Mini verses

Part 1 on disscusion of miniverse. (im just a 19yr old with a interesting concept that i wanted to share)

so big bang created the universe, and the structure of the big bang had sun like properties. so what if the big bang was a super nova, and is now cooling off. this made me think of how rick and morty's episode about mini-verses and which is a universe inside a ours. it really made me think a little about it and i theorize that super novas turn into black holes then into quarks which is the release of energy that the black hole that had sucked in form neighboring galaxies, nebula's and or suns. now these quarks what if they are actually big bangs and making mini verses? a quark is when a black hole implodes from the shear amount of energy it sucks in.

>Isn't a universe inside our own universe just another cluster of galaxies? I'm pretty sure technically for another "universe" to be made it would have to wipe out the previous one

ah you see but what if its smaller then ourssince out universe is ever expanding doesnt that mean that there would be space for one? and it would be streching more or less the same reletive to our universe but going on a slower speed then ours

>Well, from what we already know everything that exists is the universe, so any time anywhere another big bang type phenomenon occurs even if it is small, it's not creating the universe it's changing the current universe.

ok how about this our earth right? has seen whats around us to an exstent and we have concluded that there is more to the universe then we can see. there is strong evidence of that. now apply this to the miniverse that i have talked about.

as said before user "ah you see but what if its smaller then ourssince out universe is ever expanding doesnt that mean that there would be space for one? and it would be streching more or less the same reletive to our universe but going on a slower speed then ours". thus it would really create a change in the universe!

Part 2 on disscusion of miniverse

>Well, just because we cannot see it doesn't mean it isn't still a part of our own universe, I'm just saying that even in the idea of multiverse there is still an overarching surrounding (whether infinite or not) I guess you're saying if we found another place expanding away from itself just like ours. It would be another universe? Right?

oh shit so black holes absorb the things around it right so wouldnt it have the make up of what to make a universe????? then when the quark happens it creates a mini big bang!!
if we were in the situation of being the minverse then that would litterally mind fuck all of our phsyisists hahahha

>I guess if we found another situation similar to ours, another place in our universe where we see that another big bang has occurred to that extent (idk if big bang is the right term for it exactly) but in that case I guess we'd have multiple universes and we'd have to expand the definition from observable universe to a new word that encompass our universe and the new universe.

but there is a chance that thats how it is! if there are multiple galaxies then wouldnt there be a change of that??? neighbouring universes!

>I mean, the universes would collide And so far we see no evidence of that

like how galaxies are doing the same sort of thing.

Part 3(end) on disscusion of miniverse

>Well everything is traveling away from a specific point, it's like if you drop a ball in water and drop another ball in water a few feet away, the ripples would hit and overlap, which is the same principle of multiple universes colliding

maybe thats how the universe ends. oh but what if its infinite? like how i said the universe is expanding therefore creating space!

>It's inhabiting space

but its inbabiting the made extra space

>Regardless if it's infinite or not all universes within whatever space is would eventually meet

that could takes eons though cause time would also travel slower

>Well yes it could take trillions of years. Eventually the universe will probably end anyway due to the big freeze.

theres also light years which means for the suposed mini verse it could be 2x aeon. well since its basically a spec of our universe more then 2x of an aeon. for the miniverse

>It'll probably be much longer than 2x and eon

so to the miniverse it 1 light year for them could be 1 second for us

>And eon is very short relatively speaking, in astronomical terms it's a billion years.

end. what do you think Veeky Forums?

that's retarded

how so?

Just to poke a hole in the first part; the "big bang" is not a supernovae.

>in what we consider empty space "virtual" particles appear in pairs and quickly cancel one another out
>fast forward trillions of years to when universe is just super massive black holes
>virtual particles appear near event horizon
>pair is separated (one going in; one escaping)
>black hole mass decreases as one of the pair escaping (hawking radiation) as it's partner annihilates some mass of the black hole
>eventually all the universe is energy after black holes finish turning all matter to energy and collapse
>if non zero chance of a universe occurring (over an infinite time scale) it will

im not an expert but isnt a weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force explosion? its what i kind of remember about it.

>hawking radiation
ive got to do more research, although i did watch a few docs that hawking did vaguely remember hearing hawing radiation on maybe time travel?

just pulling shit out of my ass but if some how my theory could work then, could the universe be resetting? (reminds me of something i heard from a friend that reads marvel comics)

other then ^ i litterally cannot say more on this because i do not have the required information. i was hoping that you guys would think about it and make a better version of what i had talked about and seeing if it could happen. while having fun with it like i did.

OP here also id love to see the vast knowledge you guys have, to fumble around on this topic. i litterally made this out of interest and seeing as you said that there is 0% change of it happening personally i think there isnt always a 0% change because there is so much we have yet to discover. like how we only found the biggs boson particle just a year ago i believe!

you can't integrate the fantasy of the people who wrote a non-pure science based cartoon to a real science thing, that's where you become retarded.

what would it take for a supposed, miniverse to be created? because in Geneva they are only making the conditions of how a big bang was created by LHC, but it maybe it doesnt have enough materials to have a big bang happen (not saying the are trying to make one) whist a quark would right? but you say that the quark is just an (i think what you are trying to say to me) an out burst of energy which then dissipates into radiation or something?

your right but wasn't Einstein called a autistic for coming up with his theories, i know what your going (maybe) to maybe say that he studied science while you would say that im making actual retardation posts

well, you're not wrong about Einstein,

>well, you're not wrong about Einstein.
yay something im not wrong about hahahaha

fuck you man, all I'm saying is
in simpler terms is it's not
possible ( right now because of our current technology limitation) unlike on rick and morty's
their technology and storyline is far more advanced and some quite logically impossible

but I'm not saying we can't, it's just were limited to even think about making it.

>fuck you man
sorry, wasnt meaning to anger you my dude.

>in simpler terms is it's not possible ( right now because of our current technology limitation) unlike on rick and morty's their technology and storyline is far more advanced and some quite logically impossible but I'm not saying we can't, it's just were limited to even think about making it.

i wasnt talking anything about the shows tech i was using what i knew to theorize if it could happen (from what i know), i was watching Brian Cox lecture on the universe and near the end of it. it had me thinking about it.

You mean Quazars? Black holes can and do die when they have eaten everything in sight and the distance is too far for them to continue consuming...
They reach stasis and sometimes they go boom.

Boom is not a big bang though... Those particals are at a lower energy than before...

Everything you see around you that is alive is burning....
Burning away to nothing...

However....On the plus side when the big bang reaches stasis it will collapse into itself to recycle everything anew....

If you are truly in persuit of the "miniverse" you must first simulate THIS universe or similar using information and numbers gathered from observatories and sciences....

Once you have encapsulated the knowledge of the universe into a simulation you can do anything with that information...

It all starts with knowing how to make a seed....
Then a root...
Then a stem...
Then a tree...
If you apply geometry to science there are infinite ways to play the game...

However to fully understand life
you must understand death and decay...

Beware though...this is the true knowledge which birthed the nuclear bomb....are you really willing to sacrifice it all to attain an understanding even if it leaves you bereft of will? Like a fucking ghost?....Everything has a price...I would research immortallity before undertaking something like this...

YES! holy shit thank you!

>However....On the plus side when the big bang reaches stasis it will collapse into itself to recycle everything anew....
hang on if
>Everything you see around you that is alive is burning.... Burning away to nothing
what if it would be that its doing (the above implied) just just so really fast but in its verse is like our time?

the problem is i dont have any mean of using these observatories and have not learnt (or currently doing a PHD or masters) in science. but if i could i would try really hard and even create implied particles/radiation/something that could maybe prove that it could or might be. hell if someone predicted the biggs particle, others could do the same (although the guy did do the maths and sciences to have an accurate prediction.

the closest thing to immortality would be the computerization of a person, that or something based of some jellyfish DNA that could be gene spliced into a experimental lab rat or something. to further go on with the computerization, Ghost in the shells implantation of the human brain into a robot/cyborg could happen in the next few (or 5) decades.

on the topic of the research though are you implying that it would lead to another weapon of mass destruction????

>>However....On the plus side when the big bang reaches stasis it will collapse into itself to recycle >everything anew....
>hang on if
>>Everything you see around you that is alive is burning.... Burning away to nothing
>what if it would be that its doing (the above implied) just just so really fast but in its verse is like our time?

Op here sorry that was dumb.

What if the moon was made of chooped liver and blue cheeze?! We would not be able to see those interactions because they would have to be relatively minoscule and we would have to be retardedly fast to be able to observe then.
Not to mention there is no cohesion on that level really and it all dissapates....
If you want to break out of the universe to see the multiverse you gotta be able to know how fast it is expanding and extrapolate from that its birth point in time.


Everything you said is dumb, go back to your cartoons.

why would you create this retarded shit of a thread, holy FUCK keep to your cartoons you fucking imbecile
stop shitting up the board


No. I am guaranteeing you.

"Every time we take a step foreward to the left hand of God we only step closer to his fury."

>If you want to break out of the universe to see the multiverse you gotta be able to know how fast it is expanding and extrapolate from that its birth point in time.

42 miles/ sec/ 3 billion light years = to the proportions of the said quazar. but also being able to investigate the actual after affects of the quazar, but after realizing that a quazar apparently burns everything around it i guess it wouldnt work??

for fun and others to join in on the fun, but it seens that it was a dog pile of why i was wrong and there is no way to prove/observe it also saying im really dumb which compared to the majority of you is probably true.

oh i see just speculating but, could it be that if we were to make a mini verse it would backfire on us like how people think the same of A.I's if they became to intelligent and become sentient?

The quazar is not the universe. What is the speed of creation. That is what I am asking. What is the speed and shape of this universe.

a sphere (flat) heh

the speed is the going around the speed of sound.

"For every million parsecs of distance from the observer, the rate of expansion increases byabout 67 kilometers per second."

The shape is a cone.

"The breath of God."

You wann know why Rick Sanchez says "Everything." when they ask him why he is in intergalactic prison?

It is because he wanted to break from God and the "disease" that is living a mortal life.

His ultimate vengeance. His ultimate "spell", interdimensional travel. They don't call top scientists wizards for nothing.

Rick is wrath. Even the devil is taken aback when Rick meets him for the first time...

"Summer, I know you think that I am great because I am the Devil and all that but your grandfather is THE Devil"

Wait 'till you see what happens when real life REALLY starts to meet scifi fantasy mate.
Won't be so happy go lucky then.

Stop getting your scientific inspiration from TV shows.

that is genuinely interesting thank you for the post. well as for the happy go lucky thing i have a long road ahead of me.

I envy you...

You might actually get to break out of this existencial nightmare.

Run fast.
Run far.
Or Moloch will catch you. . .

God. Speed. The three precursour to the lines of math that allowed him to interdimensionally travel are...

If God is all and our universe is one.
One is equal to frequency over time.
God is frequency over time.

Please remember us Devils burning in hell....

fuck off


Op here maybe I will meet you there, applied for the army maybe going in a few months


I genuinely can't tell if it's op samefagging answers or if I actually witnessed several retards having a discussion. either way, it's hilarious

wut if like gravity could bend space

im high rn lmao

so the stereotype that Rick and Morty fans are underage pseudo-intellectuals is true after all.