Michael from Vsauce is a brainlet

>Michael from Vsauce is a brainlet

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He is, he recites wikipedia articles to sound smart, half his bullshit isn't confirmed and he's just there so that high-school kids watch his videos and act smart amongst their sub 100 IQ friends.

Yes, i generally think the same.

But even if he just recites wikipedia or some other source with no internal testing mechanism. Hes still probably smarter than many people. Sadly.

>t.butthurt jellyfags

didn't he graduate with honours as far as i remember?

At least he tries to divulgate knowledge, I don't care if he's smart or not. Of course there are many youtubers that explain things better than him and actually know what they are talking about, but Michael being popular isn't bad. Take "I fucking love science", a facebook page supposedly dedicated to divulgate science, while actually most of the content is trash. Compared to this Vsauce is awesome.

>Some guy makes fun videos that get teenagers interested in learning science and math

>Veeky Forums shits all over him

Every single time.

He's more knowledgeable, not smarter, there is a big difference.

here's your (you)

We love numberpedo tho

he doesnt do it to sound smart, he does it because he's literally like a teacher.
he likes that feeling you get when someone feels that same mind blow that you get when you learn something new that you're interested about
he just talks about interesting things because they're interesting

How do you figure? Why don't you cite some specific examples?

I want to fuck Michael

Nobody watches vsauce to become smart, they watch it for cool ideas and weird ways of looking at things, and random facts

It's light entertainment, you're attacking something because it's not X, but nobody claims it's X...

He is smarter than everyone on this board, excluding myself, of course. He is a brainlet compared to me, tho.

if you wanna see how cringe this guy is watch the sauce h3h3 podcast episode

>saying that being knowledgeable and being smart are different.

Let me guess being smart is genetic then... or knowing anything other then math isn't being smart.

Sure he doesn't have the knowledge a lot of actual scientists might have from years of school, training, and publishing papers, but he gets to make a living talking pseudo science and inspiring others to think more...let's face it, the world needs more people who can think.

>tfw Mathologer
ok pleb

Michael is awesome. You are just ass mad for some reason.
If you go into his videos expecting him or his content to be that of geniuses then you are just retarded. They are fun videos that get kids and teenagers thinking.

>Matt Parker on Numberphile isn't

mathologer is great

>from vsauce
michael :is: vsauce, isn't he? i mean, michael made the vsauce channel on youtube, no?

if not, what other yt personalities are there on "vsauce"? he is the only one i've ever heard of

I think this is the first time since the birth of this board that I refreshed it 20 times and no one posted anything new.

Well, goodbye internet. It was nice knowing you.

Still stuck in the stone age I see.

>the recommended videos
I haven't keked so hard in years

Michael started Vsauce. However, other youtubers with a similar philosophy post videos under the "vsauce" name (vsauce2 and vsauce3) and the often do videos together too.

Original vsauce is easily the best, though.

You guys are plebs. Michael is obviously smart, he makes and edits his videos very well - the timing and choice of music and phrasing etc, a stupid person can't do this. Also articulate, not ot mention he has to understand the concepts that he is talking about which obv takes brain. Even has said that he enjoys math as a hobby

Not even a big fan but stating the obvious here

His videos are boring as fuck.

>Veeky Forums
>it's cool to hate everything people like