Standard model and relativity tell us that 95% of universe is dark energy, stuff we know nothing about

>Standard model and relativity tell us that 95% of universe is dark energy, stuff we know nothing about
>Cant explain why organisms feel
>Physicists claim quantum mechanics is fundamentally indeterministic, and that there are no hidden variables

What so you think of indeterminism?

Other urls found in this thread:

Physicists since the 20th century have been smoking big bongs while they write their theories (hence the name of the theory). You shouldn't really trust much after Newton. And certainly NOTHING after Einstein. Physics is more politics than science nowadays anyways. See Bill Nye for a good example of that.

popsci is not science

>Bill Nye good a real fucking degree in engineering (read: applied physics) for which he worked 4 years for
>You think that doesn't prove that physics and engineering courses are simply assembly lines for the next generation of politically driven ideological "tru scyentees"

top kek go back to tumblr


if you really focus on your consciousness and really try to deconstruct what experience feels like, you will notice that consciousness is just the result of all your sensory inputs. kinda like how a car going forward is the result of its parts doing their function.

>implying I come from that shithole

I do not deny science. I still support science... that is credible. In particular, chemistry and mathematics have not been corrupted yet. But biology and physics are now long gone into the realm of social justice warrior agenda pushing. New research in those subjects only support the latest drivel coming out of the unwashed vaginas of tumblr posters.

So please, clean your vagina and go back to tumblr.

this is a terrible thread

How in the world does physics have jack shit to do with SJWs. I can see the correlation with biology but string theory cannot be related to an agenda, even if it might be controversial as a scientific theory

Every time I see a post like this I really wonder how much you people get paid to do this.

Or I wonder if they already have an AI capable of doing this kind of stuff because if I think about it, everytime one of you talks you don't even sound like human beings. More like bad simulations.

Well, I've seen enough robot uprising cartoons to know what to do in this situation.

Robot, compute 5 divided by 0

> get paid to do this
Yeah I wish I was paid for shitposting.

But you didn't quite answer my question. May I know what bond you see between physics and SJWs? Did the Higgs boson assume someone's gender?


>dark energy
>Organisms feel
Wtf does this even mean? Neurons firing in response to specific cells which translate heat energy into chemical and electrical energy. That's how we "feel" a hot plate, unless you mean something ambiguous by the term "feel" in which case you're getting into philosophy, not science.
>physicists claim...
This is not true. Just because we cannot observe a property without altering it does not mean it does not operate deterministicly. It just means we can't necessarily know enough about it to tell what it will do reliably.

>But you didn't quite answer my question. May I know what bond you see between physics and SJWs? Did the Higgs boson assume someone's gender?

Well, I was not the one to say that my sex junk is so oh oh oh so much more than either or or or.

Fuck, AI is getting too smart.

So if a person who studies x subject makes y statement in their own personal lives, not in a research paper, x subject now becomes intertwined with y?

Guess all sciences are fucking terrible then

What in the fucking world are you even taking about right now.
Could you please form sentences to express your point of you instead of spouting gibberish?

>I have to be the one to remind the SJW shills about their own faggotry


That forum is not a scientific paper.

I just graduated with a BSc in neuroscience, that doesn't mean if I say "THE SKY WILL RAIN PURPLE ROCKS ON WEDNESDAY" that neuroscience has somehow made claims about the sky and purple rocks.

You dumb.

>>Standard model and relativity tell us that 95% of universe is dark energy, stuff we know nothing about
into the trash it goes.


It was you and your little minions that broke the gender binary, faggot. Go back to tumblr with that pseudo science. There are 2 and only 2 genders.

>95% of universe is dark energy

The ether of modern physics

Basically this

>You shouldn't really trust much after Newton. And certainly NOTHING after Einstein.

Protip: Einstein won his Nobel prize for his work in quantum theory, and not for relativity.

Your definition of gender is poorly defined.

Sorry that science doesn't cater to your fee-fees.

I mean shit the 2 gender binary doesn't even account for basic shit like XX male syndrome, 5-alpha-reductase deficiency, or even kleinfelter's

bill nye isn't a physicists lad...

isn't it essentially still is bound to either female or male though? if such a spectrum exists it would be

male ------------male/female------------female

Well for androgen insensitivity syndrome alone there are 6 "grades".

male less male less less male less less female less female female.

If one single syndrome can have as many as six different levels of male or femaleness, then surely we are already operating on a spectrum, without even considering all the other variations which have their own place on this spectrum?

(to get more complex, really we're just talking about sex here. In my mind gender just means identifying with masculine traits or feminine traits, and I don't think we need to get all pissy about "oh you misgendered me because you didn't accurately describe the stereotype I identify with". Personally I think transgenderism is pretty sexist. I think you should just enjoy whatever hobbies you want, look how you want to look. Thinking that you're a woman if you want to wear dresses or have tits says more about your perceptions of what womanhood is than your status as a woman or not).

>Physicists claim quantum mechanics is fundamentally indeterministic
depends on what you mean to be honest. the equations of motion you get by solving schrodinger's equation are deterministic in the sense that their propagation in time is determined by the initial probability density distribution.

I think of it as more of an effect of the information your sensory organs send to the part of your brain that causes consciousness.

Perhaps consciousness stems continuous memory. If you think about it, your body is constantly absorbing information from the world in microseconds and perhaps your consciousness is the result of the memories being inputted into the brain.

But that explanation doesn't explain the subconscious which supposedly the world around you is crafted from. If the consciousness is truly continuous memory, then what is the subconsciousness?

If I had to guess, perhaps it's something about not enough women in physics and engineering fields so SJW are recycling accomplishments and saying they were made by women?

fuck I died laughing I imagined Einstein, Bohr and the other nerdy ass faggots taking turns at a dick-shaped bong, stroking it, fapping it before sucking weed clouds from it

after each toke one of them would go and write some random shit on a paper, after the bong was empty they'd run to a university and try to publish the shit

>can't explain why organisms fe...

>new research
You don't even study old research and it's obvious.
>sjw agenda
Sjws aren't real and they don't have an agenda.

he didn't get brainwashed by the SJW agenda until recently

>physics are now long gone into the realm of social justice warrior agenda pushing.

Apparently social justice in physics is old news.

Here we have a person who knows what they are talking about. A rarity on Veeky Forums

Social justice is a good thing, ya mong

How so?


I don't know how to explain to someone why justice is a good thing.
Justice is morally deserved consequence by definition.
Social justice is about correcting injustice in or social systems, the only reasonable way to do that is liberterian socialism but making do with the social institutions that be fixing patriarchal/ racist structures and functions is possible. Specifically ending structural androcentrism, and systemic racism that came about by social engineering projects like in segregation under FDR where whites to where corralled to move to single family houses and blacks forces to live in housing projects and were denied any opportunity to take out a mortgage or move to a good neighborhood, education was just as bad, also the war on drugs which was designed to oppress liberty in black communities, these institutions persist to this day. The patriarchy is a whole other thing. Not to mention aboriginal rights and "property" rights which are greater injustices, and biocentric equalitarianism. Ecological health is way more imporant anyways.

Basically "sjws" are strawmen that where created during gamergate for /b/tards to agrue against ideological postions they didn't understand and since then sjw has meme'd itself into boogeyman status. Crush the patriarchy and all other authoritarian hierarchal social institutions

Isn't justice subjective though. It sounds self-righteous to call you getting your way justice so everyone jumps on a bandwagon that they can use to justify their morality on a matter.

>libertarian socialism

In b4 shitstorm

No, take that moral relativist shit to the dumpster.
Justice is about righting wrongs.
>inb4 brainlet tries to argue for moral relativism.
No. cognition is relative, therefor someones morality can be subjective. However, what is moral and just is an issue of pragmatic truth.
>is so indoctornated they don't know of the existence of liberterian socialism.
It's kinda of a big deal, there is a reason it's not mentioned in education or the media after ww1 in America anyways, it's a very repressed set of political philosophies.
And I'm talking about anarchism in particular

And yet no one wants to engage me in fruitful discussion :(

It's always a coin-toss as to whether Veeky Forums will provide interesting discussion or not. I've had some fascinating talks and "debates" here by people who are actually interested in the topic and aren't just shitposting, but then the other half of the time no one is willing to challenge their beliefs enough to talk about shit.

Probably for the best since I'm procrastinating other work anyway.

>this is a terrible thread

Best thing about it is OP's photo.

>socialism is compatible with anarchism

Unless you're pulling the "in theory it's daisies and rainbows but in reality..." card in which case every pure ideology is nice in practice and has real people dying in the gutters in practice.

Aren't our axioms for morality based off of the bible? Aren't the standards for righteousness/justice set by God?

this is a board for science, I think you'd be more at home on >>>/tumblr/

That's an arational assumption. In fact, all moral axioms are arational assumptions.

This is why moral relativism is right.

>this is the hill you're choosing to die on
>nobody itt is even contesting that particular hill

nice blog dude

The problem is in the measurement problem. Is collapse real, ala Copenahgen and GRW? Is it deterministic ala Everett? Can we say Everett is deterministic when our experience of which branch that we follow is definitionally probabilistic? And then there' Bohmian mechanics, which is proper determinism.

>clearly not understating either anarchism or socialism
Anarchism is exclusively socialist ranging from individualist to communist. There is no such thing as non-socialist anarchism.

No that's retarded
Not an argument
>all moral axioms are arational assumptions
Might aswell say all units of measurement are arational assumptions because how is measurement rational if our eyes can't rationalize

I'd just like to kindly stop by and remind you all that you're pretty fucking stupid. Thanks that's all.

Fight me

Libertarianism is basically anarchism. The hardcore libertarians are actually anarchists.

>getting a bachelors degree means you're a scientist
Lel, fucking /pol/

>if(divisor == 0) return 0; // or literally any other value, who cares
Sorry, the AI has outsmarted you once again

Exactly and only liberterian socialist can be anarchist for the prerequisite absence of hierarchal, authoritatian social structure.
Also the fact that socialism is the only type of economic system that is libertarian

>that *can be* libertarian

chick and waffers

I mean sure, empiricism has is logically questionable. We only use it because it is practical, not because we know its right.