How do you choose ONE subject to study for 4-8+ years? I want to study like 10 different fucking things

How do you choose ONE subject to study for 4-8+ years? I want to study like 10 different fucking things.

Welcome to the club. Double major if you want, just realize if you ever want yo actually know something well you're going to need to specialize


Number Theory fuck everything else.

Specialization is the curse of modern man.

One day we will have people who go to school to study one type of bacteria their entire lives.

Major in whatever would be the hardest to learn on your own.


pick one.

That already happens fa.m


It is still possible to be a polymath, I'm attempting it somewhat successfully.

then you also wouldnt mind how studying how adhd affects the brain ;)

Specialization is for insects, just do it

Pick something that can let you do various things. I picked Algebraic Geometry because if one day I decide I'm sick of mental masturbation, I could use my knowledge of algebraic number theory and elliptic curves to go work for the NSA or something.

>Major in whatever would be the hardest to learn on your own.
So picking up women?

you probably suck at at least 9 of those things. Attempt everything, and let the professors decide where you belong

I have a math degree with a PhD on the number 3.0

women are so complex that there are literally sociology classes that explain women reasoning.

that's why hobbies exist.
Learn a new language.
Learn how to program.
How to play the guitar, how to breed reindeers, do wathever makes your brain do sparky chemical things.

tell us interesting properties about pie

it's a big number



my post id =

This is why you get to take electives in college.

this. im not a comp e major but eventually taught me how a computer works and designed my own cpu in Minecraft.

Electives are for brainlets

nice, you followed a real architecture or what? is it pipelined?

This is already true for a lot of fields like biology. I knew a guy who could spew an encyclopedia's worth of knowledge about some specific type of sea sponge, but I had to explain to him how fermentation worked.
It's good to be an expert at something, but not at the expense of other things.

not gonna happen, slippery slope fallacy

Study the professional degrees because then you get a good exposure to a wide array of fields.



It's happening as we speak.


Study whatever you want on your free time but get a degree that will get you employment.