Spend 15 hours a day studying for exams 3 months away

>spend 15 hours a day studying for exams 3 months away
>STILL get a 65% overall average
>there are people who easily got over 80% with very little effort and studying
>one even revised 3 days before exams and still got over 70%

kys my man

Take an IQ test.

If you're under 120/125 and your in a STEM course then drop out.

Less debt, less stress, less frustration.

Just get a qualification or certificate, you might be able to transfer credits

>mfw I'm in the second group
it's because you lack imagination or memory

if you can't or don't take advantage of both or either you're forced to memorize the course material sequentially

when you have good memory and imagination you're basically reducing the quantity of information required to study by using your imagination and by creating mental links between new information and previous information and good memory helps cement that new shit really well

it's about data compression, kolmogorov complexity, the kolmogorov complexity of an information contained in an object is (roughly) the length of the shortest algorithm that can fully describe the information in that object

let's say I give you a book that is 1000 pages long and only contains the letter "A" repeated millions of times. Obviously, that book does not contain too much information. It's basically "Repeat A millions of times", that's an algorithm that describes it.

When you have good imagination you don't study a new string of information as it is, I mean, you do not memorize it word-for-word. You go like "wait, this is very similar to X that I already known but it's only 1% different, it means I already know this!" and you greatly reduce the amount you need to know.

Some people with good imagination I'm sure don't even have good memory. I have pretty shit memory, actually. But if I recognize a pattern in a new piece of information I already know it perfectly.

Patterns / algorithms are NEVER longer than the information they describe. That's a mathematical fact.

Pay closer attention and ask questions on class

My IQ is 102 and I am about to finish my 2nd year in Physics

This pretty much. Learning math heavy things is like a game of connect the dots.

OP has either a genetic disadvantage or does not know his fundamental mathematics on an intuitive level enough for him to connect the dots for less intuitive things.

nah you just studied the wrong way

>it's because you lack imagination or memory
>if you can't or don't take advantage of both or either you're forced to memorize the course material sequentially

Yeah, tell me something I don't already know, Einstein.

> Go to Uni to become bank manager (college for amerifags)
> Do bare minimum for homework and class work
> Don't study
> Get 90% average, top of class
> Wat
> Questioning intelligence of classmates
> classmates can't be stupid it's based on a standard
What have we learnt kids? Don't study and you will be fine! (Unless you are a downie, then you have no hope)

My point is, at least try to find out if you lack both. Have you tried that? If you know for sure that you have shit memory and 0 imagination then just give up. Really.

Very interesting post, not OP but will be looking into this. Describing our intelligence using the concept of algorithms is fascinating

>get 65% overall average
>lol just give up now


I'm not even failing my classes.

In what world is 65% not failing? Less than a 70% means a retake in my program

you can pass at any british uni with an average of 40%, piggot. (pig + faggot)

>3 months away

There's your problem. What you need to do is condence everything you've done down into a series of core ideas then just systematically build them up from there, you can do most of that in a day of hard work, spend the next two applying that to questions.

Here it depends on the course.
Most require 50-60% at my uni.

Most courses at my uni need a 50% overall and at least 40% on the final to pass. What kind of draconian cutoffs does your uni have?

>tfw adhd
I don't even try lol

Reconsider your methods for studying. Seek tutors if need be.

either you never study and practice on daily basis and crame it all before exam or your way of studying isn't effective

What other methods are there? I just go through all the lecture notes and read the relevant books atleast 2 times and then I directly start doing past exam paper questions

I use flashcards to remember shit from lectures. I've never had to memorise anything out of a textbook thank christ. I think you're probably not absorbing much if you're just sitting there passively reading info, I know I don't. Training myself to recall the correct information given certain prompts is basically what those dumb exams that just want you to regurgitate lecture notes are all about anyway and flashcards are perfect for that.

I summarise everything on flashcards aswell so I don't have to go to page 475 to find the answer when I'm doing questions from past papers.

When I went to college any classes in your program required a c or better (70%) to get the degree. anything outside of it just needed a D pr better (60%) Im sure there are different standards at different schools but this sounds like what is talking about. How would anyone fail if You only need a 50% overall are the courses just excessively hard?

Grade inflation must be a bitch wherever you are.

There are plenty of methods. Do some research in spare time. Test them out on your own. Each person works different.

From what you initially wrote it looks like you're overworking yourself. It's ok to work hard but at a point your brain shuts down and you'll get diminishing returns.

kek, not even trips will save you with that IQ in physics. Unless you're at a poverty school.

Feminisms, go to bed.

Courses aren't harder, exams are just different.

Here in the uk most exams was split into two sections. The first section had the 'from the book' questions where you just need to use the material from class, and you could probably get 90%+ if you really know your stuff. Second half will pick one or two very specific areas from the course and go into them in much greater detail than was covered in class.

For some courses the sections were weighted evenly, but I've been in exams were the first half was only worth 20% of the exam.

>there are people who easily got over 80% with very little effort and studying

I teach college my man. They're either: a) lying about their actual grade b) lying about their study habits c) cheated d) instructor didn't make an exam an accurately reflected course comprehension and were using a test that came with the testbook

You can get there either by sheer brilliance or by slogging it through. Both have their merits.

The real question is: do you enjoy Physics?

Not him but I have met a few like that. Pick up new languages in a couple of days, master everything from theoretical physics to calligraphy, and know the answers before
you reach the end of the sentence.

While they make the rest of us seem pretty useless all of these that I have met tend to be very low key.

There's no way to say this without sounding like a dick, but this really is the case for me. I skip all my lectures so I learn all the material in the 3 days before the exam, and I get about 70% on average (equivalent to a first). I used to think I was just slightly above average, but over the last few years I've come to realise I really am a genius.

For what it's worth I'm studying maths at a good uni (top 5 in the country).

In addition to this, there have been exams where I learnt the entire material in one day, didn't even do any past papers questions, and still got 100% in the exam.

Also, people are always amazed by my language abilities. Over the last 4 years I've learnt Russian and Mandarin fluently, and people are always in shock when they hear me speak, because they're never before met a foreigner who knew the language so well. I signed up for a Russian class at university last year, my first Russian teacher called me a genius and moved me up to the highest level class, then my new teacher called me a genius too.

t. undergrad

Lmao, you got me

This happened with me with chemistry, I realized that almost everything is piss easy and the problem is people, we are either too lazy or too stupid.

study smarter not harder op

>spend 15 hours a day studying
id chose this ability over an easy intellegence any time
being motivated is more important than high intellegence

>I'm supposed to believe this obvious LARPing by an anonymous shitposter on a bungee jumping forum

Brainlet. I score 100's with 2 days of studying while skipping all the lectures.

> piggot. (pig + faggot)
kys my man

You fit the definition of a piggot perfectly.

You people are ALL brainlets. I have never studied in my entire life and I can pass any exam given to me with nothing less than 99% (never 100% because examiners get intimidated by me). My IQ is well over 200. I can solve any physics, engineering and chemistry problem given to me without referring to a textbook. I can derive the major equations of the Standard Model, General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics just from first principles alone. I can deduce and predict any chemical reaction whether its from Organic Chemistry or Inorganic Chemistry, it does not matter. I am on track to winning the "Best scientist under 40 award" by 2020. I am even on a preemptive shortlist prepared by the Nobel Committee in Sweden should I ever discover something significant which I almost certainly will. Ask yourselves this, brainlets. What will you amount to in your lives during your brief and meaningless existence? Imagine the Earth in the Solar System. Now, zoom out and imagine the solar system in the Milky Way Galaxy. Zoom out even further upto the edges of the observable universe. That is how insignificant all you brainlets are compared to my level of intelligence.

Change your studying habits, user.

It's never good to study for something that is months away, you should do it around the two weeks before your exam, when your memory is fresh. Try to vocalize what you are reading, summarize the texts you have and make your own problems and questions.

So you aren't too good at Science &/or Math, I guess your life is over......

Just find something you like and get good at it and if that thing is Science &/or Math then try again, but give it up if its causing too much stress.

>Didn't create the world
>Not above space time
>Still shits out processed food

Sorry, son, but you still ain't shit.


I've had sex with many, many attractive women.

>live in country where "bank manager" is a degree field
>sell first insurance policy to your parents.

Is there a better method to studying? I feel like a lot of times evne if I pay attention in class and the likes, I still end up in a position where I don't know how to answer a question without looking up the first steps/solutions. It's really frustrating to me because this has been universal in HW too. So I think I'm just struggling to properly study the material.

Anybody encountered similar issues?

I'm the same way.
I can't grasp a concept well until I start thinking about it myself instead of listening to others talk about it.
I'm even worse when it comes to reading straight from a textbook though, so I'll just look up an example problem and learn from there.
I've been managing a 4.0 as an undergrad so far, but I got a big head earlier this semester and bombed an exam because I forgot that I don't learn anything unless I actually work on it.

Try treating homework like an exam, work on your recall and short term memory by exercising it.

Couple weeks into calculus 1 now, doing well, already past the chain rule and beyond. Quotient rule was a joke. Product rule remains my specialty.

I ask my professor his thoughts on quantum mechanics and partial derivatives. He's impressed i know about the subject. We converse after class for some time, sharing mathematical insights; i can keep up. He tells me of great things ahead like series and laplacians. I tell him i already read about series on wikipedia. He is yet again impressed at my enthusiasm. What a joy it is to have your professor visibly brighten when he learns of your talents.

And now I sit here wondering what it must be like to be a brainlet, unable to engage your professor as an intellectual peer.

All of the deep conversations you people must miss out on because you aren't able to overcome the intellectual IQ barrier that stands in the way of your academic success... it's so sad.

My professor and I know each other on first name basis now, but i call him Dr. out of respect.

And yet here you brainlets sit, probably havent even made eye contact with yours out of fear that they will gauge your brainlet IQ levels.

A true shame, but just know it is because i was born special that i am special. I can't help being a genius, nor can my professor.

Two of a kind is two flocks in a bush.


>tell me something I don't already know
He did though.

Oh well, keep being a know-it-all while studying 15 hours a day to get a 65%

>tfw 127 IQ brainlet trying to do upper-level physics courses

I study regularly and enjoy the subject, but it's really taking its toll. I especially dislike the class genius who looks down on everyone else because they didn't win the genetic lottery.

i love this pasta

I never found studying for days on end helpful. You need to find a way that works for you. Personally I study and take frequent breaks to keep myself from burning out. Don't let it get you down.

Is this the new Veeky Forums shitpost meta?

i'm the same way, but on rare occasions my mind opens up and i immediately "get" everything and retain the memories for the test. most of the time however i am stuck being a brainlet. it's like night and day between the two extremes and i imagine that most of my classmates are people who have their minds open, not cloudy.

it sucks and it's so bizarre to me, but i feel kind of lucky because i have been able to experience both sides of the coin.

the real question is if you are pulling 65% in your degree program courses how are you not getting booted out yet?

I had to maintain a minimum of a 3.0 in program related courses to even remain eligible to proceed.

>spend 15 hours a day studying for exams 3 months away

No you didn't.

I put in around 7-10 hours per day 6 days a week for like 2-3 months before the exams last year. I was so sure I'd do super well... even after I finished the exams.

I did average.

This year I've tried significantly less and I can't wait to get absolutely shafted. To be honest I don't enjoy this course anymore, I like the field but I hate the place and I hate the people and if it wasn't my third year I would fuck off.

>muh insignificance

In my program (which albeit is not STEM) we have to maintain a 60% overall average and 65% average in required courses. We also couldn't fail any required courses, failing being considered 50%.

Okay I have to ask this inb4 Redditng
Where do I take a legit IQ test on internet? I just turned 18 incase you are wondering why i wasn't on this site before. Want to legitly know if am a brainlet or not. Link please

Am sure you are the same guy who got into physics by watching cosmos and sharing Physics memes but copies of the guy you thought was here just for marks and no interest in the exam. Also nice copypasta

I doubt that you actually study 15 hours a day and still only get 65%.
It's more likely that you study for 15 minutes, then get frustrated because it's too hard, and give up.

Don't sweat it my man are you able to try again.. might have been trying to tackle it from the wrong angle .. I did that yesterday on a freakin computer proficiency quiz simply because I was overly preparing for the wrong kind of material so once the test was placed in front of me it was almost as if I hadn't studied at all, and to add to that I had to ignore all this information that was reinforced in my mind for about two weeks.. I could only imagine what it would be like if I had done that for hours a day for three months like you did all that backpedaling.. I'm like 90% it's not you as a person and more so what you studied and perhaps how you studied my advice would be to get back up on the horse if you're able to