Happy 420

It's 420.
Explain the chemistry/biochemistry behind Maryjane/your favorite psychoactive.

Heroin binds to opiod receptors which fucks you up and makes your whole body feel like its having a long orgasm all over plus it also affects the nervous system which makes you feel funny and good even after the initial rush wears off. Its the best drug but im glad im sober now

>people who are successful and well adjusted enough to have an interest in the sciences
>using marijuana

literally every fucking physicist smokes 420 trees errday

Getting stoned before classes. . . some of the best days of my life.

>this board is my blog: the post
fuck off you attention whoring imbecile

>when you're such a brainlet you need to be sober to do science

Please kys, nigger. No one cares about your opinion.

>I will put a name on so everyone can see me while I argue with anonymous people like a 5 year old in every thread I can

I love how insecure you are over the fact that I choose to identify myself, rather than conform to your will.

And for the record, I'd love to hear a 5 year old say nigger. Would make my day.

oops sorry right you said nigger that means you're very cultured and grownup

You got it big boy.
...and by boy I mean nigger.

a small pinch of sativa and a cup of coffee is the most patrician way to start your day.

>look mom I said nigger again hahahahaha I'm so smart
kill yourself honestly faggot

shutup you hotdog water smelling piece of shit, i bet you look like the jaba the hut you fat cock slobering piece of shit. lick my ass cuntface

can we all agree namefags are worse than tripfags

haha, calm down bro!

this place really is undergrad /b/
i found my new designed shitposting board

Weed is for hippie pussies. I, like all real men, am an alcoholic.

Why not both?

>Weed is for hippie pussies
I used to smoke a lot of weed, but it made me very unproductive. Now that I'm only an alcoholic, I was able to get into a top 5 school.

it's because pot is more addictive. This is a fact.

>pot's more addictive
>realizes there's this thing called alcoholism
>realizes there's no thing called weedism

Isn't alcoholism a much more severe addiction?


lmao I almost replied to you seriously but I realized
>Chemistry user
hahaha good bait, good fun, you got me!

They all should be banned on sight.

stop picking on namefags

>Not being boring sacks of shit

they are namefags by choice. they deserve every bit of abuse they get

i like ADP-ribosylation factor 1

it plays an essential part of the vesicular trafficking network of the endomembrane system in eukaryotes, and you wouldn't have nerve transmission without it

just because they want to be identified and more easily identify themselves? Or because they want people to know something about themselves?

actually, fuck this. namefags should all be gassed. heil hitler.