What happened in the last 10000 years to our species that made civilization possible?

What happened in the last 10000 years to our species that made civilization possible?

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magic mushrooms

both of these

Civilization was already possible. Listen to Joe Rogan podcast episode 879 with Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson.

Archeological evidence of a fucking comet destroying the world and causing the last ice age. Some really good shit.

About 70,000 years ago the cognitive revolution happened and homo sapiens started thinking more deeply than their contemporaries

Then there was the agricultural revolution, everyone was a farmer, farming community, farming economy

Then after that, you can blame imperialist and capitalist ideology

Warmer climates, for one thing.


It's got me reading a lot into this shit. Joe doesn't contribute much but the theories proposed are quite fascinating.

What you're referring to is known as the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis. Among those in the field of planetary science, its regarded as a bit of a joke. Literally the only people in the community still in support of it are the same people that put it out there to begin with.

I realize appeal to authority isn't appreciated on Veeky Forums, but the evidence just isn't there.

Hmm, probably this. The last Ice Age selected the smartest humans and ended circa ten thousand years ago allowing humans to use their overrefined intelligence on a much resourceful environment. What are the counterarguments to that?

>regarded as a bit of a joke.
>I realize appeal to authority isn't appreciated on Veeky Forums, but the evidence just isn't there

this applies to magic mushrooms and any other variations of Stoned Ape theory, too

Yeah, but I'm a physics/planetary science major myself so I just felt obligated to reply to that in particular.

Also because my astrophysicist friend has a hard-on for it.

Stoned ape theory, that's a good one! I believe! Then again "civilization" is really just the art of human domestication and looking around at religion today and through recent history, there is a huge price to pay along with the benefits. Parasitic humans like the priest class, or ignorance bringing about populations booms through the cult building - breeding protocols and ensuing plagues like black Death. Looks like we are over due again and the only thing delaying that is modern medicine.

>About 70,000 years ago
I think it was Red Queen theory of evolution where I read that brain size became part of the natural selection criteria by the female so craniums started to get bigger. they only stopped because of the limiting size of the female cervix, if it was any bigger the female couldn't walk properly. I have always been turned on by a big gap on a female myself.

Graham goes into much detail as to how it's regarded as a joke amongst the established dogma. Randall backs it up with actual evidence. I don't take "consensus" at face value anymore than I take politicians for their word. Not stating any shit about redpills here or anything but dismissing things so easily is the exact reason I've taken a liking to these two.
Each podcast they show up on they've got more and more evidence and it's something worth looking into given that a comet could easily blow us the fuck out before we realize it's even near.

I don't think that last bit is true..

Other species of hominids (thinking of Neanderthals here) had significantly larger skulls. I'm thinking their brains were probably larger than ours, too. But a higher brain mass doesn't necessarily correlate with increased intelligence


Agriculture, animal husbandry, big populations

Honestly happy with you looking into it this much.

I wouldn't have the same confidence in the consensus if it wasn't for one of my professors. I know him personally to be brutal when it comes to intellectual honesty with himself and others, and it had been something that he had researched for a while.

I'll admit to needing to look more into it yourself. But hey, just for you,


Textbook on shock-metamorphism and impact structures.

Thank you for that. While their argument and (primarily Randall's) research is extremely compelling to me, I don't take their word as god either, gonna take a look more into counter arguments as well.

Actually the theory touched on that too. Neanderthal had a thicker and larger cranium but the problem might have been with the thickness. The brain like most organs is trying to cleanse itself all the time and toxins, heavy metals or other pollution is vibrated out, down towards the spinal column where it does less harm. This is done with speech - grunting or music, noise maybe and the thinner skull is more efficient...something along those lines but it's all theory. Red Queen is interesting and changed how I viewed evolution. The classical view with vestigial religious roots is that we are constantly evolving up to a higher plane but evolution doesn't even happen without some pressure to do so as living fossils imply, and much more...it's an evolving theory.

gorrilla posting

There is a bit of survivor bias in this question. We would not be questioning why civilization started ~10000 years ago if it did not happen.

The cultivation of various crops occurred independently and in many places as did the domestication of the llama and sheep/goats. In a few areas these domesticated crops and cattle allowed dense populations and this occurred after the ice age. You could speculate it was very difficult to do so during the ice age and when the climate changed the fertile crescent became productive. The first farmers then selectively bred crops and cattle and innovated allowing it to spread further and withstand further change.

The migration out of Africa could not have happened if humans lacked the ability to adapt and survive in all the new environments they encountered. Something happened in our evolutionary history after we split off from the Neanderthals. After then it was a matter of time.


>What happened in the last 10000 years to our species that made civilization possible?

We discovered God.

sucks that we still need this myth



dubs confirm. kekism is the truth.

Neolithic Revolution