Has science really proved that gender is a spectrum?

Has science really proved that gender is a spectrum?

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No but you'll be reading that there is a 97% consensus that gender is on a spectrum in all the popsci soon enough.



Gender "identity" isn't gender.

Can someone explain the Bill Nye thing. Why is he being posted so much lately?

He's a fuckwit and it apparently took some brainlets few decades to figure this out.


is the gender matrix Hermitian?




>Theres still shitty bill nye thread
When will this meme die

No, but only math can really prove anything, so your question is a presupposition failure.

too soon for that. people need to have their fun with the spectrum meme first

Autism is on a spectrum.

Yeah. All it takes is a night time comedy show to prove scientific facts in America.

science can prove anything with enough (((willpower)))

These shitposters don't know what they're talking about. Everybody starts off as girls in the womb. We are then subject to a certain level of hormone exposure which affects our psychology. The amount of exposure we get can affect our sexual orientation, and because the set amount can vary it is what we can call a "spectrum". One the other hand, "gender" is just society's roles for the two sexes, by definition.


>Everyone is made of atoms

>asexual = hellbound
literally lmaoing @ ur life

fucking what? what do you mean by this?

seen it. everybody has. now let us forget.

This is absurd. You can't be a girl in the womb.
1) that requires assuming the gender identity of a clump of cells
2) That clump of cells doesn't become life until it's shit out of the vagina. The vagina can be male, female, unisex, or Nye himself. Until then, you should seriously think about aborting it.
3) even if you could assume it's gender. It would not be a "girl" but a powerful "woman".

Yeah, pretty much. Getting sleepy. So sleepy. We should all get some shut eye. Aren't you feeling drowsy, user?

Is this correct? Does Veeky Forums have it all wrong?

Doctor: Do you want to know if you are having a boy or a girl or do you want it to be a surprise?
Parents: But how can we possibly know it's gender until our baby tells us?

>Falling for this meme
He never said that. It's sad so many people are posting this image. It's honestly pathetic



What the hell is the picture even showing? It doesn't even make sense from a non-scientific standpoint.

the fetus is in superposition of states yes yes i agree

>need to make a chart
>better fill it with ink blots and gradients
What are they trying to accomplish?

>doesn't become life until it's shit out of the vagina.
Wow, I'm not pro-life at all, but I believe once you get into the 2nd trimester, maybe halfway at most, is when things get a bit iffy.

>Who enjoys a Fleshlight in the cold Moonlight
At least they have /r9k/ covered.

>Has science really proved that gender is a spectrum?

No respectable scientist would touch that.

An actual scientist would first need to define what "gender" is.

The problem is that in popular usage, there is no consensus on what "gender" is.

Some people perceive "gender" as binary, and some perceive it as a spectrum, and in popular culture many of them are locked in a shouting match against each other claiming that the other side is wrong -- an none of them have the imagination to realize that it can actually be okay for something to be perceived differently by different people.

When faced with that kind of semantic mushiness, any respectable scientist will immediately abandon the word "gender" and use (or invent) another term that can be defined precisely.


What are "words" and how can they have meaning and why can't we just change that meaning on a whim and mock others for not keeping up with our new definitions? It's like... dude. Wait... If you can blow your own mind do you even need reality? Wait... If you can blow your own mind, do you risk hurting your back?

>That clump of cells doesn't become life until it's shit out of the vagina.

The standard scientific definition of "life" actually does include the cell division process that occurs in the embryonic and fetal stages.

There is a set of physiological changes that occurs during the process of birth. It includes such changes as "transitions from non-breathing to breathing", and "transitions from placental nourishment to digestive nourishment". However, it does NOT include "transitions from non-living to living".

>What are "words" and how can they have meaning and why can't we just change that meaning on a whim and mock others for not keeping up with our new definitions?
Words are a social construct that has about as much meaning as the consensus on its meaning between the users.

Just like gender


I was intentionally mocking people that can't or won't acknowledge that life exists in the womb. Although that's not to say it makes me pro-life. My personal belief is that parents should have the right to end their child's life up until the age of eighteen. I arrived at that conclusion after multiple attempts at communicating with that generation. Who better to know what a disaster that child will become than the parents?

gender now means "pudding pops". Try to keep up.

social constructs are a socal construct. they don't really mean anything

Gender is naturally binary amongst humans. There are always mutations, but they do not represent the species as a whole.

>When will this meme die
whenever the entire gender identity meme dies
so tough luck, pal. gender identity bullshit has become sort of mainstream

social construct is a spectrum


>Gender is a construct
>Sex is binary
>Bill Nye couldn't say 'sex' on a childrens show back in the 90's

>damage control

I-I thought this was a program about science?

well that is correct

>My personal belief is that parents should have the right to end their child's life up until the age of eighteen.
trips of truth.

if by that you mean imaginary then yes

>better fill it with ink blots and gradients
This actually truly offends me, tbqh senpaitachi. I'd understand if they just put two arrows and labels between them, but what's the point of the cute colors and something resembling a bubble plot with no actual data behind it?

The peer-review process is about to change soon. Just wait and watch. Most of the judges now are SJWs. Pretty soon they will approve all these papers and promote them to fact.

What did I just watch?

Peer-review is already approaching core meltdown. May as well fill with with SJWs so they can blame sexism and politics when it finally explodes.

Yes it has proven it and also science says Trump is literally hitler.

Bill Nye let science die

Yes, the science is settled.

and seconded. Motion passed.

asexual bound for hell detected

here's the spectrum

Male - - - - - - - - - nothing - - - - - - -- - female

I dont get it. Is the numerical distribution of testosterone, estrogens, estradiol, progesteron, oxytocin, prolactin, and vasopressin on a spectrum now? And how does it work in the genes? Are XXY and XYY extremely common since 2017 or something? Help me, Bill.

54th trimester abortions

U dont know shit u lil twat. There are XXYX, XXX, ZZA, UPS, DHL, IBM and many other chromosomes. And no just because your genes gave you a penis clinically made you a testosterone enriched male, doesn't mean you're a male.

Gender as biological sex is mainly binary (exceptions being some fucked up disease). It's not witty or smart to point this out because everyone except the most retarded accept this.

However, our social interactions doesn't have to be determined in such a hard way by our genes. That means, that there is no proper definition of man or woman based on how we interact or act socially. We have general ideas as to how each acts in many situations and in general, but that doesn't mean there is a predetermined genetical factor. Obviously these fucks also hide on their definitions and can't accept that there are general trends and tendencies that seem to be mainly genetic so it's not like everyone is a special snowflake. But it's not that ridiculous to accept the environment has a prominent roll in our upbringing and many things we do are because we learned it. It's also a retarded issue being memed by tumbler and reddit scientists.

>Gender as biological sex is mainly binary
You antiscientific lunatic. I bet you deny climate change too.

But we have testosterone and estrogen levels, physical, biological and chemical differences between the only existing 2 sexes, genitals that sends different signals to different parts of the brain and such, chromosomes that are binary and define our entire physiology...

Can you scientifically define genders in a quantitive way so it can be a scientific, measurable, observable and testable subject?

Wtf is a two-spirit

And why can someone be in between female and intersex

>biological gender

Wtf is this

>Has science really proved that gender is a spectrum?


Maybe it truely is...

The spectrum model fails in so many ways it isn't even funny, no matter which gender model you're operating in

Suppose one is in the liberal gender model. Sample genders in this model include male, female, agender, gender-neutral, two-spirit (urgh), bigender and even multiple hypothesized "third genders"

If one were to place these on a simple spectrum, placing male at 1 and female at -1 most of these would lie somewhere around 0. This is useless as the spectrum provides no way to distinguish between the identities.
On the other hand, in a vector space with basis vectors [math]male=\begin{pmatrix}1\\0\end{pmatrix}, female=\begin{pmatrix}0\\1\end{pmatrix}[/math]
it is possible to distinguish between the identities as follows [eqn]agender=\begin{pmatrix}0\\0\end{pmatrix}, bigender=\begin{pmatrix}1\\1\end{pmatrix},genderneutral=\begin{pmatrix}\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\\\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\end{pmatrix},twospirit=\begin{pmatrix}i\\i\end{pmatrix}[/eqn]

Further, one can define cis- and trans-genderism with the following matrix transformations:
for the most common form of transgenderism

As shown, this vector model of gender supports the sane, binary option, as well as being generalizable to model most purported additional genders. Therefore, it is clearly superior.

TL;DR: Bill Nye is a brainlet who can't into vectors.

Holy shit I forgot i made that info graphic back in 20 kek

Things like this makes me wonder if /pol/ is really that crazy about the Jews being behind social marxism.

>>No but you'll be reading that there is a 97% consensus that gender is on a spectrum in all the popsci soon enough.
so just like global warming

That conspiratorial mindset implied that the public is incapable of being stupid by themselves, and we all know that simply isn't true. There doesn't need to be a giant conspiracy for today's social trends to exist, so there's no reason to believe there is one.

>Gil Goldschein
come the fuck on

No. We do not all start out as girls in the womb, that would mean we would all have to start with XX sex chromosomes. When the Sperm and Egg fuse the biological sex of the child is determined then and there, XX is a female or a girl, and Xy is a male, or a boy. Now, of course, the amount of estrogen and testosterone a fetus is exposed to can effect their sexual preference and brain physiology, but it does not effect the biological sex of the infant.

Also, in regard to intersex individuals, they are not in fact separate biological sexes. The only thing that is necessary for a human to be biologically male is the presence of a y chromosome, females have all Xs, it makes no difference how many extra Xs or ys there are, they are either male or female. Now that isn't to say that intersex conditions wont have an effect on the physiological sex characteristics of the individuals they effect, they do, and they can be drastic. These effects can be so drastic in fact that, to the untrained layman's eye, they could appear to be something completely new and unheard of.

We start as reddit in the womb, and depending on your queer levels you either stay as reddit or evolve into Veeky Forums

tfw fundamentally different from a dick.

traps are gay confirmed

>biological gender
Tell me exactly how someone can be born biologically 80.3% male and 19.7% female.


biology has a lot of interesting things to say about the sexes. the concept of sex is not unique to humans, it's biologically super fundamental.

What the FUCK was that? I need an explanation.

I laughed

>Educational TV for adults
>It's shit
wow who would have thought

Sex organs resemble female sex organs initially, and then develop into either a penis or vagina. It is incorrect to say people "start as girls" because your chromosomes, not hormones, will determine if you have a dick or a clit.

If you think about this board it really is a collection of almost all the worlds data. Everyone has different experiences in their lives and that creates personalities. so when people have these personalities they combine into a super personality (communities, family, friendship). and this super personality influences everyone involved. SO if I was an alien and I wanted to learn about the humans so I could take over the world, I could collect all the Veeky Forums data.

This is a debate is suited to psychology, not biology. There are a handful of biologically defined sexes that aren't common, most of which are fatal. For example, a normal woman has two "X" chromosomes, but if you have one, there are a slew of medical conditions to deal with if you even survive.

>Biological gender
I thought this was what they considered "sex".
>"Biological gender", what is presumably the binary characteristic of either XX or XY, is somehow considered continuous
>Sexual preference is between the extremes of neither and both, with the extreme of male preference being having no sexual preference and the extreme of female preference being having preference for both sexes
Fucking come on. Yeah, I understand that you can make a figure purely out of your imagination to explain a theory, but this doesn't even make fucking sense no matter what reasonable assumptions you make. It doesn't help that there's random rainbow colours for absolutely no reason. What journal was this bullshit published in?

Thats science, silly. Dont be a bigot!

gender is in a spectrum,just not the one they thought

sometimes but rarely XXY XYY
That's all. Gender disphoria is the mental disorder in which you think you are anything but your natural gender.

This just seems like a poorly worded song to me. They didnt really imply that gender is a spectrum at any point, just sexuality. Sexuality is whatever the fuck you are attracted to so sure, i will give them a spectrum. As for gender identity or biological gender that shit is completely binary with some mental illnesses in between. Is there anywhere in that episode where they actually said "gender is a spectrum"?


>gender is a social construct
>science proves gender is a spectrum

Yoy can only have it one way

>holds a bachelors in mechanical engineering
>doesn't have a degree in biology, physics, chemistry, or math.
Sure thing fag

This is the most comprehensive thing about it

Dysphoria has been observed by psychiatrists so it's real

As for "non-binary" or stuff like that, well what gives you the authority to judge ? You probably don't even know trans people. Why care ?