medical community has their shit together on that level.

TBF user, if you don't recover from strep throat in 7 or so days and develop kidney inflammation or rheumatic fever.

Rheumatic fever can very easily be fatal if it leads to heart valve complications.

Junior Dr.

>Every decade or so.
>evolution 101

shut up lel


my fucking sides.

Brainlet damage control.

You're both fucking retarded.

Cells can never "Lose" DNA, they can mutate when reproducing and that gene may not be carried on, but them it basically becomes another organism.

It would also have to be stronger than the previous organism to be viable for mitosis.

I don't think it's ever actually ever been observed though.

Did you save a lot of energy during development to revert back to your natural ape-like state?

>Cells can never "Lose" DNA, they can mutate when reproducing and that gene may not be carried on, but them it basically becomes another organism.
Learn to read you fucking mongoloid. I never said that the cells themselves lose DNA, I said the species can lose genes. You fucking pedantic sack of shit. I hope you die.


>he fell for the antibiotics meme

companies do antibiotics because they are cheap, effective, and established. they don't give a metric fuck about immunity because they already have a replacement

they be called bacteriophages

when antibiotic immunity becomes a genuine problem, they're all going to swoop in at the right moment to try and beat the competition and maximize their profit. if they start coming out with bacteriophage shit now they're seriously cutting into their potential market dominance because we don't need them yet. if they talk about them as a viable alternative, other companies will know to invest time into them which will also cut down on their potential market dominance

capitalism just werks

No you didn't.

>bacteria without the gene will be at a selective advantage in a scenario where the antibiotic is not being used.

No, it's just a random mutation. You gigantic autist.

Literally crying when people are being specific on Veeky Forums.

Back to tumblr lad.

Is this even true? For viral influenza, for bacterial infections?

Can't bactriophages becoming super fucking deadly though?

You know, on the account that they can also transmit random genes across bacteria, I mean I'm pretty sure bacteriophages have been documented to help create MRSA and other superbugs...

me on the right

>capitalism just werks
>when antibiotic immunity becomes a genuine problem, they're all going to swoop in at the right moment to try and beat the competition and maximize their profit.
Sounds pretty much like a contradiction between private profit and social need to me desu

>Can't bactriophages becoming super fucking deadly though?

considering the possiblity that HIV came from a faulty polio vaccine, basically anything can become dangerous.

also early antibiotics literally slowly killed you.

>Hahaha, now we can overprice ALL THE MEDICINE
>Everyone in lower brackets of pay dies.
>Everyone that can afford meds, don't need to because they live healthy lives.
>Ok, Ok, but... We still get paid.... Right?

Also, this only works for US healthcare model. Most of the world this falls down completely.
Considering most medicine is developed in the EU I'd say it'd never work out.


You may gain greater resistance to certain illnesses when you recover from them, but it's the same with/without antibios.

>implying infections are a society-threatening problem


>implying they aren't

What the fuck are you even doing here?

>Implying agriculture isn't important to society.

Go back to /pol/ pls brainlet.

nigger your grandpappy has probably been alive longer than antibiotics have existed. pharma companies can sit back and wait as long as they want before shitting out their antibiotic replacements.

they've already done many agricultural clinical trials for bacteriophages. the pharma corps give a much bigger shit about the cows and piggies than you, they make more money from your food.

>No you didn't.
Not even that guy, but you're going to have to work harder to gaslight your way out of getting btfo.

>No, it's just a random mutation.
No fucking shit. The fact that it gives a selective advantage means that it will become more prevalent in populations over successive generations.

Worst case scenario, clinical trial strictness is dropped and the scene is flooded with all those drugs that get stopped at Stage IV until resistance is cycled out. Also structural bio is really leaping forward, so rational drug design is becoming more efficient

>No, it's just a random mutation
You realize that is exactly how resistance is generated, right?

>not even that guy
>Uses same grammar
>Only spaz in this thread autisticly swearing like a 14 year-old

k den


>Hurrrrrr durrrrr I think I am smartur dan Berkley profs

We already use nano-machines to alter DNA in GMOs you fucking degenerate.

Everyone please ignore this post and keep shitposting.

>not even that guy
I could pretend to be that guy, and you'd still be btfo.
>Only spaz in this thread autisticly swearing like a 14 year-old
Confirmed for never having worked in a research lab.

OP Here.

I agree this seems to be the most viable way of retaining antibiotics, but again, world doesn't have it's shit together enough.

A possibility proved as really good alternative here:












>You are that guy tho.

>You are autisticly swearing like a 14 y/o bc nobody is agreeing with your fox news tier scientific opinion.

get btfo'd, lad.

>>Bacteria randomly loses DNA for no reason.
They do actually, keeping those genes active is a massive strain on the bacteria's metabolism.


Just starting alternating anti-biotics. If you keep throwing the same punch over and over, the defender will dodge it with ease. Gotta throw multiple blows into it and make them waste energy.


senpai diptheria isn't pathogenic until a phage inserts a toxin gene. It just takes one fuck up with viral recombination to kill lots of people get sued

interesting f.a.m. becomes senpai

exactly this is what we do with HAART for HIV. Not hard to figure out

ya my grandad also had neurosyphilis which is easily cured now with penicillin so....

senpai has been senpai for ages... desu senpai


we use CRISPR to create antimicrobial viruses that target your specific strain with pinpoint accuracy. won't even kill other bacteria in your body like current antibiotics

here's a normie friendly version

New antibiotics are being invented all the time. How many things are resistant to 4th-5th generation cephalosporins?


We shed our biological bodies and only keep the brain. Which will be sealed from the outside. Oxygen and nutrients will be filtered before being delivered to the brain.

Robo-dic when?

Seriously though, when we get to this stage, why wouldn't you just turn "Orgasm mode" to max and spam until your brain is fried?

You can do that right now, it's called heroin



Why are you so angry?
Also, how do you define a species losing genes if not by the individual cells losing those genes?

tell indians to stop being retards because they've been the main cause for accelerating this process for some time now

It's diphtheria, like diphthong. If people would pronounce things properly we'd have far fewer embarrassing pronunciation spellings.

underrated kek

Got a source? I know it's the same with or without vaccines if you beat them and the vaccine itself I'd more for herd immunity, but I'm pretty sure antibiotics wipe out good bacteria in addition to the bad, which also can mutate to help fight bad bacteria and protect your insides while working in tandem with your immune system which develops trained resistance to the bacteria? Plus I would have thought that since an antibiotic kills bacteria, that your immune system doesn't get as strong as it would have by fighting it naturally, because the bacteria get eradicated by the antibiotic and there's not enough actual bacteria left for your immune system to fight and train itself on?

there are two types of phages
one of them can put his dna into other cells this could mutate bacteria,wich is dangerous.
but we use the other form that cant do this

Depends of type of antibiotic and T-Cell type IIRC.