Why is it that drugs that decrease anxiety (morphine) are said to worsen anxiety disorders in the longterm

Why is it that drugs that decrease anxiety (morphine) are said to worsen anxiety disorders in the longterm,

while drugs that increase anxiety (weed) also worsen anxiety disorders in the longterm?

Why don't they have opposite effects?

This is my opinion
Coping with anxiety by a drug instead of learning to deal with it yourself will of course just make it worse in the future

Also those two examples are strange
Is this a bait thread?
What have a done?

because all drugs are foreign materials that mess with the feedback loop for the secretion of naturally produced chemicals that are supposed to decrease anxiety. The brain becomes lazy and doesn't do it anymore because you're supplying the chemicals.
It's just efficiency.
I'm glad drugs are so bad in the longterm. I just wish humans had really long lives so I could see people get a taste of their own medicine when they get hit with the consequences of doing DUDE WEED LMAO

>I wish negativity on other people because they do things I don't approve of even though it doesn't really hurt anyone
You're so cool

>weed increases anxiety
I've spotted the fatal flaw in your thinking

Anything you use as a coping mechanism lessens your ability to cope without that thing, whether that thing is drugs, food, masturbation, whatever your deal is.

not him, but it does for me

It does that for many people.

I'd love to hear the reasoning you have for why people would recreationally choose to become an anxious mess.

paradoxical effects.....idiosyncratic paradoxical effects....

many times people associate their symptoms directly to a drug used to treat. Someone with an abscessed tooth might get some lidocaine to numb prior to intervention, may falsely attribute the swelling near the region to the lidocaine applied.

tl;dr could be anything

Not those people but in animal models low doses are anxiolytic and higher doses are anxiogenic

Higher doses of a lot of things are anxiogenic. I wonder if OP thinks that eating until you vomit has bad long term effects on anxiety disorders.

Just OD on benzos senpai.

Sorry let me rephrase that
>doses resulting in plasma levels consistent with the increase in from a single session in heavy marijuana users (in sprague dawley rats)

But the stoner defense force gets triggered whenever cannabinoids are not seen as god's cure for every mental or physical disorder known to man.

Because we're all trying to look past ourselves as a variable to the outcome.

Its about dealing with your shit. The drugs are about enabling you to do so.

Also yeah, that makes you responsible for your addictions. "ohh nuuuuuuuuu" says anxiety voice haha

I'm an addict at heart, and I obviously know it well hahahaha!

I had a really bad derealization + panic attack on weed, I have never been able to smoke and not have an existential crisis while on it.

Weed definitely makes me very anxious. I stay away from the stuff now.

I don't smoke but get existential crises from time to time. It sucks because I still don't really know how to cope with them; acceptance doesn't kill the feeling.

The only thing that worked for me is to literally reduce my levels of cortisol by injecting myself with Testosterone, not kidding. I have always been pretty neurotic, always had that anxiety gut feeling even before developing denationalization episodes.

Testosterone is a god send for this, I've never had an episode while pinning. That, despite my total testosterone levels being ''in the normal range'' according to my doc (420ng/dL)

>tfw 850-900ng without taking steroids
I don't know what to do. I feel angry and frustrated all the time.

Have you checked your estrogen levels? I sit at around 900-1100ng/dL on testosterone shots but I have to take an aromatase inhibitor every 3 days, or my estrogen gets too high. I am sincerely wishing to stop having to pin myself in the butt everyweek though, I am thinking about buying something like Selegiline (MAO-B inhibitor) and see if it works.

What is this new meme of everyone taking testosterone injections? What's it for?

>Helps deal with stress
>Improves focus and memory
>Increases goal seeking behavior
>Increases sense of well being and confidence
>Makes you a sexual tyrannosaurus

People are usually put on testosterone injections because they suffer from secondary hypogonadism, meaning that their balls don't work well enough to produce the hormone.

it's the male form of veganism

now you know what being black feels like

420 is very low. My boyfriend had a nut removed because he had testicular cancer, and had to go to 4 different doctors over the course of 5 years, including an endocrinologist, who all said he was in the normal range (which is like.. 300 to 1000 I think) Unfortunately this normal range was created long ago using older males.. if I'm not mistaken 400 is normal for the average 65-70 year old. They all denied him any sort of treatment and said due to him being 30 they couldn't give him test because he was "too young." He eventually had to go to one of those male clinics where they have allowed him to find a good dosage. You pay a flat yearly fee ($1500) and they give you whichever medicines and doses you want (they start you off at something appropriate though), regular blood tests, office visits etc. You should really consider working out a regular dosage and taking an estrogen blocker if you aren't already. Your high cortisol and anxiety are very likely caused by such a low test level. My bf was constantly tired, depressed, anxious, getting bouts of de-personalization, and those all went away once he spent a few weeks at a higher level.
Sorry for the blog post.

If you're the same person as above, they make pellets you can get inserted into your buttcheek which are slow release over ~3-6 months. My bf originally got that but decided he liked the little peaks you get from doing weekly shots better. It's a pretty small incision and you just have to take it easy for a week while it heals.

Everything said is true, probably what most men actually need instead of fucking SSRIs, stims and benzos, but ((they)) would make less money if it were even on the top 50 list of treatments for depression/anxiety.
The most common argument is
>but you become sterile!
not permanently (usually) and at least you can still get it up, which many antidepressants can prevent