Scientists explain

>The idea that race itself is a purely biological immutable quality is also understood today as being simply untrue. Instead race is thought as a socially constructed category of people, who share biological traits that society has deemed important

>Human beings vary a lot in how we look, our skin color, facial features, body shapes, hair textures, but those visual markers only become a race when members of society decide that specific markers constitute a specific racial group.

What did scientists mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:,8599,1993074,00.html

>Human beings vary a lot in how we look, our skin color, facial features, body shapes, hair textures, but those visual markers only become a race when members of society decide that specific markers constitute a specific racial group.
or when you need a bone marrow transplant and will reject the transplant if you get it from someone of the other race


>retarded broad concepts of race used for political reasons and later imposed on the general population
Are not the same as genetic differences between humans.

Genetic differences are obviously real. "Race" however, as we know it, is a social construct used as an excuse for doing bad shit, now it's just a tool of division, more tribes n sheit.
"Race" doesn't give you a proper indication of genetic differences, it's rather useless and is ALWAYS used to generalise and provide a disingenuous identity for brainlets. "Race" has no scientific basis and was mostly based on skin colour. Which isn't indicative of overall DNA because genes related to skin colour can be irrelevant to other genes. To group people together like that, or by other small superficial physical traits is absolutely retarded and not indicative of genes.

I'm not even trolling when I say that there are some ideas which even scientists should lie about if it improves the greater good. I think such ideas are rare, but race is definitely one of them. There's just no fucking way a diverse modern society is going to stick together if people become aware of racial differences. Most people are already pretty racist, and yet most people don't really believe in big racial differences. Imagine if they did.

Race doesn't exist. Deal with it and rot in some obscure toxic corner of the internet as the world passes you by.

Races are based on genetics, though.

Negroids, Caucasoids and Mongoloids all have different skull shapes, separate from one another.

Skin color is...generally poor to use, as Caucasoids that evolved in sunny areas can have dark skin.

Negroids will always have dark skin unless they're albino or heavily mixed, however. Which is generally what people refer to as "black".

Different cognitive abilities that can't be accounted for by environment between the 3 (4, actually) races are real and is valid science.

There's 2 birds where I live that are entirely different species simply by the color on the head, outside of that they look the same and can produce viable offspring.

this is a science board, please leave

You can reject transplants from "your race" too.

Haven't figured it out yet? The white racists tried and lost in ww2 and there's NOTHING you can do about it now no matter how much you wail.


Even if it does exist, it's pure fucking evil to push the idea.

Cumskins need to get hanged for this /pol/ shit. You're dumber than Asians anyway.

>The white racists tried and lost in ww2

Technically, Nazi Germany was less racist against Negroes than the US was at that time.

Jews are Caucasians, so you can't really say the Anglo Germans were being racist there either.

They just really hated Commies and the big bankers.

>Race doesn't exist.

We should be 4 sub-species, yes.

Races would be like your various Caucasians, which can be broken down into several distinct genetic lines.

Negroes are quite homogeneous.

Mongoloids have separate genetic lines too.

>The white racists tried and lost in ww2 and there's NOTHING you can do about it now no matter how much you wail.

And now they're butthurt that nonwhites are finally, finally, f i n a l l y getting their revenge.

So, does that mean that jews don't exist?

>I'm not even trolling when I say that there are some ideas which even scientists should lie about if it improves the greater good.

You have no way of knowing that it'd good or bad.

For example,

Say, you have race 1 that's less intelligent and behaves differently to race 2 on average.

You say they're the same:

Thinking that race 1 should live to the standards of 2 isn't fair on either. 1 has unreasonable expectations placed on them, and 2 has to provide for 1.

If 1 and 2 are kept separate in their own areas with their own specific expectations, then both end up better off, objectively.

Not necessarily. I get extremely uncomfortable when people who argue that race doesn't exist also try to dispel the idea that Jews, who have been living in isolation for millenia, are somehow not a race. Most racial categories are too big to be of use, but Jews are small enough that I would say they still count as a race. Saying they don't is often used as a pretext for giving non-Jews citizenship in Israel or for denying their role in science, etc.

>t. Jew


All full Negroes are more genetically pure than any Jew (and there's a billion of the former).

Jews are literally a bastard mix of Caucasians rather than a specific race.

What it is saying is that dividing people in groups based on genetics like we do for animals is arbitrary. And often used for political reasons.

But I think it is still useful though. Because studying the difference in human genetic populations will teach us a lot about genetics.

>And often used for political reasons.

Which is why we should do it exactly how we do to animals.

The same methods, free of politics.

You need to go back

you are literally a melting-pot. in any case jews belong in the gas chambers

But race for political reasons is often not determined by genetics, but by appearance.

Blacks in America differ a lot from those in Africa. And there are huge differences between different African populations as well.

That's why we need to talk about "genetic populations", it's technically correct and it avoids the political charged term race.

>we're all the same
>but we're different

At least racists can make up their minds.

>But race for political reasons is often not determined by genetics, but by appearance.
>Implying heredity has nothing to do with how people determine race

That's only true for some Jewish subgroups like ashkenazis. And certainly not true for everyone in that subgroup.

Appearance is only a small part user.

That's why i brought up African populations. You can't just say "black is a race"

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The point being, if you have 3 distinct groups of Negroes based on genetics, then you probably should class them as separate in the same way you'd do it to animals.

I have a serious belief that truth is always better than fiction. Upholding the fiction only allows a bubble to build and it may burst with genocide.

Race is real, deal with it.

I'm sick of seeing idiots propagating this rubbish. Jews are as much a race, if not less, as being Sardinian or Polish is a race, i.e. they aren't. Go ahead and keep believing you're a special snowflake though.

>The white racists tried and lost in ww2
How much of a retard can someone get? You need to fuck off to tumblr.

He sounds like someone that would chant about how Donald Trump is a KKK affiliate.

>body shape
>only a visual marker

>Pure evil to push an idea (that happens to be the truth).
>Not pure evil to want to hang Whites which you call cumskins.
>Doesn't realize he just created a label for a race (a slur at 10th at), a concept which he opened his post by saying didn't exist.

You've got a lot of sorting yourself out to do, amigo.

"10th at" = that*

fucking phone-posting I know...

>There's just no fucking way a diverse modern society is going to stick together if people become aware of racial differences
they are already crumbling...

>there are just 3 races of humans!

KEK you people are retarded. By my own estimates there should be around 3 european races, 12 or more african and a minimum of 4 asian.

>I'm not even trolling when I say that there are some ideas which even scientists should lie about if it improves the greater good. I think such ideas are rare, but race is definitely one of them. There's just no fucking way a diverse modern society is going to stick together if people become aware of racial differences.
First of all, people are aware. A few people are true believers (usually briefly when they're young), but most just feel pressured to give lip service to the lie, and they hate it.

Secondly: policies based on falsehoods consistently generate bad outcomes. For instance, denying racial differences in ability and behavior leads to the argument that differences in achievement and prosecution rates are evidence of persecution, which leads to witch hunts targetting the successful and law-abiding, and cover-up campaigns for the incompetent and criminal, undermining the integrity of society.

Finally: what's good about "diverse modern society" sticking together? Why can't different kinds of people just live in different countries, with well-guarded borders between them? Diversity destroys the trust and harmony that makes society work, turns a country into a mass of feuding tribes.

It was never for the greater good.

Dumb frogposter

Why are intelligent left leaning people so delusional when it comes to social matters? Do they have so little experience on the real world, outside their vividly imaginative minds that they cannot see past their nonsensical utopias?

Sincerely, can someone explain?

Well, here's an idea. Maybe people shouldn't be together in the same place, and everyone can go fuck themselves to their own countries.

Why is forced multiculturalism so high up in a pedestal?

How does sociology reason with the fact that we can tell a persons race and ancestry with a saliva sample?

>reason with the fact

Basically race is what you self identify as. For example, I'm a black man. I look white to those with the privilege but I identify as black. I left my pregnant white girlfriend. Plus I hate cops. And snitches. So it's incontrovertible.

Take your pick: arrogance, smugness, wanting to appear smart and virtuous to their peers, groupthink, ideas over concrete things (while crying "spook!" at ideas they don't like, or non-ironically claiming scientific models don't match up to reality yet their political ideas will).

I pick suicide, who's with me?!

>who's with me?!

Death, certainly.

race is real, society is a racial construct

>Negroes are quite homogeneous.
But that's wrong, retard. What you consider "negroes" actually have more genetic diversity than any other "race," just because you don't know shit about them doesn't mean they're all the same.

It's semantic

The old concepts of race- that groups of people all carry some unique quality immutable from the rest- need to be disregarded for the sake of progress. As in to prevent justification for discrimination.

The thing is race does exist. We have simply renamed the science as population genetics just to keep it alive. Knowing your race allows me to predict the vast majority of the alleles you carry. If you are African, you more than likely have a high turnover rate for xenobiotics. If you are middle eastern, you are likely to carry or express G6PD.

The reason the field needs to be destroyed is because of the risk of justification for racism. Imagine if we found an allele for increased intelligence- and found through population studies that this allele was over represented in certain populations. The truth must be suppressed for the greater good

>3 distinct groups

The tricky thing is where we draw the line that determines that number.

The best way- in my opinion- is to use randomly generated markers to determine. In that case, you only get four populations: east Asian, native American, indo-european and south african. Can't find the citation but this was done back in 2004 I believe

TFW race is merely a reference to people living in a particular region for an extended period of time