>be me
>studying for dif eq final
>it's in 12(ish) hours
>mentally exhausted
>taking a break
Post your funniest shit, could really use it now Veeky Forums
Show me what you got.
>pic related
>be me
>studying for dif eq final
>it's in 12(ish) hours
>mentally exhausted
>taking a break
Post your funniest shit, could really use it now Veeky Forums
Show me what you got.
>pic related
[You in 15 hours]
>imaginary pic related
Why do people hold this episode in such high regard. It is the worst episode in season 1, aside from that one where rick and morty are literally watching tv all episode. The plot is all over the place, it really seems like the writers had no idea what they were doing. Do people like it because it has a le rebbit r/atheism 'people not undertanding something so it is god' sub plot to it? I just don't fucking get it.
And here is some funny picture of a dog with ham on its face or some shit I don't know.
Worst episode in the entire series. I've got to agree with this guy Rick and Morty's humor is mediocre at best.
Commencing Dump, good luck on your exam op
The floating head is a good high-contrast image, well suited for a site like this. The thread sucks, but it's easy to pick out of the catalog. Anyways, I think it's about the floating heads. That's what people liked about the episode.
Where do these come from?
What series do you like then?
>tfw brainlet
from install/g/entoo
You wanna know some cool trivia, OP? It's suggested that procedural memory is integrated during REM sleep and declarative memory during non-REM. Benzodiazepines diminish the proportional part of REM sleep compared to non-REM so if you've studied a lot you can pop a Xanax before sleep and in theory it would be beneficial for remembering more of what you've studied.
I literally don't have friends.