Teach the user above you about a Veeky Forums topic you learned today

If you cant teach it to someone else, you probably dont really know it

Meningitis is the acute swelling of the protective membrane covering the brain and the spinal cord.
It can be diagnosed by a CT Scan, and MRI but in usual case of Lumbar puncture.
In cases of bacterial meningitis, the patient should be placed in a clean room away from the public in order to avoid risking an epidemic.

Why does this happen in the first place or it's possible causes?

I haven't learned anything today but here's a neat little result about finite groups I learned recently: Given a finite nonabelian group G, the probability that two elements (taken independently and uniformly) in G commute is less than 5/8, or more clearly: [eqn]P = \frac{|\{(x,y) \in G^2, xy = yx\}|}{|G|^2} \le \frac{5}{8}[/eqn]
Here are two different proofs of this, one using the vocabulary of group actions, and one using more specifically the vocabulary of linear representations.
Proof 1: Note that [eqn]|\{(x,y) \in G^2, xy=yx\} | = \sum_{x \in G} |\{y \in G, xy=yx\}| = \sum_{x\in G} \frac{|G|}{|\{yxy^{-1}, y \in G\}|} = |G| |\{\text{conjugacy classes of G}\}|[/eqn]
which is a special case of Burnside's lemma.
From this, we get [math] P = \frac{|\{\text{conjugacy classes of G}\}|}{|G|}[/math]
Now, we write [math]|\{\text{conjugacy classes of G}\}| = |Z(G)| + |\{\text{conjugacy classes of G with two elements or more}\}|[/math]. Now, the class equation tells us that [math] 2 |\{\text{conjugacy classes of G with two elements or more}\}| \le \sum_{c \text{conjugacy class with } |c| \ge 2} |c| = |G| - |Z(G)|[/math]. Hence, putting everything together, we get [math]P \le \frac{|Z(G)|}{2|G|} + \frac{1}{2}[/math]. But, since G is nonabelian, G/Z(G) is not cyclic, hence [math][G:Z(G)] \ge 4[/math] and thus [math]P \le \frac{5}{8}[/math].

If a seq. of holomorphic functions convergence uniformly on compact subsets of an open domain, then their limit is holomorphic.

Proof 2: We still start from the identity [math]P = \dfrac{\{\text{conjugacy classes of G}\}}{|G|}[/math]. Using character theory, we know that the number of conjugacy classes of G is the same as the number of its irreducible complex representations. Now, the irreducible complex representations of G of dimension 1 correspond one-to-one to irreducible complex representations of G/D(G). But G/D(G) is abelian, so the number of irreducible representations of G/D(G) is exactly its cardinal, ie. [G:D(G)]. Hence, we can write [math]P = \dfrac{[G:D(G)] + |\{\text{irreducible representations of G of dimension }\ge 2\}|}{|G|}[/math].
Now, still using character theory, we know that [math]4 |\{\text{irreducible representations of G with dimension }\ge 2\}| \le \sum\limits_{V \text{irreducible representation of G with dimension }\ge 2} (\dim V)^2 = |G| - [G:D(G)][/math].
Putting everything together, we get [math]P \le \frac{3[G:D(G)]}{|G|} + \frac{1}{4}[/math]. Since G is nonabelian, we have [math][G:D(G)] \le \frac{|G|}{2}[/math], and finally [math]P \le \frac{5}{8}[/math]

Vesicles formed at the Cis Golgi network are surrounded by different protiens, which target the vesicles towards different destinations. Coat protein 1, or COPI, is found surrounding vesicles which move in a retrofrade direction, in this case, moving the vesicles contents back towards the endoplasmic reticulum. COPII coated vesicles on the other hand, are moved in an antegrade direction, further through the Golgi complex, eventually reaching the trans Golgi network, and from there being sent to various different organelles such as plastids.

gib l-dopa to people with parkinsons

Bacterial infection is one of the possible causes.

B = μI for wires inside the loop created by B that are perpendicular to the plane of B

Today, I didn't learn anything.

I learned the treatment options for periferal artery disease as well as the ecg signs and treatments for hyperkalemia.

PAD should be treated surgically when there is pain at rest and/or wounds that wont heal. Treatment is by endovascular stent placement in the suprainguinal region and mostly open surgery with bypass in the infrainguinal region.

Hyperkalemia is treated with calcium gluconate, insulin+glucose, b2-agonists and polystyrene sulphate. Eventually hemodialysis may be needed.

Behavior of species follows the idea of extending your lineage, not necessarily for the "Good of the species" but to extend your lineage

Today I learned that cramming a year's worth of nuclear and particle physics in less than a week isnt going to be easy

I learned all of this from watching House lol.

You learn more there than you learn in Grey's Anatomy. Grey's Anatomy is a more realistic depictation of a hospital environment though.

Do doctors die all the time and have sex with each other?

A static method does not require a calling object

The definite integral F'(x)dx on interval [a,b] is equal to F(b)-F(a).


People die all the time and doctors are overworked wagecucks, at least near the start.

I didn't have class today, because yesterday was Easter Sunday. I will report back tomorrow though.

Veeky Forums is a strange place and i love it

I learned that the geometric series can be generalized.

Let [math]T\in \mathcal B (X)[/math] (a continuous operator between the Banachspace X and itself e.g. a matrix)

Then [math]\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}T^k[/math] converges if (among other criteria) [math]\underset{n\rightarrow \infty}{lim}||T^n||= 0[/math]

and [math]\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}T^k=(I-T)^{-1}[/math] and [math](I-T)^{-1}[/math] is also continuous/bounded.

The proof is essentially the same as for the real valued geometric series.

I though that this was really neat.

I learned that despite a lack of individual merit, historic achievement, basic human function or adequate IQ - indians are in fact masterrace and will be a superpower tomorrow evening.
