How do I improve my memory and focus?

How do I improve my memory and focus?
>exercise, eat well, sleep well, meditate bla bla
fuck off I do those things, I want to know how to think and think hard

Other urls found in this thread:

>fuck off I do those things
post daily routine, diet and meditation habitsh

just give me some sort of brain exercises to do, that tests my memory and isn't repetitive

Play video games. No, I am not joking.

Brain exercises don't really help.


post daily routine, diet and meditation habits or fuck off

was for

>Brain exercises don't really help.

I'm interested in this as well. I don't eat right or meditate or exercise though.

How the fug do I get a white gf

start with getting enough sleep, eating right, and getting enough exercise
that alone will boost your natural mental functioning, and increase your drive
once you start a serious meditation routine after that you will be a god

>fuck off I do those things
doubt it

Start eating concerta like real men do.

mummy gives me a nice range of meals, before I go to bed I watch asmr and I sleep for 8 hours or more, I do the chink brain calming, I run 5km in 20 minutes 3 times a week

sure you do, post body pic no homo


that doesn't show shit, full front with your face and bits censored

concentration meditation

nice quads

Get your heart rate up for 20mins before you study, like on an exercise bike or just run in place or something. It will help you settle and focus

Once you have that down practice "deep concentration", where you do unbroken concentration for 1-2 hours. You have to work at this as your brain will naturally want to get stimulation from internets/vidjya gaymin/whatever. Go on and get 'Deep Work' by Cal Newport.

Once you can finally focus on something for longer than 1hr without being distracted then start deliberate practice. If your subject is math then you deliberately practice solving math problems, with a book like "The Art & Craft of Problem Solving" by Zeitz or really any math book. If your subject is computer science you get the book "Concrete Math" and just work through the problems until you get better at solving problems.

If you smoke dope or drink a lot stop doing so and your memory will improve. The more exercises/problems you do the more you will remember whatever material it is you're trying to do. Also this, you don't always forget everything you read

Is it really better to sort of train yourself to focus for long periods of time? I remember reading a few studies that suggested that taking small breaks increased retention and helped focus. What are your thoughts on this?

Would you say that starting and maintaining a serious meditation routine is a waste of time if you fail in those other areas (eating right, sleeping, etc)?

Fucking READ. Anything to do with your brain: focus, memory, eloquence, KNOWLEDGE all gets better from reading.

I wouldn't say so, but it would be easier if you already have those down. That being said, if you can manage to start and maintain a decent routine, you'll more than likely get the will power to improve those other areas of your life.

do maths

you do take small breaks, you work for like 90mins and then stop and start again later.

Exercising is bad for your brain, that's why athletes are dumb.

Good movie, even with the "thank you white jesus" thing.

Not OP but same situation
>up at 5:30
>plain oats+coffee
>cardio or strength for 1.25 hours
>go to work, am write reports and stuff
>lunch is chicken breast, brown rice and greens
>come home, whole grain bread and peanut butter and piece of fruit
>read primary source philosophy or math essays if enough energy
>sleep at 9:30

been this way 3 months. Not making mental gainz yet. Calories are counted, am 17% bf steady

>read primary source philosophy

What philosophy you reading bruv?

Nicomachean ethics. It's very slow going. I read a chapter to grasp it, then go back and re-read it and take down notes. I read the republic last, but I can barely recall it, so I decided to be thorough this time. What's the point if I can't remember it or at least refer to my notes?

Don't see any time for Veeky Forums on there faggot.

Did you tried paleo-diet? I have felt improvement when I started doing it. But I stopped because I'm a poorfag.

>cereals and bean-like vegetables "legumbres"

fucking carb brainlets when will they learn

Well the Republic is basically the work where Plato lays out all of his positions regarding, well, fucking everything. From the relationship art has to truth, the theory of forms, I think he even discusses pederasty in it. I'd personally recommend reading through his dialogues instead of tackling the Republic first. As for the Ethics, it's the groundwork for virtue ethics, and it's expanded upon fucking fantastically by Phillipa Foot in her 'Natural Goodness' I believe it was called. Good shit though, virtue ethics is making a comeback in the literature, apparently. Even now I'd say that the two best theories are Kant's Deontology and Aristotle's virtue. That's my two cents as a BA in Philosophy though so it doesn't mean all that much.

I hate not being gay but being gay.

I browse during work more than I should. Been here since I was 12, it's an addiction I'm slowly trying to break. I just focused for an hour. Doing this for 15 min now.

4/10 protein
4/10 carb
2/10 fat

Neat thx for the input

It's like a manlet asking someone tall how to get that big.

This one is the easiest and most simple of all.
Visualize and be truly interested.
That's all, really, just try. Don't forget to ask questions when the visualization becomes a bit harder.
If you keep this up, there is not a thing you can not study.
Motivation is ALL.

this may sound like a meme but nofap fixed my memmory problems.

Step 1: Reincarnate yourself as a 145-IQ brainmore.

Don't you audiobook?

Can you elaborate on that? Did you have some way to test your memory performance before and after and whatnot?

You can't. Just accept your shit genetics.

To you, what is the purpose of the Nicomachean ethics?
Try to reflect what you read (hear }audiobook ) on a real life situation. That helps you remember the core a lot.

The ethics is written in a step by step manner. It lays out axioms regarding morality and then explains why they're true. For example, if I remember the one for why the intellectual life is identical to the good life (Eudaimonia or something like that) the argument is something along the lines of "what life would a god choose to lead? Whatever life a god would lead must by virtue of this fact be the best life, and a god would choose an intellectual life for reasons XYZ". Id say go through the book slowly and paraphrase the arguments, then fight them. So ask yourself "is this a convincing reason? Is it really the case that a god would choose this life because of reason XYZ?" etc. Wrestling the text will cement it in your mind. As far as aplying it to life is concerned, you can employ virtue ethics to everything you do. You ask yourself "what would a good man do?" for any given situations, and act in accordance with the virtues. It's good advice, but I resist it only because it means you settle into an ethical framework. You should read more ethics before adopting a framework (although being a virtue ethicist is something I respect).

Also, a book that would help you greatly in general and also in understanding primary analytic texts like the ethics is

I used it in my college days, and going through it again now in my post-grad days I can say with confidence that it's still a fantastic resource, and great for beginners in logic/philosophy, and even useful for trained philosophers and logicians.

>"thank you white jesus"
you know that's true tho

I didn't test anything, i just find it way easier to take in new information during lectures and from books. Also my grades have drastically improved so that might be something.

Right, it sets the base for further relationships you might encounter business wise.

Being familiar with these ethics forms the barrier between the social classes.
Philosophy is there to help you become a gentleman. A nobel cause, wouldn't you agree?

Yeah, i listen to audiobooks during my morning routine for entertainment. Count of monte cristo right now. But I'll forget most of the details.

Yeah this is basically what I do. Part of the reason it's slow going is that I can only dedicate 4 to 5 hours a week to it.

i think you're being facetious, but the more I get into virtue ethics, the more I observe that this is kinda true. However the overall economic regime isn't exactly just, so one can't rely on wealth as a means to recognize the virtuous.

stop reading nonsense then? read actual math instead of (((math essays))) holy shit

The divide between "classes" or the difference between an ... ordinary person I guess you would say and a "gentleman" is not a philosophical one. I don't see why any ethic would create a social class barrier, especially considering that in countries like the United States the ethic that is employed most often by successful people is the one that is most shunned by philosophers, i.e. plain egoism: "do what's best for me no matter what". What I mean by this is that given what you stipulate, egoism would be the most exalted moral framework as it is the one that would be associated with gentility.

Being familiar with a multitude of ethical paradigms is important because it helps in establishing your own position. For example, most people operate as a mixed bag of egoism and utilitarianism, and essentially go through life with a form of moral intuition to decide their actions. These people may be Deontologists instead, if they knew anything about Deontology, or Virtue ethicists if they knew about that. It helps to establish a framework to work with that is consistent & coherent as well as informative/predictive regarding one's behavior.

Do you neglect the fact that a huge group of people get their ethics for religion, making weak , unsecure and an easy pray. And they life with false guilt. Besides that they are not that component in using language effective. All those things one overcome getting in philosophy.

Tips on visualizing or expand on what you mean by it? Please

Do hardcore math. The effects will be seen after 2 years.

You have this out of sync.

Get up and cardio/strength. Then eat your shitty carbs. You will also be more inclined to learn.

Avoid bread at night and sugar. Continually challenge yourself with harder material it's the only way to learn. By this I mean exercises and problems that are difficult. You also do 'active' learning, which means when you read a math text and it says "exercise left to the reader" you actually stop and try it, or you try and recreate the proofs given in the text or course a few days later to see if you remember.

Get sleep right first. That is ~80% of it ime.

Take noopept

>Besides that they are not that component in using language effective


kys all of you niggers who think that glorifying brain damage and lack of insight are good. You only feel smarter because the necrotic effect of your drugs produced the impression of being smarter, not that you're noticeably more intelligent or '''''creative'''''. Shrooms and LSD are neurotoxic, and no, the dose won't change anything, you're deluding yourself


Intermittent fasting.

Anyone else have this weird phenomenon where sometimes I open up a subject and I literally consume it without trying but then I return to it later and I have no idea how I solved the examples?
When I'm in my to intelligent mode I will study for hours without any breaks even though I normally take a break after every hour or so.
I've been trying to replicate it but I can't. It comes on randomly.

just b yourself

meditation works? seems like fake science .

Actually meditation and prayer have been studied by science in recent years, and so far they seem to have genuine benefits. The most recent one I remember is a thickening of a part of the brain that I can't remember right now, and this thickening made the brain less susceptible to depression. I guess in terms of science, what we can say about meditation is that it does have some form of measurable benefit, although we don't know everything yet.

Just increases some grey matter. Utterly useless.

If you want to be autistic and take the narrowest possible view on it, meditation is the practice of single-minded focus on a particular "object" , usually the breath.

Then, meditation is just the equivalent of going to the gym. You get better at what you practice. You could always say, "I get the practice I need while studying", and you might. But for many people it provides a basis for training and practicing focus and concentration in and of itself, with all other distractions and material removed - i.e, you can just practice without worrying about the material you're studying or whatever else.

If you're playing soccer, you're going to be running a shitload, and you'll probably be a decent runner. But if you put time into running off the field, its only going to benefit your ability to play on the field and help you play at a higher level.

Retard boy

How could you genuinely believe that a measurable physical change in not only the structure of a brain (neural connections) but the AMOUNT of brain you have is useless? Are you trolling or are you literally retarded?

>impression of being smarter
kys niggger

get high

>it's an addiction I'm slowly trying to break

f o r e v e r

Doesn't add any benefit beyond the activity in question. Did you think it raised IQ or something?


Not for long, motherfucker. Managed two weeks away last month.

>tfw i had an easier time quitting cigarettes, booze and coke than Veeky Forums and reddit

No you fucking enormous mongoloid. I fucking stated clearly that the findings were that it guarded against depression, i.e. it made a brain less susceptible to such. When the fuck did I say it inherently raised IQ? How about I keep fucking living and you kill yourself so there's less dumb fucking retards on this planet?

Activity makes you less prone to depression. Who woulda thunk it?

A particular activity. The one you seem to argue can only benefit you in regards to itself. You're so fucking stupid that I have a genuinely hard time believing you aren't just trolling.