Physicists observe 'negative mass'

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FTL travel here we come

>Effective negative mass

As in it has positive mass, but has been subject to conditions whereby it acts as if it has negative mass.

which is all we need

>To create the conditions for negative mass, the researchers used lasers to trap the rubidium atoms and to kick them back and forth, changing the way they spin.
>When the atoms were released from the laser trap, they expanded, with some displaying negative mass.

These two paragraphs, man...

No it isn't. It's like a quasiparticle, it's just normal matter emulating something weird. It won't allow us to break physics in the way a true negative mass would.

I read the paper linked but I'm not sure I fully understand.

Is this a similar phenomenon to negative group velocities?

Fuck off nihilist.

The mass it appears to have when it responds to forces or when with other identical particles in a thermal distribution. So yes.

>"With negative mass, if you push something, it accelerates toward you,"

So did they observe this? What's the bullshit level of this news?

don't get your science knowledge from fake news websites
go to the fucking article and read it

the warp drive is close then

Sounds retarded. If you pushed something with negative mass it would reduce the total mass being moved to complete the action, making it feel lighter than if you were pushing nothing at all.

You could abuse this to reduce the weight of shit in packaging and shit



no this does not violate newtons second law
no this does not violate conservation of momentum
no we did not discover anti gravity
no this doesn't BTFO science
no you cant use this for FTL

I have a degree in physics (that although not allowing me to get a job, allows me to understand shit like this) and some retard communications major on facebook is arguing with me about how we mass effect now. god fucking dammit i hate these people.

>making it feel lighter than if you were pushing nothing at all.
nah. thats zero mass. maybe negative mass means exactly what it means and it acts opposite to something that has a positive mass like moving against gravity or some shit.
but yeah this sounds like total bullshit news

ftl confirmed 200%

Although they say the exact same thing in the journal article you tard

Zero mass doesnt reduce the effective mass of the action user, it just doesnt change it.

Negative mass is literally nrgative energy (which is why this is bs), by putting negative mass in a system you are directly lowering the amount of energy within it. Ie, lifting a box with negative mass would feel like your arms were floating because lower effective gravity.

Has anyone got a link to a readable paper?

Your first sentence didn't make any sense, either from a physical or grammatical point of view.

I understood that they interfered the de Broglie wavelengths from the BEC in a way analogous to creating a negative group velocity.

Wouldnt an object with negative mass just instantly float off into space never to be seen again?

Link is in the news article

I'm interested in exactly how they determined this "negative mass", possibly a quirk like "negative temperature" ?
Did it come out as a result of a statistical analysis, were the atoms observed to accelerate toward the applied force.
I'm not aware of any link between mass and spin so don't understand what's in the news article, but I do have a MSc with superfluids as my research project.


>So did they observe this?
yes, but its not that simple. imagine a box connected to a piston and with a force sensor on top, you configure it such that if you push against the box, the force sensor starts the piston and it moves towards you. Now you can say this box has 'negative effective mass' since using f = ma you get m is negative. offcource the only reason this works is because you ignore a lot of other things. replace piston and force sensor with lasers and thermal distribution, and you get this situation.

Yes but we're not talking about an object, we're talking about a select few individual particles in an experimental setup such as pic related showing a slight effective negative mass.

Nothing he said is nihilistic. You might not like the answer, but what he said is a physical fact.
This negative mass is like an electron hole.

Ah, it has negative mass in one area and infinite mass in another.

why are you here?

Fig 1(a)

It's interesting because negative momentum is required for the formation of supersolids.
There's a nobel prize in it for anyone who can find evidence of them.

>which is all we need
It only acts as if it has negative mass in certain ways, and not the ways you're imagining will be a super big deal.

They set up a system where, if you push on an atom in a certain way, it ends up travelling more against the applied force rather than more with it. Note that "ends up" is important, because this isn't a macroscopic object they can keep a camera on. There's no indication that the *initial* acceleration is against the force.
>He added: "It looks like the rubidium hits an invisible wall."

Basically, they've discovered bouncing.

They aren't pushing the atoms

>not aware of link between mass and spin

What is the bohr magneton?

That's not what that means

Where does it say anything about infinite mass?


The dotted line is effective mass, it has asymptotes at zero and around 0.6

Which is nowhere near the the BEC

It's either side of the negative mass region

Which is nowhere near the BEC

Which doesn't matter

im commander shepard and this is my favorite physicsperg on the Veeky Forumstidel

>I don't understand nihilism

maybe we should give it something to eat

woah so when do we get FTL?

>wanting to understand something without the requisite background knowledge
hang yourself, it'll teach you about momentum and kinetic energy

I've got a degree in physics. Hang yourself for assuming everyone is as stupid as you.

I have a degree in math wow big woop faggot wanna brag about your communications degree next?
You don't have the requisite knowledge to read the paper and are complaining. Either study up or hang yourself.

Of course I have the prerequisite knowledge you fucking sperg. Superfluids was my speciality, try reading the thread before embarrassing yourself like the autist you are.

>i want a readable paper
>>well here you go it's a direct link to the paper
>no i want it to be READABLE
>b-but superfluids were my SPECIALTY wah
woah you're so cool and smart i wonder why you can't just read the paper though seems like you didn't learn much

Readable as in I don't have to sign up for a subscription you autistic freak, one that I can READ by clicking on the link.

I'm just going to leave this here. If you have an IQ above 70 you will figure out how to read the fucking article you troglodyte.

Are you so stupid that you think an abstract is the entire paper?

Kill yourself.

Awesome, IQ below 70. Thanks for playing.

You've clearly no idea what you're linking or what I asked for.
Please don't reply to posts on Veeky Forums in future.

sci-hub hasn't got it. Don't be that guy.

i like this post

we /startrek/ now


kill yourself :)

>m-math degree
>doesn't know what a paper looks like

sounds about right

>ph-physics degree
>can't read

sounds about right

>everyone is out to get me
>i can't possibly be wrong

>i STILL can't read
>i can't possibly be wrong

>yep only one guy disagrees with me
>they're all the same guy

there isn't, you need a sub
ignore the math genius over here he does this a lot

>it's not just me that's retarded, it's all these other guys too!

how big is this news for the science community and what does it mean?

>push particle with negative mass 50 feet eastbound
>it springs back towards you 49.9999 feet westbound
>repeats in a bouncing motion until it hits something or comes to a stop in the original place you pushed it
is this correct?

>we'll just build lightyear long tubes cooled to just below absolute zero with a delicate laser beam pattern and launch our space ships inside those!

No, it would fly off into the sky at -9.8 m/s^2

Since when negative mass breaks physics brainlet?

Negative mass is shit it'll just make the rocket go backwards.
Now, finding away to cheat the universe and reduce the mass of an object might actually be useful.

Thats Jimmy Page you cuck.

Warp drive needs negative mass. I don't how it works but Star Trek shit would be cool.

witen's theory predicts negative lengths like

[math]Op's \ \rho\epsilon\eta\iota s[/math]

Doesn't really mean much to be honest. Its just a system configured to act in a counter-intuitive way. Its more just a flashy headline.

Think of what causes objects to bounce off of eachother. Then remember these inter-molecular forces are acting on an object of negative mass so the mass goes in the opposite diection. Any truly negative mass object would pass into and come to rest inside the hand of whoever pushed on it. Weird to think about. It would, however, follow the geodesics of spacetime in the same way as a positive mass object, assuming it's own mass's magnitude were small enough to not significantly alter the curvature of spacetime around it. So it would respond to gravity in the same way.

It's just like the time a lab created fermions with integer spins and everybody lost their shit, but after one week nobody gave a fuck about it because there's nothing you can really do with it.

When you calm down can you help a brainlet understand what is wrong with the article

Does this mean teleportation?

Not teleportation but it does mean we can create wormholes, allowing travel faster than light.

whats wrong / right about them?

>mail negative mass rubidium bricks every day
>post office pays me

NEETdom here I come.

it's an atomic riptide


I can't wait until we start getting negative mass fat so I can eat all I want and never lose weight.

Thanks for the laugh OP