No chess thread?

Chess thread.

I'll start: white to move and win. I'll be impressed if anyone finds it without an engine.

Other urls found in this thread:


Queen to g4?

Both wrong. Be warned. This is an extremely hard puzzle. It was composed by T. Taverner in 1881.

I should probably clarify: it's a mate in 2.


if not take e3 mate without salvation

if take Qf5


Or either of the 2 moves mentioned above

Pawn to E3.

not a mate in 2, Rxe3

solution imo here

What a shitshow

Was dead sure on Nxe8 and had to look it up. Fucking hell that was sneaky.

>that was sneaky
scrub i didn't have to look it up

endgame puzzles are the hardest this isn't hard

Only one move leads to mate in 2

So it's not Nxe8? How can Black prevent mate in 2?


and then e3 mate tard

2 moves


Every fucking time.

Nobody on Veeky Forums plays chess, they're too busy pretending to be fucking unicorns

ayy ))

How do you make a game on lichess? Someone link?

click on play w a friend

copy link, post


>play sicilian
>lose pawn


Nope Bg5 again

Knight to d5
bishop has to take it
then mate with the rook

Mate with the rook how? Bd8 is still there.



ayyy m8 Ur right

fuck no

OP what is the answer

holy shit it is rh1

and black can't make a useful move

[spoiler]e2e3[/spoiler] no engine

Horse C7 -> D5

It's rh1

Am retarded, c7 to e6

i am a brainlet in chess and dont even know what op is asking, but if he wants the white to move and win doesnt h2 to h4 do it?



holy fuck mind fucking blown

holly fuck
how can you guys be so fucking stupid?
this shit is already a fucking mate for white

solve it then, I couldnt without seeing it

Correct its Rh1. Every single reply from black leads to mate on the next move.

The bishop would take the rook

What about this?

1. h7->f5
2. Then h5->f5 if black takes with rook, h5->g4 otherwise.

1st case is not a mate

What about if black responds with c4->c3? I'm not seeing what white is supposed to do in that situation.

there are other replies for black, simulate all of them before playing

Wha... how?

Yeah, saw that after I posted it. Stupid me.

Oh nevermind, saw it now. This puzzle was stupidly difficult. I mean, it's good, but I don't really like it when the answer is "oh you have to look at every single reply black can make", I much prefer the ones that force black into a single move.

What's the difference to rh3, re1 or rd1

>I prefer easy stuff
chess is complicated. choke and wait a bit is as valid a technique as every other. you ALWAYS have to look at every single reply your opponent can make, no matter what you're doing, unless you know the position (as in, you already know all good replies)

Rh1 lets the queen go to h2 in case black plays Bg5

that you free up bishop to play h2 if needed (e.g against re3)


Yeah it's notoriously hard. It's over a century old and frequently called the hardest chess puzzle in existence. That's obviously debatable but you're not alone.

Okay another one: white to move and mate in 24. Find the mate.

Despite being longer I actually think this one is easier than the first one

i think it's moving the white square bishop back and forth until you take the 4 pawns at file h

then black will have to move one of the two knights leading to a mate

move the priest around on that one lane and eat the horse at the 24th move to deliver mate. all force moves

Fuck I fucked it up. Wrong position. This is the correct one.

this is stupid

if Bg5 then Qd6+ Re5 e3#
if Ke5 then Rh5+ Bg5 Rxg5+ Rf5 Rxf5#

It's already checkmate

Yall so bad at chess lmao

Queen c5


I love chess. I play bullet chess daily. But if I get banned for a thread about the life of people in science, why the fuck is this thread allowed? It has nothing to do with science OR math.

This thread is more Veeky Forums than anything.

Also all the best chess players in my university are liberal arts students. The first guy from the math and science faculty is 20th. The first guy is a legit GM.

your thread shouldn't have been banned either

chess is quite exceptional and not some dumb bullshit like poker or whatever

besides we have a billion iq threads/day, those are just shitposts, might as well have a real thread

What is black's response to Bishop G8, threatening check mate with knight, D5.

I can only see rook, E5, but then Queen G4 is checkmate so there must be another reply but I cannot see it.

never mind. I'm retarded.

Chess is science tho


Actually it's not as crazy as you might think. I verified my solution so I know it's right.

I think OP messed up by saying it was super hard and you won't find the first move. It's actually a pretty logical first move.

Chess threads don't even get deleted from Veeky Forums, it would be a joke to delete them here then

>mate in 2
>mate in 24
well that escalated quickly!

looks like a zugzwang problem: just shuffle until black has to move a knight, then move bishop to c6 or c2 to mate.

I just wrote a tsume-shogi solver using proof-number search. So far it can solve up to mate-in-29 problems. Maybe I'll adapt it for chess problems.

nice bro, 29 moves is pretty deep

i've only ever written an anti chess (game where you have to lose all your pieces to win, it has some other rules too) program in C (which doesn't have the en passant rule lulz, but that doesn't change the game very much

it's playable, but the problem is that writing a chess engine is actually "easier" since all you realistically have to worry about is how many pieces pawns you have (basically the static evaluation function) - this is also why chess engines aren't very good at endgames as they are in the earlier stages of the game

in antichess you can have only 1 or 2 pieces and still be in a losing position and it's hard to define positional rules

if you know what i mean, still it was just a programming exercise for me to learn alpha-beta search

anyways is proof-number search easier to implement than alpha-beta?
solution is Rh1, already solved

yeah it is as easy as alpha-beta, but PN-search isn't as flexible. It requires a yes/no evaluation function. But that is perfect for mate problems: are you checkmated or not. It is breadth-first, so it is memory intensive compared to depth-first searches like alpha-beta. But one nice thing is it gives you the entire proof-tree of the solution in the end, with all branches and refutations.


Rook to e1 then pawn to e3, shouldn't matter whatever move black makes I think

Op can you explain why f1 to e1 or d1 doesn't work? I don't see it.

How can you possibly think that would work?? Forget explaining why that wouldn't work, explain why you think it would!

well i tried all check moves and they don't work so i tried forcing opponent to move. knight moves don't go anywhere and neither do pawns or the king. so its gotta be one of the rooks or bishops but i want bishops to stay where they are. what the fuck is this rook at g1 doing for me

>"white to move and win"
So this....
Is the power....
Of brainlet reading comprehension.........

which does mean I'm white and it's my move correct?

OP forgot to note right away that it is a mate in two problem. Mates in three moves are not good enough, so: Rf1-e1 (and many other moves) fail to Bd8-g5, blocking the queen protection of d5 and delaying checkmate by a move.

No mate in ones are possible, but there is a forced mate with Rook to H1.

Rook recaptures pawn.

There is also no tennis thread and no sports shooting thread, because this is the science board, not the hobby board.
Live game.

White knight D4

Kh3 zugzwang

5 cases to consider but any move black makes undefends a critical mating square


My generator ends with white winning