Why is there not a search for a grand unified theory of mathematics

like there is for physics

there was they called it "hilberts program"

you don't hear about that anymore though?

it failed

A modern mathematical "universe" is built from the ground up, not reduced to a set of laws. The foundational axioms of that universe ARE the grand unified theorem.


That cheeky cunt. He trolled everyone then killed himself. Obviously /our guy/.

>killed himself.

That's a funny way of saying "he starved to death because he was too autistic to eat anything not made be his wife"

Potato potato. He's still our guy

you can't have a "theory" of an artificial construct in the same way that you can have a theory of natural phenomena. basically what said.

It's called category theory.

All mathematical concepts are Kan extensions.

Can all categoryfags be banned already?

>he doesnt know about IUTT

For any set of axioms, anything that can be derived from using those axioms is true within the context of math of those axioms.

There it is, that's all there is to math. But most useful math will give the same answer whether it was derived one way or another, so you may want to make it stronger by also requiring the axioms to never contradict each other, or for one axiom to have precedence.

>tfw too intelligent to eat

>the search for a consistent set of axioms

>making fun of a guy that dedicated to homecooking

Because chemistry > physics > astronomy > arhitecture > programming > maths

Anyone who ever tells you that math is at the top of the foodchain is a butthurt /a/utistic faggot that realized his invention is more imaginary than cyberspace, so he has to hide that fact by screeching as loudly as possible like your typical /a/utist who thinks anime is superior to everything.

Physics describes a single universe; mathematics describes an infinite amount of universes of one's own creation, and only some of those universes have applications in our own

There is no grand unified theory in a reductionist sense, the closet thing to unfying various ideas would probably be category theory?

