How would extraterrestrial mathematics compare to ours?

How would extraterrestrial mathematics compare to ours?

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Something like IUTeich, Samurai-san can't even explain it well and everyone is pretty much confused about it.

In their math gravity and black holes make sense, but space time curvatures and quantum mechanics doesn't.

N = gay + penis x balls

I know it doesn't make any sense but aliens are major homos FYI.

N = lesbian + pussy * clitoris

Prime numbers don't exist because multiplication isn't a thing where they come from

Trigonometry is done with hyperbolas instead of circles; they also never invented the wheel

zero doesn't exist because they use hyperreals

what if in their math its actually true that 0.9999....=1

probably very similar: very different names for similar universal concepts

careful there, lad
someone might think you're serious

They wouldn't.

So we have to team up with the ayys to come up with a unified theory?

Try thinking in Base 64 without using Base 10.

Everybody uses base 10. No matter what base you use, it's called "10".

>tfw stuck on the non-virgin proof
Fuck lads.

You seem to be confusing math with the words for math. Go be retarded somewhere else.

you are mad because I am right

>tfw trying to think in another base without using base 10

Woooo fuck that was harder than expected.


IUTeich is pretty easy to understand. If you are not able to do so you are a brainlet and thus you should leave this board

It might not be axiom-based and if it is it might be based on some weird concepts that are much more intuitive to them than they are to us. Or they might be total plebs who don't do pure math at all.

They may use scent to do math.

human math is to alien math as arithmetic is to calculus


They're worse at it than us, actually. They just advanced technology to the point where it takes care of all the math for them. In fact the tech itself improved on its own mathematics far beyond what their species was ever capable of.

It will be the same for us.

This is how I see it as well.

base 16 is a completely realistic way to organize a logic structure and has literally nothing to do with base 10.

It would be uh...
it would be mmmmmmm

Kys faggot

What if division by 0 was possible

Then humans are mentally handicapped.

Probably similar fundamental stuff but very different developments further up.

Of course we don't know the ideologies and level of complexity they might have. We can't say what the basis of their biology will be, or the environment they developed in. So it's really hard to predict and it will likely be more different the more distant they are (biologically-speaking) to us. So it's a case by case, not a catch-all thing.

What did he mean by this, Veeky Forums?

In alien math, the sum of all natural numbers equals positive 1/12.

Different methods, same principles.
We'd need to understand how they communicate first, or even think.

They said they have a form of math we would not even recognize as such.

Don't read it as base ten but as base one zero. Then it works.

you two are the men who claimed in 1950 that cars would fly in 2000. you just never learn.

Aliens are probably responsible for this entire universe, so...



by the time they will know to reproduce the sounds ''base'' and ''ten'' with whatever they use to make sounds, they will learn what base 10 is

the first thing you have to worry when meeting aliens is what medium do they use to communicate

is it by sounds like us? Or maybe visually by symbols? Or maybe they are blind and deaf and they communicate ideas using whatever sensors they have on their peripheral membrane. What if they communicate ideas by intensities of smells and their way of speaking is by releasing body odors? How are you going to ''speak'' the notion of an number by flatulences?

>anthropomorphic alien

Math is a universal language, you dumb tit.

how? units are defined subjectively.

What a fucking retard.

Hardly the same thing. That's making assumptions about engineering challenges and various kinds of infrastructure development, whereas the idea of tools creating tools is a basic one and information science and AI can easily lead to the point where they can address problems and advance science better than any mortal mind. It's a lot easier to create artifical ways to address ever increasing complexity than to modify mortal minds to keep up. And if mortal minds don't have to be experts in math and science, they won't be.

But hey, maybe we'll keep our skills proficient for our own sake. Bit that's more optimism than anything else.

says who?

on the left are some sample calculations of what i claim is math
on the right is the general formula for what i was doing on the left

now tell me what all the symbols mean.

I'll give you a hint. the sentences read left to right

They use sex to symbolize math.
They can't think they can only fuck and their genetics do the thinking, the rationalization is a sexually mature organism that can reproduce to unlock the secrets of the universe, all though they cannot comprehend them as their minds are purley mechanistic with no experiential development or symbolic memory, their behavior is non-conscious, only the hive mind can think


or maybe, tl;dw would be more appropriate

-1/12 has to go, it's just as bad of the "proof" of the existence of god

If they have the same axioms they will have the same math

what kind of question is this?, if E.T's don't exist, why bother hypothesizing how "their" mathematics would compare to ours?.

how have you concluded that E.T.s don't exist?

what if there were 5 rocks and the alien said there are 2 rocks?

their dicks would probably all be 20 inches long and 2 inches wide.

how can humans compete?

can I ask where the sudden lack of skepticism is coming from?

2 = 5

It is like saying "two" and someone else saying "pair" or "deuce". Math is just symbols someone gives meaning to.

Skepticism regarding which proposition

"We are the only life in the entire universe"

"There are aliens"

I'd say it's better to be skeptical that we are the only life, since it's apparent that life is a natural phenomenon and solar systems with planets in the habitable zone are abundant.

what? how does that question apply to my post and not yours?

skepticism regarding the possibility of intelligent alien life. if life is a natural phenomenon in the universe, then it would also imply that said intelligent life would seek us out, which obviously hasn't happened.

>and solar systems with planets in the habitable zone are abundant.

bullshit because mostly every planet we've discovered has either been a star or a ball of ice with no solid land masses.

multiplication is just addition in short form.

sure it is, m8

That actually supports his point since [math] e^{z_1 + z_2} = e^{z_1} \times e^{z_2}[/math] is the characteristic property of the exponential function.

>alien math
>no axioms
>based on scent and secretions

I think there was a doglike alien in Pushing Ice by Alastair Reynolds that was like that.

ayyy lmao

Almost fell out of my seat.