What is the science behind spirals in nature?

What is the science behind spirals in nature?

Why do newage and popsci fags talk about muh spirals all the time? Is there something mystical about it?

Do you think there is something deeper hidden behind this pattern?Is there a pattern at all?

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My step moms heroin abuse is spiralling her life into an abyss of toxicity.

Something something surface area something something volume.

I suppose 'something mystical' in other words is that they look pleasing to the human eye

But why? Why are they everywhere?

>having an mega-ignorant mom
There are cures for that. Give her an eighth or mushrooms you grew and blessed and talk to her

Can we talk about scientific stuff about spirals in nature? Why do they appear in everything? Shoudlnt people research them more since they indicate that they are the important part of our reality

What is 'everywhere'
If you look out for, say, the number three, somewhere, you'll find it everywhere

There surely is more literature on the topic, that it often occurs in nature blah blah but want do you want to hear? Are you fascinated by spirals and come to this place for other people to tell you 'scientific stuff' about them?

So in other words you dont know shit or any kind of explanation?

Nothing, it's mostly because LSD can often make you see spiral formations. Most normal people have no creative mind whatsoever and drug induced hallucination represent the entirety of their original 'deep' thought, so they take things like spirals and eyes to be significant.

Arent they? I mean spiraling galaxies and fucking flowers or animals make some big fucking difference.

I think it is nature's way to grow.

The spirals you see represent scaling

They are spiral shaped because they grow towards the sun and/or moon on a rotating disk/sphere/planet

Fibonacci curve
Golden spiral
Golden ratio

>unfathomable number of things in this universe, at a ridiculously large range of scales
>some things are spirals
>this is somehow surprising

if there was such a basic pattern (like a spiral) that was found NOWHERE in nature - then I'd get suspicious.

Using modeling clay, make a slender, long cone and wrap it like the chameleon's tail.


Reality is fractal and maybe spirals help people visualize this seemingly infinite structure

>What is the science behind spirals in nature?
If you rotate something and at the same time decrease the radius you get a spiral, this happens often in nature.
>Why do newage and popsci fags talk about muh spirals all the time?
I wouldn't know, it is just a nice meme to sound smart I guess.
>Is there something mystical about it?
>Do you think there is something deeper hidden behind this pattern?
If you mean by "deeper meaning" pseudoscience bullshit then no. If you mean legitimate scientific research then certainly yes.
>Is there a pattern at all?
Definitely, at least mathematically.


>do you think there is something deeper
Probably something to do with information and order-parameters. Idk im not a mathfag I'm an ecology philosopher.
Yes it is an obvious pattern
I know Fibonacci spirals show up in plant communities maximizing aerial productivity.
>something mystical
Anything can be mystical, mystical experiences are subjective. Mystical experiences are synesthesia where symbolic meaning is sensed instead of abstracted and remembered. That's what I interpreted from my mystical expernieces anyways. My experience was naturalistic and could be rationalized btw

You sound like one of those DMT-smoking faggots

unga, me do math
unga, no share findings
unga, no big picture
unga, only dunga look for big picture

Spirals occur cause they are efficient patterns in the development of various biological structures. Evolution likey the spiral.

>>principle of parsimony


Do spirals have a beginning or an end?


Ignoring OP's 'mystical' bullshit, does the golden rotation have some property that causes it to appear in nature so frequently?

Those two things are unrelated and caused by entirely different phenomenon. So I'm guessing that user was right and you really are just high, eh?

You can see circles, squares, rhombuses or faces everywhere if that's what you are looking for.

It doesn't though, you could say exponential growth is the most prevalent pattern in the universe. You can find any pattern all over the place if you so choose.

Phi, I think, represents the formula for the most stable elongated structure for natural purposes. Too disk-like, and the structure would likely be too rigid. Too elongated, and the structure would likely be too fragile. It doesn't surprise me that a lot of organisms use that ratio in their biology if it makes sense, evolutionarily, to do so. It does seem strange that this is one of the few things many many organisms have in common.

It also compressed information. You don't need need a plan for the entire organism, you just need to say "build outward in this way"

too much acid desu is the main reason with fractal and spiral obsession

Hurr what are logarithms

That's funny, none of the spirals in the OP are golden spirals.


I like how the ear only matches the golden spiral for like half a turn and shell doesn't match it at all yet someone still superimposed it over both.

What the fuck are you talking about, I've never taken a "psychedelic" substance. You wouldn't believe what I see in my mind; I believe it to be called being human with a concious mind and an imagination or something I think.


read my scifu's paper for your answers

yall are dumb. read the paper too

the only sensible answer in this extremely dissapointing thread.
i thought you were cerebral, Veeky Forums, maybe you should hang out more on Veeky Forums.

Fibonacci in Nature

This is the only reason I can think of, as far as normies are concerned that is. A lot of popsci fags are into the "Nerdy science is fucking awesome xD" culture which means being interested in surface level video games and anime. TTGL is one such example.


>the human ear is a spiral
it fails to be a spiral in the most fundamental way. There's nothing going around and around the hole getting closer and closer as it goes around.

>I am enlightened by my own DMT
>tips fedora

No. It's for fooling fools. And it's pretty clear since they just bla bla bla and show overlapping pics. One gets fooled by not asking questions and just taking it in, so good for you.

On the other hand, curiosity is the first step into getting foo-I mean I mean convinced...

> something resembles that spiral

-Look! Another example! Wow, it's everywhere, right??

> something doesn't look at all like it

"Note to one self: put this where nobody can find it while I'm giving this TED Talk"


It's such a cost effective way to grow.
