What are we going to do with humanity?

We only have a few shining stars propping up the masses. Most people are really stupid, gullible, paranoid, violent, superstitious, selfish, slothful.

Moving onto the future, what are we supposed to do with the masses? It would be "nice" if everyone would work to better ourselves alla StarTrek, but most people just don't give a shit.

We will have billions and billions of people who will contribute nothing, spread misery, commit crime, terrorism and hold back progress with their antiquated ideas (Islam for example).

Humanity will hold itself back from a scientific utopia. What do we do?

War. The smart ones are in positions important enough to not be mobilized.

Under secrecy, genetically engineer superior beings. Then, through wars and stuff kill off most humans.

No, they only separates the rich from the poor. All you have to do is meet a few rich people to see how stupid they are.

How do you elevate humanity without killing most of it off? Taking a genocidal approach won't work because it defeats the purpose. Less people won't solve this problem, just like cannibalism is a poor solution to hunger and survival.


You can't even get 5 people to agree on toppings without someone relenting. Thinking there can ever be a utopia is just fucking retarded.

>How do you elevate humanity without killing most of it off?

Sterilizing people.

Mass death doesn't have to happen over night. It can be slow and gradual: as long as select cultures, systems, traditions, genes, ideologies are erased.

A scientific utopia would be a boring uneventful world no challenge no reward.

>You can't even get 5 people to agree on toppings without someone relenting. Thinking there can ever be a utopia is just fucking retarded.
no war, working towards scientific advancement, human development index rising, medical advances, the Malthusian trap ending, etc.

I'm not looking for everything to be "perfect" here.
>It can be slow and gradual: as long as select cultures, systems, traditions, genes, ideologies are erased.
that kind of approach is dangerous. Imagine if Saudi Arabia were in charge.

>humanity without killing most of it off
The only way there can be a utopia is if humanity as we know it is out of the equation.

Natural selection needs to be reintroduced to the system.

Limit voting to taxpayers with an IQ above 120 and military veterans.
Cut welfare except for the most basic.
If you are on welfare you lose the right to vote.
Parenting licenses - You need to have an IQ above 120 and pass a parenting exam to be allowed to reproduce

Suffrage was never meant to be "universal". Allowing the pleb masses to vote leads to democracy corrupting itself into demagoguery.

>Limit voting to taxpayers with an IQ above 120 and military veterans.
lol, idiot
>Cut welfare except for the most basic.
it's like that now.
>If you are on welfare you lose the right to vote.
okay, now you can't vote.
>Parenting licenses - You need to have an IQ above 120 and pass a parenting exam to be allowed to reproduce
you really think IQ tests are worth a shit, don't you?

Think of the stars like the brains and the masses like the brawn. One can only do so much alone, but if you amass an army, you can accomplish much more. The only question is how does one attract the interest and dedication of the brawn one seeks?

If you can't see the potential value of the masses, you most likely will be unable to ascend to a position of greater power. It's about collective control. You must disguise your interests/plans as something attractive to a collective group, then proceed to expand the relation to other groups of people.

Think of every collective group of interests the masses flock to as a lego. The more lego's you connect, the bigger and better the things you can create.

>Butthurt about IQ
>Not an argument
Brainlet detected

>If you can't see the potential value of the masses, you most likely will be unable to ascend to a position of greater power.
Don't mistake my position. I don't think the masses should be "wiped out" in fact I think that would desvestate humanity.

It's just that, a "Judge Dredd" style future of scientific advancement and automation with mass crime, drugs, devastating wars and squalor sounds like hell and we should avoid it.

Fairy tales are /x/'s domain.

>what are we supposed to do with the masses?
>what are we supposed to do
>the masses
>the masses
Hate to break it to you, but unless you have a $1m+ net worth you're not the "we" that's going to be doing anything. You're "the masses" that are about to get fucked over.

You let the internet influence you too much. Remember the dumbest people are also the loudest. Most people are just going to work and coming home to smoke weed and watch tv. They aren't actually causing a problem so much as ignoring them. And maybe that's a good thing, because it only takes a handful of people to feed clothe and educate and usher us into the future.

And the state of things isn't as bad as it seems. Here in burgerland alone, there's enough excess wealth to solve the world's problems. It doesn't matter what the laws are, who's president, ect. What matters is that Jay leno sells 200 of his classic cars and builds a school in every african country. After that, he can still be a disgusting rich piece of shit with 50 ferraris. Then we move on to the gates, dell, murdoch, and trump fortunes and repeat this process. Everything would be fine if we just introduce a fucking salary cap and redistribute the disgusting, hilarious, absurd amount of excess. Meanwhile, you and I keep doing what we do. Reading, studying, thinking, shitposting. We'll contribute in our own way.

>Hate to break it to you, but unless you have a $1m+ net worth you're not the "we" that's going to be doing anything. You're "the masses" that are about to get fucked over.
you're not breaking shit. I do have that and more.

the issue is, how will humanity proceed?

Nice LARP kiddo

>only a few individuals of group X are significantly smarter than the average
What a find, what are you up to next, Sherlock?

>Most people are just going to work and coming home to smoke weed and watch tv. They aren't actually causing a problem so much as ignoring them.
The problem is they consume a lot. Yes we need people to cut hair and do customer service shit, but is that the best use of this "human capital"? Is that fulfilling their best potential?

Many people waste away, contribute nothing and they have no other choices. Worse that that, most people on Earth have fewer choices and the "Malthusian Trap" hits them harder causing unneeded suffering.

How do we fix that? My point is humanity has plenty of problems to confront and we have too many people "just going to work and coming home to smoke weed and watch tv" or being a criminal degenerate.

Aren't most people raised based on the every man for himself mentality. We often say that kids are smart just because they did good once but we never coax them towards improving humanity or making the world better.

*teleports behind you*

>Aren't most people raised based on the every man for himself mentality.
LOL, no. That's an American thing. "community" is real in most other countries and it isn't what black people say at a podium when someone was shot.

>What do we do?
Get rid of capitalism. Capitalism is sort of rotten anti-StarTrek philosophy.